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NSG3NRC Assessment 3 Guidelines Page 1 of 6 SCHOOL OF NURSING & MIDWIFERY Assessment 5 Guidelines 1,000 words equivalent. 20% of the subject grade Due date: Postersubmission 29th October 2359, Poster Presentations on Week Beginning 30th October (Face to face) or clinical school can decide the poster presentation date. Background In many graduate nurse programs new graduates are required to complete a clinical project related to change or innovation in clinical practice. That may mean reviewing and researching an area of clinical practice in the ward that requires improvement, or an area where practice in the ward has been delivered at an excellent level. The new graduate may present their completed project as an in-service education session for unit/ward/ community colleagues or perhaps as a poster during the hospital Research Week. Assessment Task This assessment task is broken up into three (3) integral and interrelated components: Produce a print media submission (poster) related to your chosen NSQHS standard and clinical situation; and present your poster over four – five minutes in a face-to-face class to your fellow students • Reflect and write about a situation that occurred within the ward setting while on clinical practicum. • Identify one (1) National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard to which this clinical situation relates. Reflect on a clinical situation and produce print media poster. You can use the same situation for assessment 4 or use new situation. Reflective writing is your response to experiences, situations, events or new information and usually these are linked to some relevant literature on the subject. There is no right or wrong answer. Reflection is unique and you are expected to use personal pronouns (I, me, us) to express your ideas. We do reflective writing: • to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of what occurred • to react to written text or situation by agreeing or disagreeing and explaining why • to make connections between what you know and what you are learning. • to examine how you learn and whether it is effective. • to reflect on successes and / or mistakes for your future career. • Reflect about a situation that occurred while on clinical practicum. Think about a situation, interaction, experience, incident, encounter, observation that occurred within the ward setting during a clinical practicum. It does not matter if it went well or if it went badly, it is an event that you learnt from. • You can use one (1) of the reflective models to guide your writing or another reflection strategy such as journaling or critical incident analysis. NSG3NRC Assessment 3 Guidelines Page 2 of 6 Identify one (1) National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard. The primary aims of the NSQHS Standards are to protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision. The eight NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare [ACSQHC], 2019). Identify one (1) NSQHS Standard to which this clinicalsituation relates: • Discuss and provide rationale on how this standard has been maintained OR could have been maintained in context to this ward situation. • Provide practice improvement recommendations that could be implemented within the ward setting. The objective of practice improvement is simply to spread innovation in order to improve a particular outcome or process, through changing the processes within the ward setting. Guidelines for Produce a print media submission. Print media is the printed version of telling the news, relying information and communicating primarily through newspapers and magazines. Print media continues to evolve and includes but not restricted to newspapers, magazines, newsletters, banners, posters, billboards, books, flyers and brochures. For the purpose of this print media submission however, you are required to produce a poster. • Produce a print media submission: Poster. Submit your poster under Assessment 5 drop box. • **There are poster templates within the Assessment tile (Assessment 5: Print Media Submission) for you to use or you can use any other format. • Only accept files by LaTrobe system, please make sure your file will be one of these file. • Document files .doc .docx .epub .gdoc .odt .oth .ott .pdf .rtf, Presentationfiles.gslides .odp .otp .potm .potx .ppam .pps.ppsm .ppsx .ppt .pptm .pptx .pub .sti .sxi For this print media submission, you are required to produce a poster and should include the following headings and content. • Title The name of the chosen National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard you will be addressing. • Author with the LTU logo • Introduction Provide a statement which summarises the clinical practice improvement has been maintained OR could have been maintained in context to this ward situation problem or the practice situation while ensuring person-centred care. • Use the heading below to develop your poster. o Clinical issue • Outline the clinical issue or best practice being discussed and relevant standard. o Literature Review • Discussion of what the literature states is best practice for the clinical issue. o Recommendations based on evidence-based practice. • Supported by peer-reviewed evidence-based literature. • Conclusion • Reference List This can be printed on a separate sheet. • Produce a print media submission and four -five minutes presentation of poster in face-to- NSG3NRC Assessment 3 Guidelines Page 3 of 6 face class to fellow students and facilitator (500 words) Page 4 of 6 NSG3NRC: Assessment 5: Print Media Presentation Criteria Excellent (>80%) Very Good (70 – 79%) Good (60 – 69%) Fair (50 – 59%) Poor (< 50%) Mark STRUCTURE & ORGANISATION (15%) • Introduction succinctly identifies the relevance, scope and focusofthe content. • Logical sequencing • Bodyofposterwell structured, with coherent and logical developmentof keyideas in appropriate sections • Effective use of headings • Conclusion appropriate to type andformatofresponse. • Print media presentation within word count (+/- 10%). • • Marks > 12 • Introduction identifies relevance,scopeand focus of content butmay not be succinct. • Logical sequencing • Body well structured, with predominantlycoherent and logical development of key ideas inappropriate sections. • Effective use of headings. • Conclusion predominantly appropriatetotypeand format of response. • Print media presentation within word count (+/- 10%). • • Marks 11.85- 10.5 • Introduction largely appropriate to the task, but doesn’t clearly identify the relevance,scopeand focus of the content. • Fair sequencing • Body wellstructured, with mostly coherent and logical development of key ideas in appropriate sections effective useofheadings. • Conclusion largely appropriate to typeand formatof response. • Print media presentation within word count (+/- 10%). • Marks 9-10.35 • Introduction may not be appropriate tothe task,and does not clearly identify the relevance,scope and focus of the paper. • Poor sequencing. • Bodymaynot bewellstructured, with limited coherence and logical developmentofkey ideas in appropriate sections some inappropriate use of headings. • Conclusion may not be appropriateto type andformatof response. • Print media presentation within word count (+/- 10%). • Marks 7.5-8.85 • Introduction inappropriate to type and format ofresponse, or not evident. • Illogical sequencing. • Bodypoorly structured and lacks coherent and logical development of key ideas in appropriate sections. • Inappropriate use of slides/ headings. • Conclusion inappropriate to type and format ofresponse ornot evident. • Print media presentationnot withinword count (+/- 10%). • • Marks <7.5 /15 QUALITY and CREATVITY (20%) • Demonstrated an excellent understanding of links between the necessary concepts. • Demonstrated creativity for interesting information delivery. • Evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments to support key concepts. • Marks >16 • Demonstrated a very good understandingof links between the necessary concepts. • Demonstrated some creativity for interesting information delivery. • Some evidenceofsynthesisof information and logical development of arguments to support key concepts. • Marks 14-16 • Demonstrated a good understanding of links between the necessary concepts. • Demonstrated inconsistent creativity for interesting information delivery. • Inconsistent evidence of synthesis ofinformationand logical development of argumentsto support key concepts. Marks 12-13.5 • Demonstrated limited understanding of links between the necessary concepts. • Demonstrated limited creativity for interesting information delivery. • Limited evidence of synthesis of information and logical development ofarguments to support key concepts. Marks 10-11.5 • Demonstrated lack of understanding of links between the necessary concepts. • No evidence of creativity for interesting information delivery. • No evidence of synthesis of information and logical development of arguments to support key concepts. Marks<10 /20 Page 5 of 6 CONTENT (30%) • Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic. • All requirements of the task have been fully & explicitly addressed. • Information is accurate & relevant. • Key terms & concepts are defined appropriately and concisely. Key aspects of the task (i.e., impact) are discussed intelligently & in depth. • Arguments & ideas are very well developed & the point of view is clear. • The appropriate balance is maintained between different. • aspects of the task. Marks>24 • Demonstrates a sound understanding ofthe topic. • All requirements of the task have been addressed. • Information is accurate& generally relevant. • Definitions are generally accurate & appropriate. • Key aspects of the task are discussed. Arguments and ideas are clear and reasonably well developed. • The relative emphasis given to different aspects of the task is generally appropriate. Marks 21-23.5 • Demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the topic. • Most requirements of the task have been addressed. • Some minor details are missing or inaccurate and/orsome information may be irrelevant. • Some definitions are incomplete or inaccurate. • Limited discussion of key aspects of the task. • Arguments & ideas are put forward & point of view is generally clear. • The emphasis given to some aspects of the task does not reflect their relative importance. Marks 18-20.5 • Demonstrates a very basic understanding ofthe topic • Some requirements ofthe task have not been addressed. • Some key information may be missing, inaccurate, or irrelevant. • Definitions are incomplete or inaccurate. Arguments & ideas are not developed & point of view is not always clear. • Insufficient space is devoted to the main focus of the task. Marks 15-17.5 • Demonstrates little or nounderstanding ofthe topic. • Few, if any, of the task requirements have been addressed. • Information isincomplete, inaccurate or irrelevant. • No definitions are provided. • Arguments & ideas are missing or unclear. Marks <15 /30 USE OF LITERATURE (20%) • Well supported with sufficient and appropriate references. • References sourced from relevant and credible sources. • Ideas and discussion are consistently supported by evidence from the literature. Marks >16 • Supported with sufficient and appropriate references. • References sourced from relevant and credible sources. • Correct in-text referencing. Ideas and discussion is usually supported by evidence from the literature. Marks 14-16. • Supported with mostly sufficient and appropriate references. • References predominantly sourced from relevant and credible sources. • Inconsistent correct in-text referencing. • Ideas and discussion are sometimes supported by evidence from the literature. Marks 12-13.5 • Limited support from sufficient and appropriate references. • References inconsistently sourced from relevant and credible sources. • Inconsistent correct in-text referencing. • Some attempt to use the literature. Marks 10-11.5 • Nil supportfrom sufficient and appropriate references. • References not sourced from relevant andcredible sources. • Nil corrects in-text referencing. Marks<10 /20 Page 6 of 6 INTERACTION WITH AUDIENCE AND EYE CONTACT (10%) • Interface well maintained with audience during the poster presentation. • Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to poster. • Responds accurately to all questions with relevant explanations and contextualisation / elaboration. Marks > 8 • Interface good with audience during the poster presentation. • Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. • Responds accurately to all questions with relevant explanations. Marks 7-7.9 • Reasonable interface with audience during the poster presentation. • Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report. • Responds accurately to all questions. Marks 6-6.9 • Very little interface with audience during the poster presentation. • Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads least of report. • Responds to most questions with rudimentary answers (not always clearly or completely) and fails to elaborate. Marks 5-5.9 • No interface with audience during the poster presentation. • Student reads all of report with no eye contact. • Responds to few questions, some incomplete and/or incorrect answers. Marks <5 /10 All three (3) integral and interrelated components have been submitted: Yes: all three have been submitted= 5/5 No: two or less have been submitted= 0/5 • Reflection on clinical situation • NSQHS Standard • Print media presentation: poster AND 4-minute presentation in class /5

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