NumPy Show work using python for each problem (20 points)Write a program by creating an 'BigMatrixMath' class having the following functions perform and add in large NumPy arrays. 1 – Initialization creates and empty list 2 – addMatrix() takes in a NumPy array of unknown size and appends it to the list, if no array is given this should default to add in a NumPy array of size 40 x 40 with all integers between the values of [-70, 159] 3 – printDimension goes and prints the dimensions of every NumPy array in the list 4 – dotProductElgible takes in two array indices and checks if the dot product can be performed on them based on there dimensions (5 points) create an array with values that are spaced linearly in a specified interval between 0.0 100.0 as a numpy.float64, over 25 values (5 points) given the following arrays show me a line where I can combine the values into a larger array: a = np.array([[56, 12], [39, 74]]) b = np.array([[65, 76]]) expected output array([ [ 56, 12], [39, 74], [65, 76] ]); (5 points) Whats a command to reformat a singular dimension array of 12 elements into
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