
183 views 8:56 am 0 Comments August 18, 2023

Further Instructions: Read carefully, failure to follow requirements will result in deductions. 



Be sure to include the case name, citation and date in the heading.

Cover pages are not required. If used they do not count toward page requirements.

The case essay should be a minimum or fiver (5) pages and, if necessary, up to seven (7).

Consider the following as a guidelines: (1) FACTS, 1 page; (2) ISSUE, ¼ page (one sentence is best); (3) RULES, ¾ page, two paragraphs; (4) ANALYSIS, two pages, or more as necessary; (5) CONCLUSION, ½ page; (6) OPINION, ½ page (Total is approx. 5 -7pages.)

You will be marked down if the essay is significantly shorter than 5 or longer than 7 pages.

Double space and type the paper.

Do not double space spaces, put headings on a separate line, use unusual margins or fonts and other “tactics” that significantly alter length. I will notice and calculate the true length accordingly, and make an appropriate deduction.

Plagiarism is a direct quotation of a source without attribution. Plagiarism is also the paraphrase of a source using minor variations of language, while retaining the structure, syntax and significant phrasing, without attribution of the source. Any plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment.

Do not quote the court excessively as filler. Some quotation is permitted, but do not let it get out of hand. It should be reserved for memorable or pithy comments, or particularly compelling logic or phrasing. A single sentence may be quoted in the text inside quotation marks “…” to tell the reader these are the court’s words. Longer quotes, if appropriate, should be single spaced and set off in a separate paragraph with indented margins. Only a minimal amount of such quotation is allowed without deduction.

Don’t forget to express your opinion of the court’s decision.


Grading Policy:  A papers start with 100 points and then will suffer deductions for various deficiencies.

Major deficiencies which may cause deduction are; failure to follow the format; leaving out one of the required elements, incorrect or garbled statement of facts, failure to determine the issue or an incorrect or confused explanation of the analysis or conclusion

Other deficiencies which may result in a lesser deduction are such problems as incorrect word choice, poor writing, technical errors, failure to poof the text and confused syntax.

Late papers are subject to a deduction of 5 points for each day (Plan ahead for technical computer problems. I am suspicious of printers that only fail to print on the day the assignment is due. There is a computer lab on campus and you can easily put your paper on a USB device and take it there for printing on time. (Test your printer beforehand – you should not be surprised by its “sudden” demise.)



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