160 views 8:42 am 0 Comments May 19, 2023


Student Name:
Unit of Competency:                      DGMSEM001 CREATE AND MANAGE PAID SEARCH CAMPAIGNS
Related Assessment Question: Task C, Question C5

Assessment and marking criteria:
The Trainer & Assessor is to place a tick ‘ ’ in appropriate column for each criteria for Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS) assessment. They are to also comment against each observation criteria to give the Candidate a better understanding of their performance, and ensure they complete the overall feedback to the Candidate. The Assessor and Candidate MUST both sign off the acknowledgement at the end of this checklist.

Observation checklist – did the student:




Explain plans for an upcoming paid search campaign?
Used active listening techniques to engage stakeholders, then seek their feedback and approval?
Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication?
Lead the meeting?
Feedback to student:





Trainer & Assessor Acknowledgement:

Name: _____________________________ Signature: _____________________ Date:________________

Candidate Acknowledgement:

Name: _____________________________ Signature: _____________________ Date:________________