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ICT308 IT Project 2

Assessment 1: Iteration 1 (25%)

1.1 Overview






Iteration 1



Friday, Week 6

Please see Moodle for the due date of this assessment as the week listed above is a guide.

This assessment has the following three parts:

Part 1 – Design Documentation of the front end of your website.

Part 2 – Demonstration of the front end of your website .

The two parts of the assessment listed above are described in the following sections.

1.2 Part 1 – Documentation

In the Design Documentation, add a heading called Iteration 1, then write a brief summary of what design documentation you are doing for iteration 1.

You must do your design documentation before you start developing, and at the end of the iteration, your design documentation must match your project.

Design documentation should include the following aspects:

Business rules: who can access your website and what are the activities such users can perform in the website, e.g. a customer can browse the products through ‘search’ in an eCommerce website. Your expressions of business rules should be consistent with Project 1 assessment 3.

Activity diagram: visual presentation of user interactions with your website. The development of activity diagrams should be consistent with the Project 1 assessment 3.

Storyboard: visual presentation of the webpages on your website. Your team can follow the storyboard from your Project 1 assessment 3 as a template to develop the storyboard in Project 2

Database design: specify all the business data entities required to support the transactions on your website. If your website uses MongoDB, you only need to present 1 table but your website uses SQL, you need to present multiple tables with relationships.

1.3 Part 2 – Demo for front end of the website

For Part 2, the usable piece of the product you develop in the iteration is assessed. You are required to do the following:

Write a brief description of what hosting service is used in your project (such as GoDaddy, WordPress) and describe what the theme/templates were adopted and identify where you got them from.

Describe what changes have been made by your team to customize such templates used in your project.

If you do not identify code that you did not write yourself, it will be considered academic misconduct.

Paying for someone to write code for you will be considered academic misconduct.

ALL teams must also make a video demonstrating the front end of your website and where you got up to at the end of the iteration. If you do not have screen recording software, a good free version is OBS Studio – https://obsproject.com/.

You need to upload the video to your online storage drive or Youtube and include the link in

Part 2 of your submission document.

NB: Marking rubric is attached in assessment 1 folder for your reference.