Operation Management Research

163 views 7:59 am 0 Comments May 15, 2023

Operation Management Research

Names :
Name of company: Example: Saudi Airline

Company Name
Main competitors

What is forecasting?
Why forecasting is important.
The company in which life cycle (Introduction, Growth, maturity, Decline)
What is the strategy/issue related to this cycle?
What are the factors that affect the forecast/demand, explain how? (PESTEL)
Based on the forecast, will the production/service level increase or decrease in the future? Why?

Aggregate Planning
What is the objective of aggregate planning!
What are the aggregate planning options that can be applied to the sector? What are the advantages and disadvantages and if there any comments!

Inventory management
What is the objective of inventory management!
Inventory Analysis: Classify the type of inventory in your company (ABC ANALYSIS)

Operation & productivity
What is operation management!
Why operation management!
What is the strategic decision related to operation management! Explain it.
How can you improve the productivity in your sector/company?

Operations Strategy in a Global Environment

Why the company need to globalize.
Which factor should the company consider before globalizing?
What are the competitive advantages in your industry/company?
Develop SWAA Analysis
Can the company outsource some of its activities to internal to external suppliers

What are the Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Location Strategies
What is the objective of location strategy?
What are some of the key success factors related to location decision?
What are the factors That Affect Location Decisions

Supply-Chain Management
What is the objective of supply chain management?
How Corporate Strategy Impacts Supply Chain Decisions
What are supply chain risk and related mitigation tactics