Participant information

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Participant information
Participant 1
Name: Richard Varghese
Lastname: Joseph
Nickname: NA
Age: 29
Bachelor Degree: Bachelor of Tourism Administration
Master Degree: Master of Toursim Administration
General Background: From a city called Gulbarga which is in Karnataka, India
Health Goals: To lose weight, improve diet, follow a well maintained routine
Interests: Playing video games, playing different sports, Photography, travelling
Status: Single/Unmarried
1) Would recommend adding Diet plans
2) Improve the Charlie bot by having an option to send custom messages
3) use of meditating music or for relaxation
1) Charley bit as I have not seen on an app I used before
2) interface is really good
3) the format and the placements of the tasks is really good and easy to use
Participant 2
Name: Tavonga
Lastname: Hove
Nickname: Tav
Age: 32
Bachelor Degree: Economics
General Background: Business
Health Goals: Maintain weight
Interests: Exercises- Tennis
Status: Married
1. I would add a audio to text
2. Accommodate disability

Include some data analytic, >> improve tracking

1. Chatbot (Charley)
2. It’s collaborating

3. It’s easy to use
1.Interview Question for Participant 1
Interviewer Yeah. Hi, I’m Bussaryn. A student in an IT field. And this interview is mainly to

find out how the user experience towards the QUT wellbeing application. So
the interview will be like approximately 45 minutes, what you need to do is
just sharing me, how is your well being in general, and how you experience
the healthcare application. And you can say whatever comes to mind, I
encourage you to share your thoughts openly. This interview is solely conduct
for this project. I will not disclose any of your responses.

Interviewer Can you tell me a bit about your background? Like your name?
Participant 1 Yes. So my name is Richard Varghese. So I was born and raised in
Karnataka, which is located in India. And I am a citizen of India. And I’ve been

living there for almost 30 years. And then, yeah, I have elder sibling was four
years older to me, and is living in UK. And my parents who are both retired.
And, right now they’re living at my hometown. And I’m here for my studies as
Interviewer Okay, so now you are living with your parents in Australia.
Participant 1 No, as of now I’m staying with my uncle. He’s actually my mother’s brother.
They are now citizen of Australia for past 15 years. So,
Interviewer As you’re leaving with your uncle, how often do you talk to your family and
friends in India?
Participant 1 So I usually speak on a daily basis. My parents and friends because I have
lots of friends from India. So every day, I actually kind of miss them. Because
it’s a faraway place. And it’s a new country. I’ve been here for the first time.
So it’s difficult making friends over here to be honest. And back in India, it’s
very easy because the language is not language barrier. The mindsets are
very similar. You can easily make friends over there. When compared to
Australia and the people living here I’m tough making friends. That’s what I
feel. So very often I speak to them, I tell them all about my daily routine, what
I’ve done because even they are very eager, very much eager to know what
exactly how the life is. You’re in Australia and everything.
Interviewer Okay,
Participant 1 So like, how often do you talk to them? Like every day, as you said?
Interviewer Yes, I speak to them after day, all the texts and sometimes all the calls, video
calls. And I try to show them around if I’m going to a new place. Facility of
that the ILF and everything they can experience. What exactly is a country
abroad, apart from India being. It’s kind of a motivation as well, because even
they feel that we are living in such a beautiful country. I wish even we were
there with you studying together and everything. So in that sense, I usually
say to them, and I miss them.
Interviewer Okay, so that say like, they are your support system? Yeah,
Participant 1 The support system, I would say I have two of my friends. And obviously my
parents because they are the ones who always motivate me to do something
new. And to achieve something that I always dream of. I would first
preference I would give it to my parents, backbone of my decision to come
over here to Australia. And the other one is obviously my brother comes in a
part of the family. And apart from them, it could be my friends. Two of my
Interviewer Do you think like how they support you, like in general?
Participant 1 Yeah, they usually try to motivate me because I always tend to say that I am
not very fond of being away from the family or being away from my
hometown, but it was back in India itself. So this is a completely different
country, a different continent altogether. So in that sense, I always miss them.
So they always motivate me by saying that it’s just like, once you’re done with
your goals, you’ll have. You can get creative. Stand on your own feet and you
can make a lot of money. And they keep motivating me by saying those
things and they are making me realise that yes, it is very important phase of
my life. And that way they keep motivating me.

Interviewer Okay, so let’s talk about your well being. Could you tell me like, What are you
feeling recently or today?
Participant 1 So I woke up morning in the morning, then. So it was fine. I had a good sleep
last night. Yeah, it was a pleasant morning, and I didn’t have to work much
like was, since it was a week off. I had just class in the morning. So it was
just for one. And after that I was free. I was playing games on a PlayStation
five. So I love playing games. So it’s kind of makes me feel who I am and
helps me relax my mind as well.
Interviewer So you’re saying like, let’s say you’re feeling great today. Okay. Could you tell
me like something that makes you feel happy?
Participant 1 Makes me feel happy. Like I said, I love playing games and spending time
with my friends and family. And I also love playing outdoor sports as well. I
play basketball, and cricket. I’m a huge cricket fan. So as of now back in
India, there is a tournament that is going on, which is called as Indian
Premier League. So I love watching that as well.
Interviewer So let’s say the reason that making you happy is doing something like playing
game playing sport. Okay. What is your daily habit in terms of activities?
Participant 1 Yes, yes. And I do swimming because they have a pool. So I swim on a daily
basis. So probably at around four o’clock to five-thirty I swim.
Interviewer Yeah, it means you’re doing exercise. How often do you exercise?
Participant 1 So I mean, I do it on a daily basis exercise as in, like, I don’t get into
completely like the exercise or the yoga or anything. It’s just so amazing. And
playing games like basketball. I play only once in a week. That would be
probably on a Saturday or a Sunday.
Interviewer I see. So like, three times or twice a week.
Participant 1 Yes, you can say that. Okay, I never do exercise.
Interviewer Yeah. So as you’re a first year student in QUT, how are you doing so far?
Participant 1 It’s been a great journey so far. I’ve already been laid off for my classes,
though, because there was a visa issue. So that’s the reason I couldn’t join
on the proposed date. What was supposed to be there. I was supposed to be
here. So I had to cover up those classes. And it was quite difficult, initially, but
I have a friend who helped me a lot during my projects and every
assignment. So it was a great help finding such good teammates for me. And
yeah, as of now things are going after the plan I had when I was in back in
India. So as of now, since like, I’m going on the right track.
Interviewer Okay, so is there anything that is overwhelming you now? Like? Assignment?
Of course,
Participant 1 Assignment? Of course, yeah. Because it’s completely a new system to me,
because back in India is different. The educational system is completely
different. When compared to Australian education system, I believe it’s
different in every country. So I just have to get the hang of it, because I’m not
used to this particular system and the class leave and the classes are just for
two hours and the lectures, they just go on teaching on the presentation
basis. It’s not like they give you a complete theoretical knowledge that I’m
used to. So it’s kind of very difficult though, but at some time, I feel that it’s
much more easier than cause that I’d done previously.

Interviewer So what is challenging you the most as being like an international student?
Participant 1 This idea initially like making friends and obviously, finding a job here is a
difficult task. Well, for international historians, because there are many places
where they would search for a person who was from an Australia who is from
Australia or any place, which is the English place country. So that has been
difficult. As of now, and even there are lots of people who are moving into
Australia. And so there are accommodation is also very less. So finding an
accommodation is very difficult over here. So, yeah, these are the challenges
that I’m facing as of now.
Interviewer Okay, so how do you cope with that? Making friends first, how do you cope
with that?
Participant 1 Well, to be honest, I have few friends, but then it’s just based on the
conversations that we had initially and then due to the assignments, we had
to converse, apart from that there is no like constant touch between a friend.
So making a friend I would prefer like, because if there are people in a from
India, so I can easily make friends because even they will be very
comfortable speaking to each other, and everyone, but since it’s a new
country, I would prefer not having an Indian friends because back in and I
already have lots of friends. So coming to a new country and then getting to
know each other from here, the people from here or any other country, I feel it
is much more helpful. And being social. And socialising will be very much
necessary at this point. At this phase of life.
Interviewer Do you have like any strategies or method that do you use? Or like coping
this challenge?
Participant 1 No, I don’t think so there’s any, like, proper challenge that I feel there is no
like proper strategy that I’ll have to follow to make friends or doing
assignments or anything. All depends on if you’re in an individual assignment.
And obviously, I’ll have to do it on my own. And if it’s a group assignment,
then we’ll have to make sure that the teammates should communicate with
each other. And that’s the main thing because if you’re not communicating
with each other, you’re not supposed you’re not doing anything. And
eventually the due date will pass away, and then there’s nothing that you can
do at last. So I feel that communication plays a crucial role. When it’s a group
assignment. And at that moment, we’ll have to stick together no matter what
the team has to stick and ensure that the task whatever is assigned to them
has to be completed.
Interviewer Okay. So like which help practices best suit you in managing your mental
Participant 1 Yeah, I used to have an app called as LD find me. I don’t know whether they
have in Australia, but I used to have it on my Android phone, like in India. So I
used to use that particular app.
Interviewer So has it been successful? Application?
Participant 1 You may say to be honest, initially, yes. Successful. I mean, it was very user
friendly. And it could keep a track of each and everything that I used to do.
But then later on, since I was busy with my work and schedule, I didn’t have
time to actually use it much after that.
Interviewer How often do you use it that time?

Participant 1 So the app, I used to use on a daily basis before, okay, but then later on, I felt
that as many responsibilities came upon me, so I couldn’t follow that for much
more longer time.
Interviewer So like, Have you noticed any change or improvement in your behaviour?
Participant 1 Yes. I’m actually very thankful whosoever has created that particular app.
Because once I installed and I was using that particular app, but I actually
had a routine that I had to follow on a daily basis, and it actually changed me
a lot. Overall, in physically as well as mentally so yes, it was really helpful as I
also lost a lot of weight. And then it helped me relax and be in a peaceful
Interviewer Do you have like any healthcare practices that you will suggest people to try
Participant 1 Usually, there are many people nowadays, who keep on scrolling on
Instagram, the rails and everything, and even tick tock, so what I would
suggest is just put on. And in the app, you can find relaxing, sleep music. So
instrumental music, where you can just put in ear headphones, and you can
just relax and without any scrawling or complete because once you start
watching, the videos are really going on forever and ever. And obviously,
people have this generally generation, they would just keep on scrolling and
scrolling, and then they wouldn’t have enough sufficiency. That’s what I feel.
So I feel using that particular app will be very useful to get a proper sleep
instead of just wasting time on social medias.
Interviewer Okay, now let’s talk about the importance of the self-care. What do you think
about self-care? How do you define it?
Participant 1 That’s an interesting question.
Interviewer What do you think? How do you define the meaning of self-care?
Take your time.
Participant 1 That’s really the word itself says healthcare getting about one help on a daily
basis. So that can be the word, so I’ll save that. Getting to know oneself,
that’s what I feel. I mean, if you know what, exactly how your health is, what
you’re going through, you’d like to be physically or mentally if you know what
you’re going through. And if you take proper action on it. That’s when you
have good health.
Interviewer So how is it important in your life?
Participant 1 In my life, yes. It has helped me as I’ve mentioned already that it has helped
me a lot. And there are people who are actually struggling. I actually have my
own. One of my friends, actually my roommate back in India, because of his
mental health. He did not have a proper mental health. So he actually
committed suicide. He was actually my roommate. So he never actually
shared it with anyone, he did not have any friends. He had friends, but he
never put it out across and say what exactly is going on. In his mind. He was
always joyful. And he used to always spend time with us. But eventually had
to take that step because there was something bothering him and there was
no one to share it. But I feel if you put yourself in a right way and use these
apps, which kind of helped in a manner that it helped me. So if people get to
know about these apps, then I am sure that it will be very helpful to them. Not
only just by using it for tracking all the records and everything, but also for
peace of mind as well.
Interviewer Okay, so do you have any health goals?

Participant 1 Yes, as of now, since I put on weight I couldn’t think as I mentioned, I did not
use that app since a long time. So I feel that now everything is sorted, and it’s
right on track, I’ll have to work on my health. My health goal is to reduce
weight. Yeah, so as of now I’m 83 so I’m probably hoping for somewhere
around 70 or 75.
Interviewer Okay, so let’s talk about healthcare application. What tools or resources for
practicing self-care do you use? That application what its name again?
Participant 1 It’s called as LD find me.
Interviewer So, what is your opinion or thought about the application?
Participant 1 Actually the application is really good, I mean, the interface is fairly good. And
even during the registration process, it was very simple, and it was very easy.
You have to just enter your phone number and then give the basic details and
then you will get the code. So the registration process was very smooth. And
even they are interface as I mentioned that you can find each and everything
on the homepage itself if you’re tracking your steps, or foot. Whatever you’re
following, and based on each day you get, you can also set an alarm for that.
So at this time, you will have to take this dismiss or this calories, whatever is
there, everything is altered so that it’ll be easier for the user to find exactly
what is his daily routine.
Interviewer So everything is in your hands. What motivated you to use or not to use the
self-care app?
Participant 1 Because it starts immediately, actually, one of my friends are listed that app.
She actually works for that particular company. And she is the one who
suggested me that particular app. And ever since then I started using that
app. It shown results. So that’s what mattered a lot. So I started using
immediately after two weeks, I started seeing results on myself and my daily
routine, which eventually changed me a lot.
Interviewer So when you use the app, what is your expectation?
Participant 1 Changes, if you see a change, we using that particular app because there
are many number of apps in the market as of now. You will have to pay for a
particular thing. And only then you will be getting what exactly you need.
Whereas this particular app is free. And they’re not charging anything, and
the results are thin. Whereas if you’re paying for something, and if you don’t
see a result, and there is no point in paying.
Interviewer So you’re expecting to use it for free?
Participant 1 Not free, but also there has to be changes. Okay, because if you’re paying for
something, if you’re not getting it, then it’s not fair. So if you’re without paying
anything, and if I’m seeing changes me, then actually it’s helping a lot of
Interviewer So can you tell me your experience of using the app?
Participant 1 Like, as I mentioned earlier, the interface is really good. I really love that, and
especially on the iPhones that it’s much more secured. And, yes, since there
are a lot of changes that I can see within myself, I really recommend that
particular app.
Interviewer Okay, so what features or tasks or practice do you use? How was it?

Participant 1 Yeah, the features that I use is basically tracking. Since I work a lot, so I keep
a track of how much kilometres are for that particular day.
Interviewer So that means running, tracking.
Participant 1 Running, running as well as watching. Yeah.
Interviewer So was it clear and easy to use?
Participant 1 Yes, it was very clear and easy to use, because every time you go for a walk
or go for a job, it will eventually show up on your home screen itself. And you
can keep a track on a daily basis. And it is at the end of the week, it will show
you the complete week’s of total performance. Along with that day, another
feature that I liked about it is the food diet, I mean, it gives all the details
about the calories, what food you intake, how much you need to intake on
that particular day and everything. So even that at the end of the week, it
shows up, how much is the total calories that I have burned. By walking and
how much I have on. All the details can be seen under particular app.
Interviewer Okay, are those things easy to access?
Participant 1 Yes, it is easy to access
Interviewer Do you have to sign up or pay or anything like that?
Participant 1 No, you don’t have to pay anything. As I said, it’s a free app. So you’ll have to
just enter your details, register it and then everything shows up once you’re
signed in.
Interviewer Okay, Is this the self-care practice that you engage in? Running, walking?
Something like that? I guess is in there.
Participant 1 Yeah, that’s right. So whenever I go for a jogging and other thing, I keep that
on my phone, so that I can get an exact amount like how much kilometres of
Interviewer So how do you feel about it? Do you find it useful?
Participant 1 Yeah, yes, it is very useful to me, because, as I mentioned previously, that
ever since I started using this app, there are various changes that took place
in me physically as well as mentally I got, I put down a lot of weight. Plus,
mentally it was very helpful to me because at that moment of that phase of
time, I had a breakup as well. So It helped me actually relax for some time.
Not completely, but it helped me.
Interviewer Okay. So what benefit has it brought to you? Name one. You lost weight?
Participant 1 Lost weight and my daily routine that I used to.
Interviewer Yeah, it helps you track your daily routine, like how many kilometres you
walk, something like that.
Participant 1 Yeah, tracking that is different. But the daily routine you know, like, for
example, initially, before I use this app, I used to wake up somewhere around
11 o’clock, well, am I sorry 12pm. And then my routine was going to a since I
work from office, work from home, I used to work from home for about five,
six hours. And then again, I used to sit and play games, watch movies, watch
series and other things. So there was no proper routine or daily structure in
my life. But ever since I started using this. I can get an alarm, saying that.

This is the time to wake up. And this is the time you’ll have to eat your
breakfast and then exercise, go for a jogging and everything. So eventually, I
had taken that. Yes, I will have to change my life. It won’t help me if I’m being
like that forever and ever. So that’s what I got to know about this app. And
ever since I use this changed me a lot.

Interviewer So is that a function that you like the most? Or is there anything else that you
liked the most? About the function or features of that application?
Yeah, there are various things that I liked about the app.
Participant 1
Interviewer So which one do you like the most?
Participant 1 I think the results.
Interviewer What is the results? Is that a tracking function?
Participant 1 Tracking function and the interface that’s showing a result of your daily
Okay, so what do you enjoy the least about the app?
Participant 1 That’s a difficult question. Because probably I can say is maybe you have to
pay so that you’re not enjoying it.
Do you enjoy everything in the app?
Participant 1 Yeah, I actually enjoy everything in the app. Thing from the registration, the
interface. All the details that it provides.
So any opinions that you may want to give further to help healthcare
Well, to be honest, since everything is good, probably opinion they
can promote a lot. So that people can get to know more about the product.
So marketing, I think that should be done.
Yeah. Okay. So apart from like using healthcare application, do you do like
any self-care outside of technology assisted kind?
No, but my parents do. They actually go for centre called as herbal life. They
give these things and everything. So I don’t have much knowledge about that
because they are the ones who go there.
So you never gone there before?
Participant 1
Participant 1
Participant 1 I’ve been there just a couple of times. But it’s just they give you details about
herbal life products and to be consumed based on your age group, or what
disease you have and everything after checking that data as you would think
you’ll have to take.
So will you recommend going?
Participant 1 Actually, my parents have found it very useful and helpful for them
everything. So yeah, based on the results that I see in my parents, I would
recommend that as well.
I will stop the recording now. Thank you for your valuable time today.

2.Usability testing for participant 1
Interviewer Do you have any question before we start?
Participant 1 Nope.
Interviewer Okay. I have a pre interview question for you before you do the usability test.
When was the last time you use the Self Care application?
Participant 1 It was actually two months ago. Yeah, that’s the last time that I’ve used.
Interviewer Okay. Was it help you?
Participant 1 Yes, it did help me for a certain amount period of time. Eventually, when I
stopped using it, it’s all back to the normal thing that I was.
Interviewer How often do you use this application in a week?
Participant 1 I actually use it on a daily basis. Okay, every day, whenever I go on a jogging
or another thing, I used to keep track of it. And check what exactly the inputs
that are given in the app.
Interviewer Okay, so which features or functions do you use the most? Is the tracking
thing going for a jog?
Participant 1 The tracker, and even the music for meditation.
Interviewer Are you satisfied with this application?
Participant 1 Yes, I’m totally satisfied with the application that I’m using.
Interviewer Have you used the QUT wellbeing application before?
Participant 1 No, I haven’t. I actually haven’t thought about it.
Interviewer So now I have two tasks for you. Do as good as you can and please think
aloud the whole time. So first, you are having a really bad day, you decided to
download the QUT wellbeing application. And once you get into the app, the
Chatbot name Charley welcoming you. So use that exploring what features it
has and pick one of the features, which is interested you the most.
Participant 1 So the app is downloaded. It’s asking for registration. Is actually a free for
one hour or do you have to pay for any of the subscriptions or anything?
Meanwhile, I just registered. A quick question for this.
Interviewer Yes.
Participant 1 No need to pay anything?
Interviewer Yeah.
Participant 1 Registration is done.
Interviewer Yeah, exploring. Pick one of the features that interested you the most? Give
you three minutes.
Participant 1 At any option, it just blank, I don’t have an option to type as well. You can see
the screen.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. I think you can go for other features on the bottom.
Participant 1 In order to fit the scenario, I don’t have a message option that’s showing up.

Interviewer So are there any bottom?
Participant 1 No, there are no buttons or anything. There are no options as well that I can
select one.
Interviewer Continue talking to Charlie and then it gets you to the bottom options.
Participant 1 Should I restart the app? Because to be honest, I don’t see an option of
responding to Charlie.
Interviewer No need to just continue talking to Charlie for second, and then you will see
this kind of thing in the bottom.
Participant 1 Okay.
Interviewer Yeah. I think you need to finish talking with the Charley first.
Participant 1 So anything that is comes to your mind like right now you can think aloud,
you can say it out loud. Like, what is this? What? Who is Charley? Something
like that?
Participant 1 Yeah. Okay, now I see the option.
Interviewer Okay. So pick one of the features that you are interested.
Participant 1 Yeah, so I clicked on help me calm down. Okay. (Please turn off the
notification or we can focus together.)
Interviewer Yeah, so. You pick the calm down features?
Participant 1 Yeah.
Interviewer Okay, that’s it for the first task. The second task is, view the habits function on
the bottom.
Participant 1 Yeah.
Interviewer And you have five minutes to find out where you can do physical activities.
Participant 1 Oh, I would prefer basketball as an activity. So I’ll to schedule a habit for the
Interviewer Okay, yeah, so it’s done. Again. Thanks for completing the tasks. Now I’m
going to ask you a few questions. What is the thing that immediately stand
out when you get into the application?
Participant 1 So I think once I open the application. It was Chayley that popped up.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. So Charley is standing. Okay. So what do you expect before
using this application?
Participant 1 Yeah, I was expecting the same thing from the app that I used before. And I
was just going through the application myself and checking all the features
that it has. Yeah. So one thing that LD findme app doesn’t have is the AI bot.
Okay, that is really impressive. Yep. So it can actually, whatever you feel you
can just mention, and so it can help accordingly. That is one of the interesting
thing that I found in this app.
Interviewer So has it met your expectations?

Participant 1 So far, since I’ve started using it, it’s actually pretty easy and very systematic.
Interviewer What information do you want the app to provide you?
Participant 1 I think I feel that even if they could add something with regards to your diet
that’s really useful and helpful for people because it’s just the habits, and
what are the things how you feel, and another thing, but there’s nothing with
regards to what food intakes you’re supposed to.
Um, what would you say like the core needed that you would have for the
app. I mean, like some kind of features or functions that you would have for
the application.
The function, as I mentioned, that food thing has to be added because it’s a
Participant 1

health app. So it has to provide the details about the food, carbohydrate
intake or proteins on a daily basis, so that people can plan it accordingly. And
they can have it on their daily routine, they can follow that particular habit.
And it can be useful for many people as well. So I think that is one thing that
was missing in this particular app.

Interviewer Okay. Is the app structured or unstructured for using?
Participant 1 it’s actually a structured one, because I feel it’s very user friendly. And there
are options that are easily accessible, and people will be happy to use this.
They are able to follow what exactly it is and where exactly they can find what
they’re supposed to do.
Any suggestion or improvement that you may have?
Participant 1 Suggestions, as I mentioned just the food thing. And probably once I start
using the app on a daily basis, I can get to know what are the things that

needs to be improved because so far, the user interface is also really good.
That’s actually pretty good. The one thing that I liked the most is Charley
obviously. Since it’s actually kind of helpful to a lot of people and we can just
click a button, it gives you lots of options what you can do what needs to be

Interviewer Yeah, so any barriers that you may facing?
Participant 1 As of now no barriers. Everything is pretty smooth and easy to access so far,

nothing as of now. I just said there is an auto SOS button I’m not sure what it
does. Because I feel SOS that’s a good feature. Probably it might activate our
regard to emergency services. I’m not sure what exactly it does. So I feel
that’s what it could be for. That’s really good thing and that was on the main
Charley page which is easy for the people who are using it.
Interviewer Yeah, okay. I will now stop recording.
3.Card sorting for participant 1


Interviewer Okay, I am now recording. So the first task is as you can see, sort the cards
into the given categories based on your perception or importance. Okay, go
for it.
So if I don’t need, I’ll put it in Not at all.
Participant 1
Interviewer Yeah, not at all. It’s just gotten it out. Unsort is 50/50.
Participant 1 Done.
Interviewer Let me take a screenshot. One moment. Okay, please go on the second link.
I want you to categorise the cards based on your understanding. The items
on the left side, do you think it’d be on a social or mental or physical
This can be both.
Participant 1
Interviewer Nothing is right or wrong.
Participant 1 Done.
Interviewer Let me take a screenshot.
1.Interview Question for Participant 2
Interviewer Yeah. Hi, I’m Bussaryn. A student in an IT field. And this interview is mainly to
find out how the user experience towards the QUT wellbeing application. So
the interview will be like approximately 45 minutes, what you need to do is
just sharing me, how is your well being in general, and how you experience

the healthcare application. And you can say whatever comes to mind, I
encourage you to share your thoughts openly. This interview is solely conduct
for this project. I will not disclose any of your responses.

Participant 2 Okay. Oh, thanks. My name is Tavonga Hove. I’m from Zimbabwe, and I’m
currently studying in data analytics with QUT University.
Yeah. Who do you live with? Like in Australia?

Participant 2 Okay. I do live with my family and friends.
Interviewer Okay, um, how often do you talk to your family or friends?
Participant 2 Um, I would say I used to talk more often. When I’m in school, I normally talk
to them over the phone, but when I get home, we normally have some family
time. We talk maybe before dinner or even during dinner.
Interviewer Yeah. Okay. Um, do you have support system?
Participant 2 Like, what support system is?
Interviewer It’s like, when you’re feeling down who support you, who listen to you? Who
do you talk to? Something like that.
Participant 2 Oh, okay. Yeah, I do. I do have a support system. Occasionally. I also use the
QUT app. Alternatively, I tend to talk with my family, in school with colleagues.
Interviewer Okay, so let’s say your support system is your family. How they support you?
Participant 2 Okay, mainly, they support me through probably taking up most of the shows,
so that at least I have more time to study. Also, they support me through
doing interactive activities. Yeah, especially when they realise that I’m not
filling up or I’m up flow. Okay, find some activities to do. So that at least they
Interviewer Okay, so now let’s talk about your well-being. Could you tell me what are you
feeling recently? Or what are you feeling today?
Participant 2 Today? Yeah, I’m excited to join you on this interview.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. Could you tell me something that made you feel happy?
Participant 2 Okay, what made me feel happy today is so many lectures today. So I just
went for my tutorial. It was the best tutorial because I managed to get to
understand certain concepts that have been troubling me probably for half of
the semester. And I don’t know for some reason, the way that which I put it
across today was so easy that I could easily understand, and you know, that
sense of achievement when your erase. Yeah. That is the reason.
Interviewer So, what’s your daily habit in terms of like, activities?
Participant 2 Okay, um, my daily habit is mainly during the day I spent most of my time in
college. Yeah, and then when I’m not at college, in the mornings, I take time
to exercise and sometimes after school, yeah. When I don’t have any late
lectures then I get some time to go and play some physical games.
Interviewer Okay. Yes. Exercise?
Participant 2 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Interviewer How often?
Participant 2 I think at least twice a week. Why?
Interviewer Not bad. Okay. As you’re a first-year student in QUT. How are you doing so

Participant 2 Um, I think it’s been okay. So far. I can’t complain. Yeah, I’ve received support
from the teaching team, from the colleagues. So yeah, it’s cool. So at least so
far so good. It’s been good. I can’t complain.
Interviewer Okay. Is there anything that overwhelming you?
Participant 2 Well, not not. Not at the moment. I can say, Yeah, of course, sometimes
schoolwork is challenging, but I wouldn’t say overwhelming.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. Oh, what’s challenging you the most as being international
Participant 2 Well, I would say at first, the biggest challenge is just the fear of the
unknown. Just you’re going you’re relocating to a new place. And you don’t
know the kind of response that you’re going to get from your peers and other
people, then yeah, but eventually, when you settle in, you realise, oh, they
just like people like me. And you. Yeah, you can sit and learn. Yeah.
Interviewer So how do you cope with that, like, any methods or strategies do you use?
Participant 2 Okay, I think the best strategy that I use, because I think as an international
student, you also get kind of homesick at times. Yeah. So to avoid that, and
to help me cope, I try to be as interactive as possible, so that I’ve got a lot of
people around me. Yeah. Yeah, companions. I prefer having probably in like,
when we have group assignments probably I prefer to meet people.
Interviewer So has it been successful?
Participant 2 I think it has been successful. Because yeah, I’ve heard so many students
that have been hit probably by depression, also, but I haven’t experienced
that. So I think it’s been working quite a lot.
Interviewer Okay, so have you noticed any change or improvement in your behaviour?
Like when you interact with people. Do you notice any change?
Participant 2 That feeling? Yeah, yeah. When I interact with people, I noticed a lot of
changes. The first thing is, the moment you interact with someone, it also
helps you to take your mind off, whatever you are thinking you’re forced to
concentrate on what you’re doing with that person. And sometimes when you
just laugh with those people, it’s kind of therapeutic, it helps distress. Yeah, it
makes you happy.
Interviewer So any area of healthcare practices that you want to suggest people to try
Participant 2 Oh, okay. Yeah, what I think is the best area of my life that I think people
should practice is to being sociable. Yeah, I’ve noticed that helps a lot. It’s
very therapeutic, interacting with other people. So try to be by all means to
interact with people, regardless of how they think about you just focus on
being good to that person interact with that person into the details a lot. Yeah.
Interviewer So now let’s talk about the importance of self-care. What do you think about
self-care? How do you define self-care?
Participant 2 Self-care? Okay, when I think of self-care, I believe it’s about devoting time
and resources to anything that affects your well-being. Yeah, this includes
your interactions, your exercises, or even medical attention. So I believe
that’s the support case. Okay. And it also includes in your diet, the food that
you eat.

Interviewer How important is self-care in your life?
Participant 2 Um, well, I think it’s, it’s a very critical because when you are not healthy, you
are not happy. Yeah. And when you’re not happy, you’re not healthy. So I
believe self-care is very important. It also determines your productivity. I
believe it’s very central to product. With the loss of care, you’re about to be
unproductive. But when someone is happy, the results are very good
Interviewer Okay. Do you have a health goals?
Participant 2 Yeah, I think I do have probably they might not have been written down. But I
do have. Yeah, yeah, I think we’re just getting used to maintain a certain level
of weight. Yeah, that is very critical to me. And secondly, I also need to
manage my diet in terms of the phrase that I take in the protein and carbs. So
those are my goals, I target to do less fit in every food in every meal that I get
to come across.
Interviewer Okay, so now, let’s talk about your experience and the perception about
healthcare application. What tools or resources for practicing your self-care?
What do you use?
Participant 2 I use quite a number of things, for example just a simple watch that keeps
track of my movements of my working, it gives me targets for the week, how
many steps I should take in a day, in a week.
Interviewer Is that Application?
Participant 2 No, not really. It’s just a watch. But it’s an application that is on your watch.
Yeah, it runs on your watch. Here is an application that runs on your watch,
which is okay. Yep. I also use the apps that I can come across to make sure I
monitor strength.
Interviewer Yeah. What is your opinion or thought about health application?
Participant 2 Um, yeah, I think it’s, it’s very important. Because with the nature of our lives,
you know, very busy, sometimes it’s very difficult to keep track of certain
targets. And these apps will always help you and give you suggestions, which
is also good. So sometimes when you forget to practice it reminds you, and it
also keeps on giving you information, you’re not aware of just like the QUT
app that I also use, sometimes it gives me. Yeah, and it allows me when no
one else is available to chat you can chat with an app that you can get to chat
with someone which is so good.
Interviewer Yeah. So what motivated you to use or not to use the self-care app?
Participant 2 Okay, um, I’m currently using it.
Interviewer So Yeah, what motivated you to use it or not to use it?
Participant 2 Okay, what made me not to use it. At first was that I am unaware of the app, I
was interacting with colleagues, this is one of the benefits that I got from
them, they started explaining to me the benefits of using the app. Boom,
that’s when I’m enjoying that.
Interviewer So when you’re using it, what’s your expectation?
Participant 2 Okay. My expectation is, also to get some kind of advice on certain issues,
and sometimes just to get companion, get someone to talk to, yeah, because
I also believe talking is just therapeutic. So when you talk to someone, or

whether they’re not a physical person, but as long as you have that. It also
helps you to get better.
Interviewer Yeah. So can you tell me your experience of using the healthcare
Participant 2 Okay, my experience, it has been fantastic. I’ve managed to come across
information that I was not aware of. Sometimes it’s not easy to just to go
probably to look for a book to read about self-care. But sometimes when
information is compressed, and you’re given the specific information that you
want to end up, it becomes easy. You know, generally we are busy, and we
don’t have time to read so much. But when it comes with an app, you can just
ask something, and you get instant in a very precise and short answers. And
it helps.
Interviewer Yeah. What features or tasks do you use in the healthcare application?
Participant 2 Okay, mainly, I use the chatbot. It has been the best so far to me.
Interviewer So was it clear or easy to use?
Participant 2 It’s straightforward. Yeah, it’s very easy to use. Even if it’s not the chat, it’s
very easy to access any other services that come around. Okay.
Interviewer So what self-care practice have you engaged in?
Participant 2 Exercising.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah.
Participant 2 And also watching my diet.
Interviewer Okay. How do you feel about it?
Participant 2 Um, I actually feel a difference in my body. Because when I exercise, I really
feel a bit of energy. I feel a bit revived is different when I just wake up and go
without exercising. So yeah, it’s been working. And the more I take care of my
diet, I also feel like I’m become more healthy.
Interviewer So you find useful?
Participant 2 Yes, it’s very useful.
Interviewer So what benefit has it brought to you?
Participant 2 It needs to maintain consistency. Yeah, in certain things.
Interviewer Does it help you like, keep tracking on you?
Participant 2 Yes, yes. If it keeps checking on me, so it becomes a bit consistent.
Interviewer Okay. So what features or functions that do you like the most?
Participant 2 Like I said before, it’s mainly the chat. That’s my favourite one. Also, the
Interviewer So what do you enjoy the least?
Participant 2 On the on the app?
Interviewer Yay.

Participant 2 I think everything is more or less on the same level. I can’t really. Yeah, I can
see this one is on the lower level. I think it’s all the functions and everything.
So you enjoy everything so far?
Participant 2 Yeah.
Interviewer Okay. Any opinions that you may want to give for the healthcare application?
Participant 2 I’m not. Not at the moment. I think it’s working perfectly for me now.
Interviewer Okay. So do you do any self-care outside of technology assisted-kind?
Participant 2 Yeah, I would say on a general level. Like I was saying I have to make sure I
spent certain hours of my day with family. So yeah. Socialise.
Apart from using the healthcare app. You do socialising?
Participant 2 Yes. Yeah.
Interviewer So what has it helped you with? When you do socialising.
Participant 2 Okay, it’s helps to it helps to distress, also to keep me happy. I believe when
you’re happy or when you’re under pressure you find your body probably
produces a lot. It is important to relax.
Will you recommend this?
Participant 2 Yeah, definitely.
Interviewer Okay, I will. Now stop recording. Thank you for your valuable time.
2.Usability testing for participant 2
Interviewer Before we start, do you have any question?
Participant 2 No, thank you.
Interviewer Okay. I would like to ask you a few questions. When was the last time you
use the Self-care application?
This morning.
Participant 2
Interviewer Okay, was it help you?
Participant 2 Yes, it was very helpful.
Interviewer How often do you use this application in a week?
Participant 2 At least three times a week.
Interviewer Okay. Which features or function do you use the most?
Participant 2 The chat and the explore function.
Interviewer Okay. Are you satisfied with the application?
Participant 2 Yes, I am, extremely.
Interviewer Have you used the QUT wellbeing application before?

Participant 2 Yes.
Interviewer Okay. How was your experience so far?
Participant 2 It’s great. It’s excellent.
Interviewer Okay, so now I have a few tasks for you to do. Do the task as good as you
can and please think aloud the whole time. The first task is you’re having a
really bad day, you decided to download the QUT wellbeing application and
once you get into the app, the chatbot name Charley welcoming you. So you
start exploring what features it has. And pick one of the features interested
you the most. Go for it.
Participant 2 Okay. All right. So I’m going to make up then defaults. Now I want to explore
see what can be interesting since nothing interesting today. So back to the
chats. Who can I talk to? Yeah, I think the chat will do. Ha. But it’s boring to
be texting. I want someone talking to me.
How can I call this person? We said this is boring and can’t be texting. You
need someone to talk. Okay, let me leave this.
Interviewer Yeah, all right. So what features that interested you the most?
Participant 2 Okay. I went to the Explore, but sometimes there wasn’t. I think it was. There
wasn’t really anything that was interesting for someone who is bored. Yeah.
And then I went to the chat. Then the problem is sometimes when you’re
bored, you’re lazy to chat. So it’s boring. Sometimes you want someone to
talk to if there was a possibility of calling the Chatbot? Probably. Yeah, it was
going to help.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. Just pick one that you interested the most. Which one?
Participant 2 Okay. I think the Explorer One is better, because I don’t have to check
Texting. Yeah. I just read something that is interest to me. Something that can
help me with that day.
Interviewer Okay. Second task, view the habits function. And you have five minutes to
find out where you can do physical activities.
Participant 2 Okay. Okay, so I’ve gone to the hobbies. I’m supposed to find ways I can do
Interviewer Yeah. Physical activities.
Participant 2 Oh, okay. I’ve gone there.
Interviewer You found it?
Participant 2 Yeah. Find it.
Interviewer Okay. But is it easy for you to find?
Participant 2 Yeah, it was very easy for me to find.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. All right. Thanks for completing the task. That is all for now. I
have some questions for you after using the app.
So what is the thing that immediately stand out when you get into the
Participant 2 I think is the chat.

Interviewer The chat? Okay.
Participant 2 Yeah, I really like the chat.
Interviewer Okay. What do you expect before using it?
Participant 2 Um, yeah, I was kind of expecting something very complex in App that was
going to ask me a lot of information about my personal data like my weight,
height, diet, the country of my origin, etc. Probably so that at least it can
identify and help me along those lines. Yeah.
So, it didn’t ask you anything. So has it met your expectation?
Participant 2 Yeh, it is fine. Sometimes I also suffering from a setting.
Interviewer Okay. What information do you want the app to provide?
Participant 2 I think I would like the app to keep track of my weight.
Interviewer Okay. Keep tracking. Yep.
Participant 2 Yeah, my blood pressure.
Interviewer Okay. So what would you say like the core needed that you would have for
the application?
Pardon? Come again?
Participant 2
Interviewer What would you say the core needed you would have for the application?
Participant 2 Do you mind rephrasing the question? I think,
Interviewer Okay. What would you say like the functions, features that you would have for
the application?
Oh, okay. I think everything is okay. I’m happy with what the application is
right now.
So is the app structured or unstructured for using?
Participant 2
Participant 2 Um, no, I don’t think it’s unstructured. It has a certain structure.
Interviewer Okay. Yeah. Any suggestion or improvement that you may have?
Participant 2 I think I think it’s good at the moment. Probably. Maybe if there was a way
instead of chatting, maybe calling.
Any barriers that you may facing?
Participant 2 No, not at all.
Interviewer Okay. I will now stop recording.

3.Card sorting for participant 2

Interviewer There are two tasks for you. So the first task is sort the cards into the given
categories based on your perception or importance.
Participant 2 Okay.
Interviewer Can you zoom out the screen for me I want to do a screenshot. Okay, now go
for the second task. Do you want me to send a link here?
Participant 2 Yeah, send the link here. It’s actually easier because I’m trying to access my
Interviewer Yep.
Participant 2 Got it.
Interviewer Okay. So get in a second task. I want you to categorise the cards based on
your understanding, like which items could be mental, social or physical
Participant 2 Okay.
Interviewer One second, let me take a screenshot. Can you pick three of the activities
that you think it helps you with your mental issue?
Participant 2 Meditation.

Interviewer Yep.
Participant 2 Team sports, then puzzles game.
Interviewer Ah, I see. Thank you for completing the task. I will stop recording now.