
115 views 9:22 am 0 Comments March 23, 2023

Keep in mind with that any programme you use, you need to be able to submit all at least all of the text-based elements as a file type that is able to be checked by the plagiarism detection software. For example, .doc, .pdf, .ppt. Submitting your journal all as one image or as an entire webpage will not work. If you submit something that cannot be checked, you will be asked to submit in a format that can be.
Use a programme that allows you to present photos, videos, audio and text seamlessly. You can use Powerpoint. We suggest Padlet:
If using Padlet: IIII Save your Padlet as a PDF. © Submit the PDF file with a link to the Padlet (and a password if necessary). (Note: saving the Padlet as a pdf will mess up the formatting – don’t worry, we will be assessing the Padlet at the online link, we just need the PDF so it can be checked for plagiarism).
Help out your peers! Post on the Assessment 3 discussion board if you find another programme that does an excellent job with this task.
The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task: