Narration and Transcript

109 views 8:53 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

Narration and Transcript (2)
• Finally, you must produce a verbatim transcript for the narration, which is a word for word written account of everything you said in the audio-recording embedded on your poster slide.
• Please note that there is a 1500 word guide for this narration.
• Though you will not be penalised directly for going above or below this word count, being far below would suggest that you are not covering enough information, and being far above would suggest that you are trying to cover too much information, and your narration skills may be of a lower quality because of this (i.e., speaking too fast) • The transcript should be presented on the 3rd slide of your document and followed by a full list of references (from both the in-text citations on the poster and any additional citations in your narration) on the final slide.
Note: If you are missing an element of the assignment (i.e., missing narration or missing transcript), you will be penalised. You can find specific details on the penalties for missing elements in the “Incorrect Submissions Polic ” document on the M Assessment tab on iLearn.