Perform some basic filtering of a data set

87 views 8:27 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

DTSC660: Data and Database Management with SQL
Module 2
Assignment 2
For this assignment, you have been asked to perform some basic filtering of a data set that was
scraped from Github. The goal is to better understand the Github data and to practice the
various querying techniques learned in Module 2. Note that many, but not necessarily all, of the
tools you learned in Module 2 will be applied in this assignment.To complete this assignment,
download and import the dataset and then create queries that respond to each prompt. Please
make sure that you only use postgres language conventions.
Each question is all or nothing.
Graders will not attempt to correct or interpret malformed SQL queries.
You will be
responsible for testing your code on the provided data set before submission. The question will
be graded based on whether or not it generates the correct output. Extraneous columns will not
count against you.
You will submit a total of 1 sql files. Each file must use the postgres standards taught in the
course. Use of other flavors of SQL such as T-SQL will result in an automatic 0 for the
assignment. Do not submit files as archives (ZIP) files.
File 1: You must submit a SQL document called <LastName>_Assignment2. This
document must include ALL queries requested in the instructions below.
● You will submit the file to the Assignment 2 folder.
As in the practice assignments you will be querying a large dataset to gather insights about that
data. The data set you will be working with is scraped data from Github about topics of
discussion on the site, the users who have created those topics, and how popular the topics are
based on their “star” count.
Repo: Short for repository, think of this as a single discussion thread in a discussion board.
Topic: An organization of repository discussions. Similar to a discussion board.
Rep link: A unique URL that identifies where the code repository is located.
Star Count: Stars are similar to likes, the more stars the more popular the topic.

PART 1 Creating the Table and Importing the Data
1. In the assignment 2 folder, download the github_data.csv file
2. Place this file in a public folder on your computer
3. Take note of the path to this file (copy the path)
4. In the assignment 2 folder, copy and paste the SQL commands into the query tool from
Github Table Creation and Importing page. (The database you choose to put this
in is up to you).
5. Update the pasted code with the path to the github_data.csv file that you took note of in
step 3.
6. Run the commands and this should create the table and import the github data.
7. Run a basic select statement that verifies the data is present and matches what is in the
csv file.
Part 2 (Queries)
This is the part you will be graded on. To complete this part, download the
assignment_2_template.sql file from the assignment 2 folder. Rename this file using the naming
convention: <LastName>_Assignment2. Complete each query in the identified space in this
document. Once you are done, submit the document to the Assignment 2 folder.
Please note that some questions are intentionally vague. It is encouraged that if you have
questions or difficulties interpreting the requests that you utilize the forum to gain clarity.
Remember that you will not be penalized for extraneous columns, but you will be for extraneous
rows (data). There may be multiple correct ways to solve some queries.
1. Write a query that returns all data for the github table
2. Write a query that returns a list of the topics on github (no duplicates)
3. Write a query that returns the repo name and star count from largest to smallest
4. Write a query that returns a list of topics in alphabetical order (no duplicates)
5. Write a query that returns all repo names that have a star count greater than 2000
6. Write a query that returns all repo names that have a star count greater than 3000 and
are in the 3d topic
7. Write a query that returns all repo names that are in the aws, azure, or chrome topics
and that have a star count less than 1000
8. Write a query returning the user name, repo name, and repo link where the link contains
‘ext’ (note this is NOT case sensitive)
9. Write a query that returns all chrome topics whose star count is larger than 5000
10. Write a query that returns all the username and respective repo name where the star
count is greater than 1000 and less than 15000
11. Write a query that returns an alphabetical list of usernames who have repos with star
counts of higher than 15000 (no duplicates)

12. Write a query that returns a list of usernames that start with ‘Add’ or end with ‘on’ (Note
this IS case sensitive). (no Duplicates)
13. Write a query that returns an alphabetical list of topics that have at least one repo with a
star count greater than 100,000 (no duplicates)
14. Write a query that returns a list of topics that contain null star counts (if any exist)
(duplicates allowed)
15. Write a query that returns a list of topics, usernames, and star_counts if the start count is
at least 100,000 but no more than 200,000 and whose topic starts with ‘a’
*******************************GRADING RUBRIC ON NEXT PAGE*********************************
This assignment will be graded on the following rubric. Remember that questions are ALL OR
NOTHING. Incorrect syntax or extraneous results will result in loss of points for that question.
Graders will NOT attempt to correct malformed sql code. :

Question Number Points
1 2
2 2
3 3
4 3
5 5
6 5
7 5
8 5
9 10
10 10
11 10
12 10
13 15
14 5
15 10
Total 100