Researcher: |
Research Title
Invitation Paragraph
You are invited to participate in this study. However, before deciding to take part, it is essential that you read and understand both the reasoning for this study that is being conducted and what it entails. Therefore, please allow time to read the information carefully. If there are any questions that you wish to ask, please feel free.
To confirm, you DO NOT have to participate in this study if you do not wish to. Nevertheless, if you do decide to take part you can withdraw at any time without providing a reason.
The Study
Researcher Introduction
What is the purpose of the study?
Why have I been chosen?
Do I have to take part?
What will I have to do if I take part?
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
What are the possible disadvantages and/or risks of taking part?
What happens when the research study stops?
What if something goes wrong?
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
What will happen to the results of the research study?
Who is organising and funding the research?
Who has reviewed the study?
What if I want to find out more or have a complaint about the research?