Overview of the Metatheoretical Lens 

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Title of Paper [Please see APA About an Interesting Title]


Your Name

MACP Program, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Yorkville University

PSYC XXXX-XX – [Course #, section #] A Biopsychosocial Approach to Counselling

Dr. Firstname Lastname

[date of submission goes here: either Month dd, yyyy  OR yyyy mm dd]







                                   Your Interesting Title That you Have on the Title Page
Remember that the first part of the paper is always assumed to be the introduction for it. Introduce the primary focus in a clear sentence (i.e. In this paper I explore….) followed by further introductory information (e.g. one sentence about the case), then information about the steps you take in this paper (i.e. explain that you will first present/describe the case, discuss BPS, then CRSJ approach, perhaps discuss the therapeutic relationship, then discuss the case from the bio psycho social and wider socio-cultural concerns). State that you will provide concluding comments about the therapeutic relationship.

First Heading

Overview of the Metatheoretical Lens  

Describe the CRSJ Metatheoretical Lens in your own words. Reference the course
readings and other scholarly resources.

Overview of the BPS Framework 

Describe the BioPsychoSocial Model, including a description of the interconnection
between biology, psychology, and socio-environmental factors. Support your writings with in-text citations of scholarly reference sources.

Overview of the Disorder or Topic 

Describe the key concerns that have brought the client, in the final case scenario, to
counselling at this time. For example, if the counselling issue is depression, describe some common characteristics of depression and its prevalence in the general population. Do not write at length about BPS factors. This step is the part of academic writing where you make sure the reader understands important concepts for your essay, early on.



Case Description

This is the section in which you give the reader all the information about your case: Include demographic and social locating /identifying facts (i.e., age, racial minority/majority, marital status, current occupation, living situation), the problem the client is presenting with for counselling, the client’s situation in life and participation in various cultures (e.g., ethnicity, linguistic, rural/urban, generation, religion, and other relevant cultures.

You need to also include some basic information about the history of this or similar problem in the client life (i.e., previous episodes of depression, or diagnosis of GAD), as well as the key symptoms and their impact on the client’s life.

Application of the BPS and CRSJ Approaches 

Biological Approaches to Counselling 

Identify, describe, and analyze the biological factors for the client in the case scenario
(disorder/issue). Assess and explore layers that would impact the client and the treatment process
(i.e., layers outlined in BPS). Support your writings with in-text citations of scholarly reference
sources. Remember that biological factors can include epigenetic discussion, but do not accidentally launch into discussion about personal developmental experiences or challenging events in detail, since those are better placed in the next two sections.

This sample third layer heading. It is bold, indented, use lower case, and ends with a period. Your introductory sentence for this paragraph would commence right after the heading.

Psychological Approaches to Counselling 

Identify, describe, and analyze the psychological factors for the client in the case scenario
(disorder/issue). Remember that psychological topics are those that involve what goes on inside the client: thoughts, emotions, behaviours (i.e., low self-esteem, ruminating, catastrophizing, self-talk, sadness). Support your writings with in-text citations of scholarly
reference sources.

Interpersonal Social Factors

Identify, describe and analyze the first-layer interpersonal social factors for the case client (i.e., family interactions, personal experiences of interactions with others). This is not the section to discuss cultural concerns such as discrimination, values, messaging, or to discuss social determinants of health (impersonal, positionality facts that are statistically correlated to health/mental health outcomes or for example, the fact that anxiety is higher in women, or that another identity feature may be tied to lower access to resources). This section is for more personal, micro layer social experiences, such as abuse, trauma. You may include interactions related to family context and culture here. Wider cultural aspects belong in the next section. Support your writings with in-text citations of scholarly reference sources.

CRSJ Approach to Counselling 

Identify, describe, and analyze the socio-cultural considerations for the client in the case
scenario (disorder/issue).  This section is for social determinants of health (impersonal, positionality facts that are statistically correlated to health/mental health outcomes or for example, the fact that anxiety is higher in women, or that another identity feature may be tied to lower access to resources), and for cultural aspects outside the client’s immediate relationships, such as their participation in mainstream culture, an ethnic/religious/sport/workplace … or sub-culture.  Support your writings with in-text citations. You are expected to include at least one social determinant in your social and cultural factors discussed in this section.



Counsellor Role in Therapeutic Relationship 

Counsellor’s Professional Role 

Describe the counsellor’s professional role in building a therapeutic relationship,
conceptualization, and other relevant actions for the client in the case scenario that were not part of your earlier section (i.e., the earlier section looks more at the counselling session introduction and context, while this one looks at approaches and considerations for counselling through the counselling session and with regard to how the counsellor’s approach could be appropriate as the case is treated ongoing).  Support your writings with intext citations of scholarly reference sources.

Ethical Considerations 

Briefly explore ethical considerations for the counsellor when providing counselling for
the client in the case scenario. Make specific reference to ethical codes that were reviewed in
Unit 7. Remember to cite the code # as well. Support your writings with intext citations of scholarly reference sources.

Case Conceptualization


Briefly develop the case conceptualization for this scenario up to, not including treatment.

Write a concise conclusion and support your main points with some of the references that
you found. A good conclusion summarizes the key points from your BPS factors that influence this case, and makes a statement about learning from this examination of this case, for counsellors to consider when working with such a case.


Refer to Chapter 10 (APA, 2020) of the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.) for guidance in
formatting (such as the use of the hanging indentation and exact double spacing).







[Remember to cite original sources unless they are not accessible in the Yorkville library. See the APA manual for how to cite original work from secondary sources if you need to do this.]


[Introduction [0.5 page max]

Overview of the BPS Framework  [0.5 page max]


Overview of the Metatheoretical Lens  [0.5 page max]


Overview of the Disorder/Topic [0.5 page max]

Application of the BPS and CRSJ Approaches [6-8 factors total in this section]


Biological Approaches to Counselling [2 pages max]


Psychological Approaches to Counselling [2 pages max]


Social Approaches to Counselling [2 pages max]


CRSJ Approach to Counselling [2 pages max]



Counsellor Role in Therapeutic Relationship 


Counsellor’s Professional Role [0.5 page max]


Ethical Considerations [0.5 page max]

Conclusion [0.5 page max]