
104 views 8:35 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

Purpose: To explore personal risk for illness and chronic conditions as impacted by both personal lifestyle choices and family health history.

Overview: Students will identify and assess their behaviours and the potential health-risk impact on chronic health conditions. Similarly, the learner will explore their family health history and other non-modifiable risk factors for deleterious health outcomes. Investigating the impact of each of these factors, students will identify the top conditions that they have the greatest risk of developing in the future. With this information, the learner will devise a clear plan that they can implement to mitigate their risk of one chronic condition, with strategies supported by scientific literature.



Please read the instructions below carefully. Reach out to your instructor with any questions.

What you Need to Do:

Download the Health Action Plan Worksheet package Download Health Action Plan Worksheet packageand bring it with you to class (hard copy or digital copy). A print-friendly version of this document can be downloaded here Download here. Complete each of the investigative activities and submit the paired Canvas reflections. This document WILL NOT be included in the final submission

Review the assignment grading rubric and assignment instructions carefully.

Complete Part 2 – Personal Health Risk Exploration. Use relevant reflections and worksheets from part 1 to assist.

Develop a plan. Complete part 3 of the assignment, again using completed reflections and worksheets from earlier in the assignment.

Review the assignment and edit for clarity, conciseness and grammar/punctuation. Note: Direct quotations are not acceptable for this assignment. You are required to paraphrase and synthesize the information that you’ve read to convey to the reader.



What you Need to Submit:

Assignment submissions require the completion of each of the following parts:

Part 1 – Investigation (ongoing throughout the semester. You do not need to do anything additional with these when submitting your final assignment)

Health risk questionnaire reflection. Six of eight (6/8) reflections are graded:

Introduction to Health and Wellness

Psychosocial Wellness

Stress and Stress Management


Physical Activity


Substance Use

Chronic Health Conditions


Part 2 – Personal Health Risk Exploration

Identification and discussion of at least three personal lifestyle factors that have the greatest likelihood of increasing future risk of disease.

Using the reflections and investigative questionnaires from Part 1, identify and discuss a minimum of three (3) lifestyle choices that have the greatest likelihood of increasing your risk for chronic conditions. In your discussion:

What chronic health conditions do these modifiable risk factors increase your risk of? Explain. (References required, APA format)

What made you choose this risk factor? Explain. (awareness from completing questionnaires/reflections, in-class discussions, past personal considerations, etc.)

Whether there is a crossover between risk factors and conditions (e.g. physical inactivity is a risk factor for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease). There may be a compounding impact on your risk for certain conditions. 

Identification of two (2) chronic health conditions that are found in your family tree whereby individual risk is increased due to hereditary linkage (e.g., high cholesterol, Alzheimer’s, etc.) If the family health history investigation does not identify two chronic disease risks, please indicate. Include the following:

Why you chose the two chronic conditions that you did

How prevalent the condition is in your family (e.g. Multi-generational? Siblings, parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents, etc.)

What evidence is there that suggests an increased risk due to genetic factors? (References required. APA format)

Consideration of conditions that you may experience a heightened risk of due to other non-modifiable risk factors. 


Part 3 – Planning for Prevention

The learner will select one (1) disease/disorder/chronic health condition of interest that they may be at a higher risk of experiencing based on the exploration of personal lifestyle choices and family health history in part 2. The rationale for selecting this condition is required and should be supported by at least two (2) scholarly sources. Do not directly quote your sources. Paraphrase the research and submit it in your own words. 

Develop a long-term plan for mitigating the risk of the identified condition. Using literature to support your plan, consider the following factors, and include at least three in your plan:

Physical activity and dietary habits

Social support and development/maintenance/boundaries of relationships

Stress and stress management

Medical plan (check-ups, blood tests, etc.)

Monitoring signs and symptoms

Provide evidence of the importance of including these strategies in your plan (APA format)

Finally, select one strategy from above and set a habit loop for engaging in the behaviour.

When developing your plan, consider what life looks like today compared to how it could look 5-10 years from now. How might this plan need to shift to accommodate different phases of life? (Think: full-time work, family/friend obligations, a move, injury, high stress, etc.) In making these considerations, you may need to identify priorities – the items that you believe have the biggest payoff. Include three (3) if-then statements in this section.

e.g. If I make a move for work, then I will focus on stress management practices like breath work and will restart my exercise program once I have settled in my new location.


Submission Guidelines – This assignment should be no longer than 2,000 words and no more than 7 pages double-spaced (not including the title page and references)







This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Punctuation, and writing organization

3 pts

Full Marks

Well organized and logical. A combination of simple, compound and complex sentences is mostly accurate. Punctuation is mostly correct.

2 pts


A mixture of sentence structures, often inaccurate. Punctuation is mostly correct.

1 pts

Partial – Low

Attempts a combination of sentence structure but with frequent basic inaccuracies. Punctuation is inconsistent.

0 pts

No Marks

Uses mostly simple sentences that are incomplete or inaccurate AND punctuation errors predominate. Ideas incoherent.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Clarity

5 pts

Full Marks

Submission is organized, easy to follow and understand, conclusions are clear and developed.

4 pts


Submission is somewhat organized, difficult to follow at times, may jump from point to point. Conclusions are clearly developed and presented.

2 pts

Partial – Low

Submission is not easily followed and or disorganized and conclusions are not clearly developed

0 pts

No Marks

Submission is not easily followed and or disorganized and conclusions are not clearly developed

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence-based information

7 pts

Full Marks

Relevant, current, peer-reviewed sources are used, evidence effectively addresses the topic, and evidence is synthesized appropriately. The research is paraphrased and not directly quoted.

4.5 pts


Relevant, peer-reviewed sources used, and evidence has been partially connected to the topic, though not effectively. Some issues with APA referencing – in-text, reference list, or reliance on direct quotations.

2.5 pts

Partial – low

Some research is reviewed but the evidence provided lacks dept, relevance OR evidence. The author relies heavily on direct quotations and/or has various APA referencing errors throughout.

0 pts

No Marks

Sources are primarily websites or textbooks, little to no research evidence is provided, or evidence submitted is not used/synthesized effectively. Numerous APA referencing errors in-text and in citation list OR references used are exclusively direct quotations.

7 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExploration of Health Risk

The submission requires exploration of personal health risk based on personal lifestyle factors and family health history, along with other non-modifiable risk factors. The submission requires a demonstrated understanding of the factors that increase a person’s risk for the condition. The submission includes clear connections between the risk factors and the condition selected.

6 pts

Full Marks

The author is clearly engaged and knowledgeable about the subject they researched. A thorough exploration of the topic includes all of the necessary components, including a thorough investigation of health risks (modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors, including family health history) and a clear connection between these risks and the condition. The connections are supported by research.

4 pts


The exploration submitted lacks clarity or clear demonstration of understanding OR is missing one of the following: – identification of all three necessary lifestyle factors that increase a person’s risk of disease and which diseases they increase the risk of – why the risk factors were selected – whether there is a crossover between risk factors – two family health conditions, including prevalence – evidence of a genetic component to conditions found within family health history

2 pts

Partial – low

The submission does not demonstrate a clear understanding of risk factors that are related to chronic conditions OR more than one of the following is missing: – identification of all three necessary lifestyle factors that increase a person’s risk of disease and which diseases they increase the risk of – why the risk factors were selected – whether there is a crossover between risk factors – two family health conditions, including prevalence – evidence of a genetic component to conditions found within family health history

0 pts

No Marks

The exploration submitted demonstrates a significant lack of understanding or is incomplete.

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan for Prevention

The submission includes a clear plan with at least three factors for prevention. The plan includes a clear, concise explanation of how each factor could assist with the prevention of the condition. The focus is on primary prevention. A habit loop has been developed for one of the mentioned preventative factors and consideration of future barriers has been demonstrated with three if-then statements.

6 pts

Full Marks

All necessary requirements for the “planning for prevention” section have been submitted nearly flawlessly.

4 pts


The plan submitted is either lacking clarity or missing one of the following requirements: – three factors for prevention – habit loop for one of the prevention factors – plan for future barriers (if-then statements)

2 pts

Partial – low

The plan submitted is either not clear or is missing more than one of the following requirements: – three factors for prevention – habit loop for one of the prevention factors – plan for future barriers (if-then statements)

0 pts

No Marks

The plan that has been submitted is lacking detail and understanding.

6 pts

Total Points: 27
