Organisations and behaviour

128 views 10:57 am 0 Comments July 25, 2023

organisations and behaviour
Unit Aim

The aim of this unit is to give learners an understanding of individual and group behaviour in organisations and to examineHuman Computer Interaction current theories and their application in managing behaviour in the workplace.

Unit introduction

This unit focuses on the behaviour of individuals and groups within organisations. It explores the links between the structure and culture of organisations and how these interact and influence the behaviour of the workforce. The structure of a large multi-national company with thousands of employees worldwide will be very different from a small local business with 20 employees. The way in which an organisation structures and organises its workforce will impact on the culture that develops within the organisation. This system of shared values and beliefs will determine and shape the accepted patterns of behaviour of an organisations workforce. The culture in organisations that differ in size, for example, or are from different sectors of the economy can be very different.

The structure and culture of an organisation are key factors which contribute to motivating the workforce at all levels of the organisation. The Japanese were instrumental in developing a culture of ‘continuous improvement through teamwork’ in their manufacturing industry. This culture has now been exported around the world and encapsulates the way in which structure and culture contribute to patterns of behaviour in the workplace. This unit will develop learner understanding of the behaviour of people within organisations and of the significance that organisational design has on shaping that behaviour.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the assignment that you present for assessment needs to demonstrate that you can meet all the learning outcomes listed below.

Learning Outcomes ( LO) Assessment Criteria ( AC)
1. Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture 1
1.1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture

1.2 explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business

1.3 discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work
2. Understand different approaches to management and leadership 2
2.1 compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations

2.2 explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations

3. Understand ways of using motivational theories in organizations 3

3.1 discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change

3.2 compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace

3.3 evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers
4. Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations 4

4.1 explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations

4.2 discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations

4.3 evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organisation

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