Personal and Professional Development

138 views 9:26 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

Module Specification

Module Title: Personal and Professional Development 1

Module Description:

This module develops students’ higher education academic skills which underpin the academic requirements of all other modules on the FdA Business and Management. Students begin to explore reflective writing as a means to evaluate their transferable and employability skills development.

Module Code



Credit Value


Module Status





Module Aim:

Students will develop skills associated with becoming a higher educational student in business management. They will be introduced to models of reflection, so that they can reflect on their personal development in terms of becoming a higher education student and the development of transferable /employability sector skills they are gaining through the course.

Module Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Identify and demonstrate the skills of a higher education student.

LO2 Apply a model of goal setting and reflection to analyse personal and professional development.

LO3 Evaluate problem solving and decision making techniques to aspects of their personal/professional development.

LO4 Reflect on the development of transferable skills through the business management programme.

Module Skills:

Examine the nature of organisations across business sectors

Understand the nature and importance of transferable skills and qualities necessary for employment in a range of business sectors

Develop effective team-working skills

Consider how to improve their own learning and performance

Retrieve, sift and select information from a variety of sources using information technology and other methods.

Organise and complete a professional development portfolio of evidence of activities.

Assessment Methods:

Students will have a variety of learning experiences which could include: team work; project management; development of ICT skills, including the use of Office software; the use of reflective tools e.g. blogs and presentation experiences to develop the students’ communication skills.

Students will be formatively assessed within the classroom via group activities and assessment workshops.

Students will also have the opportunity to access summative tutorial support on a group or individual basis to discuss the progress of their work.

There will be links to the development of employability skills.

Assessment Type

Specific requirements (e.g.. word count)

Learning Outcomes being assessed

Weighting % of final mark

Reflective Report

1000 words



PPD and Action Plan

3000 words

LOs 2, 3, 4


Module Specific Academic Regulations

Is this module compensatable?


Modules for which this module is a pre-requisite


Identify any Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body requirements:

Not Applicable

Module Leader:

Name: David Mwaura

Email:[email protected]

Module Support Staff

Name: Shunaza Khan

Email: [email protected]

Name: Aishwarya Tiku

Email: [email protected]

External Examiner



Module Information

Indicative Content


The students will be introduced to the range of skills expected of a higher education student; this will include: use of technology to discuss and present ideas, and consideration of formal writing styles expected e.g. essay and report structure; the use of the 3rd person; the importance of correct spelling and grammatical expression; academic research; the use of books, journals and the internet for research and the use of the Harvard convention of referencing.

Students will explore the different models of reflection and will use a model for their reflections of significant incidents during the course.

Students will be encouraged to identify and reflect on the development of their academic, personal and professional skills and to recognise the latter’s value in a professional context.

Mode of delivery / contact hours

Identify the mode of delivery and nominal contact hours for each mode of delivery



Full time


Part time


Teaching and Learning Strategy

There will be a formal delivery of sessions to introduce the students to HE writing and research skills, along with models of reflection. Workshops will provide an opportunity to practice academic research, note writing and essay writing.

To reinforce these concepts, delivery will include group work tasks to provide the opportunity for the students to apply theory to practice. Self and peer formative assessment will be an essential part of the learning experience.

Tutorial either one to one or via Scips will be provided to support the students.

Additional materials will also be provided via the College virtual learning environment, LSC Student Portal.

Learning Opportunities

Students will have a variety of learning experiences which could include: team work; project management; development of ICT skills, including the use of Office software; the use of reflective tools e.g. blogs and presentation experiences to develop the students’ communication skills.

Students will be formatively assessed within the classroom via group activities and assessment workshops.

Students will also have the opportunity to access tutorial support on a group or individual basis to discuss the progress of their work.

There will be links to the development of employability skills.

Reading List

E Learning Resources


BBC Educational site

Government website on education

Kent University – employability skills

Office for the Standards in Education

Sector Skills Council

Times Educational Supplement

Essential Reading

Background Reading

Cottrell, S. 2010 Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook. 2nd. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hind, D. W. G., and Moss, S., 2011 Employability Skills. 2nd ed. London: Business Education Publishers Ltd.

Mullins, L. J. 2010 Management and Organisational Behaviour. 9th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Bedford, D. (2006) Study Skills for Foundation Degrees. London: David Fulton.

Capon, C. (2009) Understanding Organisational Context. 3rd ed. FT/ Prentice Hall

Copus, J. (2009) Brilliant writing tips for students. London: Palgrave MacMillan. (Pocket Study Skills).

Godwin, J. (2009) Planning your essay: London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Pocket Study Skills).

Robbins, S.P. (2005) Essentials of Organizational Behaviour. 8th (International) ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Peck, J. (2005) The Student’s Guide to Writing: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Other resource needs essential for delivery of this module: None

Modification Version Control

Module Type


Y / N


Y / N

Course Specific

Y/ N

Stand Alone

Y/ N

Date of first approval

Date of last modification

Current version number

Details of modification made to module

Date of modification

Nature of modification

Relevant course leaders informed