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Assessment 2 – User Experience
Task description:
The aim of this assessment is to create technology design specifications, based on
findings from user experience research in a real-world context. This assessment is
based on the proposal presented in assessment 1. Assessment 2 is presented through
a report that describes the background, methods, findings, design specifications (for
example, a persona and a journey map), a design brief, and detailed appendices.
This is an authentic assessment because user research and creating design
specification are key skills of user experience professionals.
4000 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your
reference list and appendices)
Unit Learning Outcomes assessed:
ULO 1: Apply methods and theories to study people and technologies in real-world
ULO 2: Create design specifications, ideas and prototypes from real-world insights.
ULO 3: Evaluate the usability and user experience of interactive technology and be
aware of the strengths and limitations of the evaluation.
ULO 4: Work in a collaborative, ethical and honest manner.
ULO 5: Apply communication skills to create professional deliverables through
reports, presentations and visual media.
What you need to do
1. Read the Criterion Reference Assessment Rubric Download Criterion
Reference Assessment Rubric
2. Refine your research proposal (research instruments, and ethics
documents) based on feedback from assignment 1.
3. Recruit participants: Invite 2 participants to take part in your study. Collect
signed consent forms before you start your research.

4. Collect data: Use the instruments presented in assignment 1 to study the
experiences and needs of your participants. Audio/video record your study
and take notes and photos. Ensure you keep a copy of your audio/video
5. Transcribe recordings: transcribe your recordings with the help of an online
tool. Anonymize transcripts by changing names to pseudonyms. Anonymize
photos by covering faces.
6. Analyze data and write up findings: based on a UX framework, analyse the
data thematically to give an overview of key findings. Present data from all
methods and participants. Present each theme together with concrete
evidence (e.g., interview response, image).
7. Create 2 design specifications based on your findings that describe people
(e.g., a journey map) and context (e.g., a rich picture).
8. Create a design brief for a technology design project based on your
research: problem(s) to be addressed, objectives of the new design, target
audience, and scope of the project.
9. Compile your report: work on activities week by week to build the report.
What you need to present
Compile a report with the following sections:
1. Cover sheet: title, chosen assignment topic, your student name and
Academic honesty statementDownload Academic honesty statement
3. Introduction: briefly specify the aim and scope of your project; reference
relevant literature to define the scope and key terms.
4. Methods: describe aim, participants, methods to collect and analyze data;
acknowledge limitations; cross-reference appendices.
5. Findings: this is the most important part of your report. Start with a
diagram that gives an overview of key themes in your findings. Then
describe each theme and present evidence from interview quotes, pictures,
observations, etc. to illustrate the key experiences and needs of your
6. Design specifications: based on your findings, present and discuss 2 design
specifications that communicate your key findings in an accessible manner,
e.g., a journey map and a rich picture.
7. Design brief: conclude with a design brief that summarizes the key
problems identified from your research, together with objectives, target
audience and scope for the future design project.
8. References: you can use Vancouver or APA referencing; be consistent with
the style you use.
9. Appendix: Structure your appendix well so that it is easy to find
information and cross-reference appendices in the main report. Include the
following sections:

1. Appendix A: Ethics Documents.
Include tailored consent form template, information sheet,
recruitment email
2. Appendix B: Methods Used.
Include instruments used in investigation e.g., e.g., interview
guide, diary instructions, cultural probes.
3. Appendix C: Anonymized Study Data.
Include anonymized study data e.g., coded interview transcripts,
photos, evidence of your analysis e.g., affinity diagrams.
4. Appendix D: Recordings.
Include links to interview audio/video recordings on your QUT
OneDrive to provide evidence of your research.