
155 views 8:50 am 0 Comments May 6, 2023

Welcome to IFN591 Week 6:
Data Analysis
1. Assignment Task 2
2. Data collection: refine
proposal, recruitment
3. Summary and next
Bernd Ploderer, Tara Capel
IFN591 Principles Of User Experience
You can book an online
consultation for this
Thursday via
outlook.office365.c om/
Assessment Task 2
Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3
Assignment 2: User Experience Specification
Assessment Type
The aim of this assessment is to create technology design
specifications, based on findings from user experience research in a
real-world context. This assessment is based on the proposal
presented in assessment 1. Assessment 2 is presented through a
report that describes the background, methods, findings, design
specifications (for example, a persona and a journey map), a design
brief, and detailed appendices. The report will be 3000-4000 words
long, not including references and appendices.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Week 9
Relates to unit learning
Due date (indicative)

Assignment 2: User Experience Specification
Review assignment information on Canvas:
Report structure
Marking rubric
Assignment examples Data Collection
Refine your research proposal
Based on the verbal feedback in response to your
presentation (or based on your experience with
your first participant)
you (may) need to refine your research proposal,
research instruments, and ethics documents
Post questions on Slack, or book a short
consultation via
Start your study
Once you have updated your research proposal based on feedback, you should be
ready to start your study.
1. Recruit 2 participants
2. Collect signed consent forms
before you start your research.
3. Conduct your study as proposed in assignment 1 with your say, do, and make
4. Record your research: audio/video record your interview. Take photos and
notes for make and do methods.
Have your data ready for analysis for next week’s workshop.

Signed consent form via email
If you conduct research online, consent forms signed on paper may not
be practical.
Instead, you can negotiate
informed consent via email:
1. Email information sheet and consent form to participant
2. Participants reply, stating “I have read though the information sheet and
consent form and agree to participate” and include their name
3. Upload PDF of email response to Canvas
Recruitment for real-world UX research
Be andclear methods on: target (representative group characteristics, tasks, interview number questions) of participants required,
incentives, e.g., small gift voucher, coffee, snacks
Recruit via
1. Hallway or Guerrilla Testing: quick, for early designs, but users are
not representative
2. Existing Users: via email, website popups, sales team, social media
3. Online Service Recruitment: e.g., Usertesting.com Mechanical Turk
4. Recruitment agencies: quick but expensive
See also
https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/how-torecruit-users-for-usability-studies &
Guerrilla testing image from https://
Transcribe interviews
and anonymize data
Transcribe audio/video recordings word by word (verbatim)
Microsoft Office Transcribe, automatic transcription, see
https://otter.ai/ automatic transcription, but will need editing,
only 40mins for free
Zoom offers automatic transcription, see https://
support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115004794983- Usingaudio-transcription-for-cloud-recordings
Anonymize data
change names in transcripts to pseudonyms, e.g., change
“Bernd Ploderer” to “Participant 1”
Anonymize photos by blurring faces
End goal
: all data in one place and format for your analysis
Back up
your data, or save it in QUT OneDrive
Summary and next steps
The aim of Assignment 2 is to conduct user experience research and to
present your outcomes as a report.
Due date:
week 9 via Canvas.
Signed consent forms need to be uploaded through a separate Canvas link
Use Slack #assignment2 for questions or book an consultation via
[email protected]/bookings/
Next Steps
Complete the activities started
1. Recruit 2 participants and
collect data
2. Transcribe interviews and
anonymize data
In our next class (after the break)
we will discuss how to analyze the
data you have collected