
119 views 7:40 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

Her observations at 6am were as follows: RR 19 02 Saturations 97 % on 2 L 02 delivered via nasal cannulae BP 112/72 HR 88 Temp 36.7 She was alert and responsive and reported a pain score of 6/10 in her abdomen
Lucy calls you over and asks you to assist her to the toilet. Whilst assisting her to mobilise, she tells you that she feels faint and appears pale and clammy. You call over you colleague to assist her quickly back to bed and you take a set of observations:
RR 34 and she tells you she ‘can’t breathe properly’- when the breathes in she is in severe pain and starts coughing. When she coughs you observe blood stained sputum.
02 Sats 88% on RA (her 02 had been removed whilst she was mobilising)
BP 98/60 HR 121 Temp 37.5 She is distressed and says her pain is 7/10 and it feels worse and sharp in her chest when she is breathing in.