Organizational chart

147 views 8:27 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

w 0 e ••• Asses3 SITXHRM003 – SITXMOT001
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3. For the new plan, the following organizational chart has been prepared showing the various roles of the members of the oNlet, along with their job description:
The organizational chart prepared above shows the important roles and their job description at the outbt: The top-most position in the organized°. hierarchy that of .a owner of the outlet. He is required to control the whole operation end ensure the success of the business After the owner, .e second position at .a top is the manager.. is requiredt manage all the actties at the outlet He also required to identify potential issues and take preventive measures. Under the manager, the supervisors operate. The supervisor of the kitchen team is required to supervise and monitor all .e activities of the kitchen team, along with resolving their queries, if any. The kitchen team works under him who is required to acquire food products, cook them, and serve them . per the request of the customer. The supervisor of the service team is required . supervise and monitor all .e activities of the service team, along with resolving their queries, if any. 3458 words IT, English The service team works under him who is required to attend to the astomers, take their orders, serve their orders, deal with the payments, delivery of food, and coll