Planning Document Rubric

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Assessment 2: Planning Document Rubric

Criteria Ratings
Outstanding Excellent Good Adequate Unsatisfactory
Demonstrates the
ability to plan a
quantitative research
study to answer a
specific research
(Max 15 points)
13 – 15 points 12.5 – 11.5 points 10 – 11 points 7.5 – 9.5 points 1 – 7 points
Interesting and novel
research question
developed. Research
question clearly relates to
the critical evaluation of
current literature.
Proposal has a clear
aim(s) and hypothesis(es)
underpinned by the
Interesting research
question developed.
Relevant literature
described with evidence
of some critical
evaluation of the current
literature. Aims and
hypothesis stated with
clear links to the
Suitable research
question developed.
Relevant related
literature described. Aims
and hypothesis stated,
with some links to the
available literature.
Suitable research
question stated. Provides
a general discussion of
relevant literature. Aims
and hypotheses stated
but not clearly situated
within the context of the
Suitable research
question not identified.
No clear aims and
hypothesis. Poor
consideration of
supporting literature.
Describes and critically
evaluates the
methodology of the
proposed study.
(Max 15 points)
13 – 15 points 12.5 – 11.5 points 10 – 11 points 7.5 – 9.5 points 1 – 7 points
Proposed quantitative
methods are appropriate
to answer the question(s).
Very clear justification of
the suitability of this
method. Instruments and
sampling procedure
clearly defined with
sufficient information to
allow for replication.
Critical evaluation of the
Proposed quantitative
methods are appropriate
to answer the question(s).
Clear justification of the
suitability of this method.
Instruments and sampling
procedure clearly
defined. Some evidence
of critical evaluation of
the method.
Proposed quantitative
methods are appropriate
to answer the question(s).
Some justification for the
research design.
Instruments and sampling
described. Emerging
evidence of critical
evaluation of the method.
Proposed quantitative
methods are appropriate
to answer the question(s).
Instruments and sampling
Proposed quantitative
research methods are not
appropriate to answer the
research question(s). No
justification for the
research design. Types of
measurement and
sampling not defined.
Selects and justifies the
correct statistical analysis
for the research
(Max 15 points)
13 – 15 points 12.5 – 11.5 points 10 – 11 points 7.5 – 9.5 points 1 – 7 points
identification of
appropriate and correct
statistical analyses
identified with
justification for their use.
Includes consideration of
potential confounding
variables. Clearly
Correct identification of
appropriate and correct
statistical analyses
identified with
justification for their use.
Clearly describes how the
data can be used within
the analysis to answer the
research question(s).
Correct statistical analysis
identified to address main
question. Additional
consideration of other
analysis that could help
the reader’s
understanding of the
sample and data.
Describes how the data
Correct statistical analysis
identified to address the
main question. States
how the data can be used
to address the research
question(s). Includes
template of how most
results would be
Incorrect statistical
analysis identified OR
correct analysis identified
but does not link this
clearly with the research
question or data. Limited
or no template of how
results would be


describes how the data
can be used within the
analysis to answer the
research question(s).
Consistently reports
accurate template of how
the results would be
Includes template of how
the results would be
reported. Some minor
formatting errors.
can be used to address
the research question(s).
Includes template of how
the results would be
reported. Several
different minor
formatting errors.
reported. Errors in
reported. Frequent errors
in formatting.
Identifies limitations and
evaluates future avenues
for associated research.
(Max 10 points)
8.5 – 10 points 7.5 – 8 points 6.5 – 7 points 5 – 6 points 1 – 4 points
Identifies limitations of
the current study. Well
justified suggestions for
future research building
upon knowledge gained
from the current study.
Limitations and
suggestions supported by
reference to high-quality
Recognises limitations.
Suggestions for future
research that builds upon
the knowledge that will
be gained from the
research proposal.
Supported by high-quality
Recognises some
limitations. Suggestions
for future research build
upon the knowledge that
will be gained from the
study within research
Identifies some
limitations. May not be
clearly linked with the
method and/or analysis.
Suggestions made for
future research.
Limitations not identified.
No suggestions for future
The protocol for the
study is well
communicated, with
accurate spelling and
grammar and the most
recent APA reference
(Max 5 points)
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 0 – 1 points
Consistently uses
references relevant to the
topic, recently published,
and of high quality, to
inform the discussion.
Format is very well
presented and clearly
structured. Presents a
highly cohesive discussion
that is well organised and
follows a logical
sequence. Language is
formal. Use of
appropriate grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
All references
documented in the article
are presented in a
Format is well presented
and clearly structured.
Presents a cohesive
discussion that is
organised and follows a
logical sequence. Use of
appropriate grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
Mainly uses references
relevant to the topic,
recently published, and of
high quality, to inform the
discussion. All references
documented in the article
are presented in a
reference list. Reference
list and citations
Overall format is clear
with use of appropriate
formatting tools.
Discussion follows a
general sequence,
however, tends to
meander in sections or is
not concise. Minimal
mistakes in grammar,
punctuation and/or
spelling. Includes
references relevant to the
topic and recently
published. Some use of
high-quality references to
inform the discussion.
Citations within text and
in corresponding
Some use of formatting
tools to organise the
document. Discussion
does not always follow a
logical sequence which
sometimes impacts on
readability. Informal
language and some
mistakes in grammar,
punctuation and/or
spelling. Uses references
related to the topic.
Includes some recent and
quality references. Most
references documented
in the article are
presented in a reference
list. A number of APA7
Presents little structure in
writing. Discussion is hard
to follow. Pervasive
mistakes in grammar,
punctuation and/or
spelling. Limited or no use
of relevant and recent
references. References
are poor quality. Frequent
APA7 errors in reference
list and/or citations.


reference list. Reference
list and citations
consistently presented
using APA 7.
presented with minor
APA 7 errors.
reference list were
included with several
different minor APA7
formatting errors.
errors in reference list
and citations.