Personalised Learning

89 views 6:53 am 0 Comments April 13, 2023

Assessment Breakdown Assessment 1 Part A – Reflective Journal

Starting from week one, you will keep a weekly journal of what is discussed, what skills are learnt from each session and what you can do to further improve on and develop these skills. Students will be provided with a template, made available on Blackboard, on which to record journal entries. This journal will be submitted, via Blackboard, for formative feedback at the end of week eight. This feedback will provide you with the opportunity to improve your work before final submission in week 16.

Assessment 1 Part B and C – Personalised Learning and Development Plan

This assessment will take place in weeks 11, 13, and 14. Students will formatively submit, via Blackboard, a written Personal and Academic Development Plan in week 11 on which there will be an opportunity to obtain feedback. They will then have a recorded Interview with their tutor in weeks 13/14; this will be a discussion of their academic and personal development. Students must bring their completed reflective journal and personal learning and development plan to this interview for discussion. The reflective journal and personal learning and development plan must be submitted, via Blackboard, at the end of week 16.

Part B – Personal Learning and Development Plan

Students will be required to write a personal learning and development plan; this plan is a process of self-analysis, personal reflection and honest appraisal of your current strengths and areas that need to be improved and developed with time. This should enable you to evaluate the value of the skills developed throughout this module and others during the semester, and to focus on the development of skills required for level 4.

A PDP has three stages:

Stage 1 – Analysis. The first stage is designed to analyse your strengths and weaknesses and consider your learning needs. You will be able to draw from the skills developed during your first semester at university as well as activities that you are involved in outside of university. These should be supplemented by the perceived opportunities that will have been derived from your experience and any possible threats to your continued success

Stage 2 – Setting SMART Goals. This involves setting new and clearly definable goals for yourself that are realistic, achievable and measurable.

Stage 3 – Personal Objectives. This involves setting out your personal objectives which could look ahead to the long term, and your objectives after completion of your university studies.