Oral Assignment

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Oral Assignment


Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (CIVMB_OR_Audio_v5A1)

Student identification (student to complete)

Please complete the fields shaded grey.

Student number

Oral assignment result (assessor to complete)

Result — first submission

Parts that must be resubmitted

Result — resubmission (if applicable)

Result summary (assessor to complete)


First submission

Resubmission (if required)

Preparation for oral assessment

Part 1: Instructions



Part 2: Preparation for oral assignment

Oral assessment

Part 3: Oral response to questions

10 minutes

Part 4: Role play

10 minutes

Part 5: Role play

5 minutes

Part 6: Role play

5 minutes

Total time required

30 minutes

Feedback (assessor to complete)

[insert assessor feedback]


Before you begin

Read everything in this document before you start your oral assignment by audio recording.

About this document

This document is the oral assignment — half of the overall written and oral assignment.

This document includes the following parts:

Part 1: Instructions for completing and submitting this assignment

Part 2: Preparation for oral assessment

Part 3: Oral responses to questions (10 minutes)

Part 4: Role play (10 minutes)

Part 5: Role play (5 minutes)

Part 6: Role play (5 minutes).

How to use the study plan

We recommend that you use the study plan for this subject to help you manage your time to complete the oral assignment within your enrolment period. Your study plan is in the KapLearn Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking (CIVMBv5A1) subject room.

You will need to start preparing for your oral assignment a few weeks before the written and oral assignment is due.

Part 1: Instructions for completing and submitting this oral assignment

Completing the oral assignment

For this oral assignment you are required to complete the following tasks:

Part 2: Preparation for oral assessment: You must complete and submit your responses in this document.

Part 3: Oral response to questions: To be completed by audio recording.
Your assessor will complete the checklist.

Part 4: Role play: To be completed by audio recording with a volunteer.
Your assessor will complete the checklist.

Part 5: Role play: To be completed by audio recording with a volunteer. You must also complete and submit the Prospect Register in this document. Your assessor will complete the checklist.

Part 6: Role play: To be completed by audio recording with a volunteer.
Your assessor will complete the checklist.

More information regarding requirements for the oral assignment are provided in the resources in your subject in KapLearn.

Saving your work

Download this document to your desktop, type your answers in the spaces provided and save your work regularly.

• Use the template provided, as other formats will not be accepted for these assignments.

• Name your file as follows: Studentnumber_Subjectcode_Oral_versionnumber_Submissionnumber

(e.g. 12345678_CIVMB_OR_v5A1_Submission1).

• Include your student ID on the first page of the assignment.

Before you submit your work, please do a spell check and proofread your work to ensure that everything is clear and unambiguous.

Submitting the oral assignment

You must submit your completed oral assignment (Word document) in a compatible Microsoft Word document. You need to save and submit this entire document.

Do not remove any sections of the document.

Do not save your completed oral assignment as a PDF.

You will also need to upload an audio recording of your oral assessment.

The oral assignment (in Word) and the audio recording must all be completed before submitting it to Kaplan Professional Education. Incomplete oral assignment documents and/or audio recordings will be returned to you unmarked.

The maximum file size for the written assignment (word document), oral assignment (word document) and audio recording is 20MB. Once you submit your oral assignment and audio recording for marking you will be unable to make any further changes to it.

You are able to submit your written and oral assignment earlier than the deadline if you are confident you have completed all parts and have prepared a quality submission.

Refer to your study guide so you can plan ahead to complete your audio recording before the written and oral assignment is due.

For more information see the resources in your subject about how to organise and upload your audio recording in KapLearn.

Note: The written assignment (in Word), oral assignment (in Word) and audio recording must all be submitted together.

The oral assignment marking process

You have 26 weeks from the date of your enrolment in this subject to submit your completed oral assignment and audio recording.

If you reach the end of your initial enrolment period and have been deemed ‘Not yet demonstrated’ in one or more assessment items, then an additional four (4) weeks will be granted, provided you attempted all assessment tasks during the initial enrolment period.

Your assessor will mark your assignments and return them to you in the subject room in KapLearn under the ‘Written and Oral Assessment’ page.

Make a reasonable attempt

You must demonstrate that you have made a reasonable attempt to complete all the parts of your oral assessment. Failure to do so will mean that your oral assignment will not be accepted for marking, therefore you will not receive the benefit of feedback on your submission.

If you do not meet these requirements, you will be notified. You will then have until your submission deadline to submit your completed written and oral assessment.

How your oral assignment is graded

Oral assignment tasks are used to determine your ‘competence’ in demonstrating the required knowledge and/or skills for each subject. As a result, you will be graded as either Demonstrated or Not yet demonstrated for this oral assessment.

Your assessor will follow the below process when marking your oral assignment:

• Assess your responses in each part of the oral assessment, and then determine whether you have demonstrated competence in each question or checklist.

• Determine if, on a holistic basis, your responses have demonstrated overall competence.

You must be deemed to be demonstrated in all assessment items in order to be awarded the units of competency in this subject including:

• all of the exam questions

• the written and oral assignment.

Not yet demonstrated’ and resubmissions

Should parts of your oral assignment be marked as ‘not yet demonstrated’ you will be given an additional opportunity to amend your responses so that you can demonstrate your competency to the required level.

You must address the assessor’s feedback in your amended responses. You only need amend those sections where the assessor has determined the assessment result is ‘not yet demonstrated’.

You may be asked to re-record a part of your audio recording or to answer some written questions in this document. Use a different text colour for any written sections of your resubmission. Your assessor will be in a better position to gauge the quality and nature of your changes. Ensure you leave your first assessor’s comments in your oral assignment, so your second assessor can see the instructions that were originally provided for you. Do not change any comments made by a Kaplan assessor.

Units of competency

This oral assignment is your opportunity to demonstrate your competency against these units:

FNSSAM403 Prospect for New Clients
FNSCRD301 Process applications for credit
FNSFMB401 Prepare loan application on behalf of finance or mortgage broking clients
FNSFMB402 Identify client needs for broking services
FNSFMB403 Present broking options to client
FNSFMB501 Settle applications and loan arrangements in the finance and mortgage broking industry
FNSFMK505 Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice
FNSINC401 Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry
FNSINC402 Develop and maintain in-depth knowledge of products and services used by an organisation or sector
BSBITU306 Design and produce business documents
BSBCUS301 Deliver and monitor a service to customers
BSBCUS402 Address customer needs

Note that the written and oral assignment is one of two assessments required to meet the requirements of the units of competency.

We are here to help

If you have any questions you can do the following steps:

1. Read the resources and watch the video about oral assignment in your subject in KapLearn.

2. Post your query at the ‘Ask your Tutor’ forum in your subject room. You can expect an answer within 24 hours of your posting from one of our technical advisers or student support staff.

Part 2: Preparation for oral assessment

To prepare for your oral assessment you are required to complete the following questions:

Question 1

How do you assess the need to adjust your interpersonal style to effectively communicate with different types of clients? Provide two (2) examples (e.g. when you are dealing with a difficult client).

Answer here

Question 2

You have a new client, Jeff Smith, and have just made an appointment to meet with him.
Compose a professional email to send to Jeff, confirming the appointment, outlining the purpose and time of your first meeting. Your email should also name the document/s you have attached for him to read prior to this meeting. (For this assessment there is no need to attach the document/s.)

Answer here

Question 3

In Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this assignment you will act as a broker and will be required to make an audio recording. Prepare a list of resources and equipment you will need for these oral tasks.

Answer here

Question 4

Aside from the resources and equipment identified in Part 2 Question 3 of this assignment:

• What will you do to prepare for the delivery of the loan proposal in Part 4: Role play?

• What communication techniques would you use to respond to any difficult questions?

Note: You can refer to the case study information in Part 4 to answer this question.

This question demonstrates your ability to plan ahead for your interaction with the customer.

Answer here

Question 5

In Part 5 of this oral assignment you will act as an Administrative Assistant and will be required to make an audio recording of two cold calls to prospective clients.

Visit the following website and the ‘Client prospecting Guidelines’ available in the toolbox and answer the following questions:

• Explain what you must and cannot do with telemarketing.

• How would you prepare for the call using the guidelines mentioned above?

• What would be some key points you would want to cover in your script?

Answer here

Question 6

There have been recent changes to the level of ‘reasonable enquiries’ required to assess a client’s financial position making it necessary to obtain a number of additional documents to complete a more depth check of living expenses. Explain below how you would detail these changes to colleagues.

Answer here

Assessor feedback

Resubmission required?

Part 3: Oral response to questions

Make a 10 minute recording of yourself answering the following questions. Before you start make sure you have read the resources in your subject in KapLearn to assist you with your oral assessment by audio recording. Leave the second column blank so your assessor can record a summary of your oral response. You will need to rehearse your responses before the oral assessment, to ensure that your responses are within the maximum timeframe.

(Note: No volunteer is required when you complete these questions.)


Summary of oral response (assessor only)

1. You are a broker who charges a fee for your service. You are meeting a new client, Stephanie Jones, for the first time at your office after an initial cold call.

The purpose of the meeting is to start to gather information about her existing financial situation, goals and needs.

To comply with organisation policy and legislative requirements and to ensure that Stephanie can make informed decisions moving forward, there are two documents you must provide to Stephanie.

(a) Name the two (2) documents you must provide to Stephanie.

(b) Explain the disclosures that are contained in the documents in your own words.

(c) Give one (1) example of how you would check with her that she understands these disclosures.

(d) Communicate to Stephanie your commercial relationship with the various product providers from which you will access loan product options for her.

(Disclosures should include, but are not limited to, the range and limitation of your services, complaint handling process and the way you are remunerated.)

2. Stephanie has acknowledged that she understands the two documents and disclosures. She then begins to tell you more about her current financial situation.

(a) Describe the communication skills you will use to:

• encourage Stephanie to express her needs and goals

determine her current investment and assets position

consider various home loan options for her.

(b) Explain where you will initially record all information provided by Stephanie.

3. This is Stephanie’s first home purchase. She is very happy with all of your advice and has made a decision on which loan option she would like to take. She now asks ‘what happens from here?’

Advise Stephanie on:

(a) • the key documents you will require from her prior to submitting an application

• the steps that will occur from this meeting through to settlement and your role in those steps.

(b) how you will communicate with relevant parties to keep the loan approval process on track

(c) how you will communicate with her throughout the process and advise her of next steps when the lenders decision for an offer (approval) or a non‑offer (declined) loan is made.

4. After talking with friends, Stephanie expresses some resistance with committing and says she is a little worried that possible increases in interest rate will be too difficult for her to handle.

(a) Ask Stephanie three (3) questions to help you identify the reasons for her resistance and how you would document them.

(b) What processes would you use to research options for Stephanie and then present these options to effectively negotiate a commitment to proceed with the option you have recommended?

(c) Explain where you would document your research and discussions with Stephanie.

5. A final decision on Stephanie’s loan application has been deferred by the credit approver due to property valuation coming in $15,000 lower than purchase price and taking LVR to just over 81%. The loan required is 80% of the purchase price and you are not sure Stephanie can come up with more cash contribution right at this time. You have spoken to the valuer, who will not change the value.

(a) Describe how you would approach the lender to try to get the loan approved. Assuming that all other aspects of the proposal are strong, what would be some key points of the applicant or the proposal that you would emphasise to the lender in a bid to get loan approved.

You may make positive assumptions about the applicant, as considered appropriate.

(b) From your efforts the loan has now settled and you are required to obtain feedback from the client. Refer to the ‘Feedback Policy’ found under Organisation Policies and Procedures in the Toolbox.

• Explain the feedback policy process to Stephanie.

• Explain how her feedback would be actioned within the organisation.

• Provide two (2) other sources of feedback that could help in evaluating professional business development needs.

6. Several months have passed since Stephanie’s loan was approved and settled. Your broker business has now grown substantially to the point you now employ four staff members in support roles to assist you and the two other brokers in meeting clients’ demands and liaising with lenders and other parties. You need to restructure the business to improve teamwork and processes.

Briefly outline what you would do to initiate these improvements, taking into account:

(a) skills and knowledge of the staff member involved:

• how current allocation of duties could be improved

• how to effectively plan work to be completed and maintain a team environment, while considering constraints and available resources

(b) how data collection and storage could be better managed across the team while maintaining sustainability principles such as reducing paper documents

(c) identify and evaluate some professional development activities or tools that would improve knowledge and teamwork within the team.

7. The triple-bottom-line philosophy is key to the continuing prosperity of a business.

(a) Explain in your own words what the triple bottom philosophy is.

(b) Explain in your own words one (1) example of a new sustainability idea, activity or function you could introduce to your workplace.

Explain what your idea is, any additional equipment or facilities required and the outcome you hope to achieve.

Also explain how you will obtain approval and communicate and promote your initiative to your team.

Make some suggestions on how you will encourage your team to implement the idea.

Assessor checklist — oral responses to questions

Your assessor will complete the checklist for your oral response to each question.

Demonstrated or Not Yet Demonstrated

1 Demonstrates understanding of the duty of disclosure

2 Describes how to ascertain a client’s needs and determine their current financial position.

3 Outlines the key documents required from a client during the loan application process

Describes the steps that occur in the loan process

4 Demonstrates understanding of how to identify and address client concerns

Demonstrates understanding of risks associated with various loan options

5 Describes how a mortgage broker would approach a lender to get a loan approved.

6 Outline how a mortgage broker can restructure their business to improve teamwork and processes.

7 Recognises and implements sustainability principles and work practices.

Student resubmission response (if required by assessor):

Assessor feedback:

Resubmission required?

Part 4: Role play

You will participate in a role play for a maximum of 10 minutes. The role play will be conducted by audio recording. You will need a volunteer to assist you in the role play.

For your volunteer you need to select an appropriate person who is able to participate in the volunteer role criteria below. The volunteer needs to understand that this is part of your assessment. Provide a copy of the Volunteer Guide in your KapLearn subject to your volunteer so they understand what they need to do in your assessment.

You will not be assessed on your acting ability. You will be assessed on the criteria listed below the task under assessor feedback.

When starting your role-play recording, ask your volunteer if they give permission to be included in the audio recording. The volunteer needs to agree verbally before the recording may continue.

See the ‘resources’ in your subject in KapLearn to assist you in preparing for your role play.

Role play case study Philip and Jennifer Brown

Note: This Philip and Jennifer Brown case study is also used in the written assignment as part of this course. It is recommended that you complete Tasks 1 and 2 of the Written assignment prior to undertaking the role play, as this will assist you in assessing the clients’ needs and potential loan structure that you can use for this role play activity. Alternatively, in preparation for the role play, use the tools available to you (e.g. loan calculators, lenders and Genworth websites), to prepare your presentation to the clients.


Philip and Jennifer Brown are a young couple about to buy their first home. They have been married for five years and during that time have rented an apartment while saving for their own home.

Following a personal referral from Glenn Brown (Philip’s brother), you have already had a first meeting with Philip and Jennifer to discuss their objectives and needs. They admitted they have little time to do much research on lenders; have limited knowledge of the loan products available and basically are not sure what is right for them.

During (and subsequent) to your first meeting, Philip and Jennifer have provided the basic information documents — pay slips, tax returns, bank statements, property details for review/verification. You have now undertaken your preliminary assessment and need to discuss and present to them the proposal covering the options and your recommendations. It is important to get the proposal moving quickly, as the agent has indicated other parties are interested in the property.

They have been looking at properties for the past three months and have found a 10-year-old established apartment that has really caught their eye; although they have some concern over the kitchen, which requires a little work.

They have not paid a deposit at this stage, but the real estate agent has provided some guidance on additional fees and charges.

Following is a summary of the details of the property they wish to purchase, the couple’s financial and employment details, and the loan features they require.

The property

Address Unit 1, 92 Seaside Lane Edgartown (Your state)
Purchase price $490,000
Description 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Strata Title apartment
Agent details Stephanie Jones
Landline 8123 1113
Mobile 0412 880 088

The couple

Current address Unit 12, 22 Wentworth Lane, Highville, (Your state)
Philip and Jennifer have lived there since March 2012
Home phone 9123 2121

Funds position

Purchase price $490,000
Client’s estimate of costs $25,000
Total required $515,000
Loan $440,000 + LMI
Client’s own contribution (includes proposed deposit of $50,000) $75,000

Use fees and charges applicable to your state. If the servicing calculator you are using requires a postcode, select one (1) that would represent a reasonable suburb/location in your city or state.


Capital Bank savings account (joint) $78,000
Capital Bank cheque account (joint) $1,600
Holden Commodore SS 2007 (Philip) $25,000
Kia Cerato Sport 2015 (Jennifer) $9,000
Superannuation — Capital Bank (Philip) $28,000
Superannuation — Capital Bank (Jennifer) $62,000
Household effects (insured value) $40,000


Capital Bank personal loan (Philip) $5,600 (repayments $180 p.m.)
Capital Bank Visa card (Philip) $200 (limit $4,000)
Capital Bank Visa card (Jennifer) $1,600 (limit $5,000)

Payments have always been met on time and any prior loans repaid in terms of contracts. The minimum monthly commitment on each of the credit cards should be calculated at 3% of the credit limit.

Living expenses

Annual expenditure for living expenses — $33,000.

Employment and income

Philip (date of birth 21/2/87)

Position Team Leader (full time)
Employer ACE Pty Ltd, 101 City Rd, Westside (Your state)
Phone 9800 1111
Income (gross) $58,000 p.a. monthly gross income: $4,833
Employer contact Dwayne Johnson, HR Manager
Length of service Since October 2005
Driver’s licence 8855KL
Email [email protected]

Jennifer (date of birth 8/10/88)

Position Accountant (full time)
Employer Tech City, 804 High Street, City East (Your state)
Phone 9910 2033
Income (gross) $95,000 p.a. monthly gross income: $7,917
Employer contact Bruce Wayne, HR Manager
Length of service Since March 2006
Driver’s licence 17016C
Email [email protected]

Solicitor’s details

Jones and Co

22 High Street, City East (Your state)

Phone: 82811382

Email: jonesandco.net.au

The solicitor has quoted a fee of $1,500 for the conveyance.

The loan requirements

• 30-year term

• premium option home loan features

• variable interest rate (for this case use 4.5% p.a.)

• LMI to be capitalised

• proposed settlement date — six weeks from exchange of contracts

• ability to make additional payments from time to time without penalty

• fortnightly repayment option

• redraw facility

• funds access via card.

Note: Loan application fee is waived under Special Offer.

Other information

• They have advised that the Real Estate Agent has indicated they need to make a formal offer within the next 10 days, however they are reluctant to do so until they obtain an approval.

• Jennifer has asked if there are any professional package benefits available because she is an accountant. However she did confirm she has not maintained her continuing professional development.

• Jennifer previously owned and lived in an apartment with her two older sisters when they attended university but they sold this before she married — they did not make a lot from the sale.

• The couple do not plan to have children within the next five years.

• However, they do have plans to take a major overseas trip within five years.

• Philip is hoping for a promotion within the next 12 months upon possible retirement of a long-term employee where he works.

• They have also expressed a concern about the possibility of interest rates increasing.


You are required to complete this ‘role play’ as part of the oral assessment’, which should take a maximum of 10 minutes. You may find use of the Fact Find document, Appendix 1, from the Written assignment will be helpful.

To set the scene for this role play:

• You are required to present your analysis and recommendations to your client (your volunteer) covering any concerns they may have.

• Due to the need to get an approval so contracts can be signed, an appointment has been made but unfortunately one of them (this will depend on which role your volunteer plays — Philip or Jennifer) cannot be present as he/she has had to go interstate urgently to visit a sick brother.

• Your clients do not wish to delay this meeting as they are keen to hear what you have to present — information can be passed to the other over the phone, when needed.

• This oral presentation should focus on presenting your analysis of the couple’s current position, loan prospects, evaluation of product options, as well as your recommendation, covering the following essential points:

– a summary of your understanding of the clients’ needs (this could be an outline summary of their proposed loan structure)

a summary of their current financial position (use information from the case study)

– your explanation of the product options evaluated that meet their needs (you should have researched at least two lenders) and details of the loan features; use the internet or if working in industry, internal software to do this

the option you recommend and the reasons for the recommendation — including the loan amount, term and repayments, explain how the recommended product meets the clients’ needs (refer to the case study) and explain why you are recommending this lender.

invite questions from the client and respond accordingly.

There are no rules regarding the format of your presentation, however it must be presented so that it is succinct and easily understood by clients. Please use the format that best suits you — this could include covering the detail you have prepared in a written proposal document.

The role play requires the volunteer to ask at least three (3) questions — with suggested questions provided in Volunteer Guide. However, the volunteer can ask other ‘unrehearsed’ questions if they wish. Remember, you are not being judged on your acting ability. Your assessment is about how you communicate and interact with the customer. You may need to adjust your presentation of the proposal, depending on the time that the questions are asked. However; to manage time, you may ask the volunteer to keep their questions until you have finished presenting your recommendations.

The assessment criteria you will be assessed on includes the following:

• appropriate introduction and building rapport

• explore solutions that meet clients’ goals and objectives

• present broker solution to clients’ request

• explain relative fees and charges

• collaborate on risk identification

• response to questions, record customer feedback and actions taken.

Assessor checklist — role play

Assessor checklist completed after observing the audio recording of the role play

Demonstrated or Not yet demonstrated

1 Uses appropriate introduction and builds rapport

2 Explores solutions that meet clients’ goals and objectives

3 Presents appropriate broker solution to clients’ request

4 Explains relative fees and charges

5 Collaborates on risk identification

6 Responds to questions, records customer feedback and actions taken

Student resubmission response (if required by assessor):

Assessor feedback:

Resubmission required?

Part 5: Role play

You will participate in a role play for a maximum of 5 minutes. The role play must be conducted by audio recording. You will need a volunteer to assist you in the role-play.

For your volunteer you need to select an appropriate person who is able to participate in the volunteer role criteria below. The volunteer needs to understand that this is part of your assessment. Provide a copy of the Volunteer Guide in your KapLearn subject to your volunteer so they understand what they need to do in your assessment.

You will not be assessed on your acting ability. You will be assessed on the criteria listed below the task under Assessor feedback.

When starting your role-play recording, ask your volunteer if they give permission to be included in the audio recording. The volunteer needs to agree verbally before the recording may continue.


In this role play, you will play the role of a mortgage broker’s assistant at YS Finance Sydney, a practice that has been established for 10 years and provides advice on business, home and investment loans.

Your manager at YS Finance has provided you with phone numbers of two prospective clients and has asked you to successfully undertake two cold calls.

The purpose of this role play will be to call each prospect and scope whether these two prospective clients are interested in learning more about financial products and services, by speaking with one of YS Finance’s credit representatives.

To successfully complete this role play, you must refer to and follow the ‘Client prospecting guidelines’ located in the Toolbox.

Call 1:

Is to be made to a prospect named Susan Phillips and will lead to a positive outcome; with the prospect wishing to talk with Jim Kelly, a credit representative at YS Finance.

Call 2

Is to be made to a prospect named David Williams.

On this occasion, you will not have a positive outcome with the prospect, and the call will not advance beyond seeking permission to continue with the call.

After completing these two (2) calls, you must record details from each call in the ‘Prospect Register’ below, as per instructions in the ‘Client prospecting guidelines’ in the toolbox, to build up organisational knowledge of prospecting client’s characteristics.


Prospect name

Date entered in ’Do not call’ register if applicable

Outcome or Comments

Credit Representative allocated

Date that the Credit Representative will need to contact the prospect

Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Note: Under the NCCP, credit representatives are authorised to engage in specified credit activities on behalf of a credit licensee — for example, a mortgage broker.

Assessor checklist — role play

Assessor checklist completed after observing the audio recording of the role play

Demonstrated or Not yet demonstrated

1 Used appropriate questioning and listening skills to determine prospective client’s needs

2 Successfully undertake cold calling, relationship building and prospecting for sales of financial products and services

3 Used a range of communication and interpersonal skills to gather prospect’s details

4 Informed prospective client of role of advisers and organisation

5 Established a sales response and recorded required information

Student resubmission response (if required by assessor):

Assessor feedback:

Resubmission required?

Part 6: Role play — Team work

You will participate in a role play for a maximum of five (5) minutes. The role play will be conducted by audio recording. You will need a volunteer to assist you in the role play.

For your volunteer, you need to select an appropriate person who is able to participate in the volunteer role criteria below. The volunteer needs to understand that this is part of your assessment. Provide a copy of the Volunteer Guide from your KapLearn subject room to your volunteer, so that they understand what they need to do in your assessment.

You will not be assessed on your acting ability. You will be assessed on the criteria listed below under the student role.

When starting your role-play recording, ask your volunteer if they give permission to be included in the audio recording. The volunteer needs to agree verbally before the recording may continue.


You are a mortgage broker who works at XY Mortgages.

You currently have seven (7) clients who are at varying stages in the loan process:

• You have already submitted a loan application for three (3) of them.

• You are awaiting settlement for two (2) of them.

• You are at the stage of finalising the loan application for one (1) of them.

• You have recently been assigned one (1) of them by your manager. You have not yet contacted or met this one.

You have another colleague in your team, who is also a mortgage broker. You both report to the same manager.

Your manager will normally assign clients who come into the practice, between you and your colleague; according to your workloads. However, your manager is currently on leave.

During your manager’s absence, two new tasks have arisen:

• A new client has come to the practice and needs to be assigned to a broker.

• The CEO of the practice, has sent through a request to receive a completed summary report of your team’s activities from the last financial year. This is due within three business days.

In this role play, you are to conduct a team meeting with your colleague, in your manager’s absence. Your volunteer will play the role of your colleague.

In this team meeting you will need to do the following:

1. Discuss with your colleague the status of their loans and ascertain what stage each of their loans are at.

2. Discuss with your colleague how, over the next week, you will both manage these two (2) new tasks and come up with a plan of who will complete each task. Ensure that you encourage your colleague to participate in (and take responsibility for) these tasks with you.

3. Organise a meeting time, in the near future, where you and your colleague can discuss the progress made on these two tasks (note: you do not need to conduct this future meeting).

Remember, you are not being judged on your acting ability. You will be assessed on the criteria listed in the checklist below.

Assessor checklist – role play

Assessor checklist completed after observing the audio recording of the role play

Demonstrated or
Not Yet Demonstrated

1 Actively encourage team members to participate in and take responsibility for team activities and communication processes

2 Determine tasks to be done and identify relevant conditions to work autonomously or in team environment

3 Plan work to manage resources, time and priorities

4 Contribute to organisational planning process as required to achieve service improvement

Student resubmission response (if required by assessor):

Assessor feedback:

Resubmission required?