167 views 8:11 am 0 Comments May 1, 2023

Use the essays “The Key to Political Persuasion,” “Six Ways to Win Any Argument,” and “How to
Stop Arguing and Actually Change Someone’s Mind on Social Media” as models/inspiration to
analyze the science behind different strategies that people use to debate, promote, inform, report, or
campaign for a specific political issue (including hot button social issues like gay marriage, sexual
harassment, transgender rights, institutional racism and the judicial system, dealing with COVID,
teaching critical race theory, etc.)
Option 2a.
Choose a specific socio-political issue (see above for examples) and analyze the science behind the strategies
that many people use when they are debating, promoting, informing, reporting, or campaigning based on this
issue and how this affects the culture/country.
Option 2b.
Choose a specific news organization or political group and analyze the science behind the strategies they use to
debate, promote, inform, report, or campaign based on a specific political issue and how this affects the
culture/country (e.g. looking at issues with political polarization, mis-information, racism, sexism, homophobia,
transphobia, etc. related to the way this organization or political group communicates).