Model Predictive Control

150 views 10:12 am 0 Comments July 28, 2023

Glasgow Caledonian University M.Sc. Applied Instrumentation & Control

MMH626810-22-BMarketing Research and Data Analysis

Model Predictive Control

Coursework (CW) Assignment for FT and DL Students

Module Title:               Model Predictive Control MMH626810-22-B

Deliverable Item: The final report needs to be uploaded in PDF format via the link in the GCUlearn assessment page proper to this module.

Length: In line with the GCU’s Assessment Preparation Guidance, including, appendices, report should not exceed 10 double-columned A4 sized pages.

Module Tutor:            The tutor in overall charge of the assignment is Dr. Ibrahim Kucukdemiral

Module Team:            Dr. Ibrahim Kucukdemiral (Instructor for FT & PT students)

Mitigating Circumstances: Circumstances beyond your control which you consider to have affected your performance are dealt with under the University’s Mitigating Circumstances Procedures.

Unfair Means: Your coursework is expected to be an individual effort. While you may be asked to perform practical tasks in pairs or small groups, and while you are encouraged to discuss the work with your peers as well as the academic staff, the report submitted under your own name must be your own individual work. Copying homework from another student or other source will be considered as CHEATING and will not be tolerated. Suspected academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, cheating and collusion, will be dealt with in conformity with the University’s Code of Student Conduct You may (and are encouraged to) discuss coursework problems with other students, but only to the extent that you would discuss them with the instructors.

Some additional information: Part of your engineering education involves learning how to communicate technical information to others. Basic standards of neatness and clarity are essential to this process of communication. Your process of solving a problem must be presented in a logical sequence. Consider your assignments to represent your performance as an engineer. Graphs are to be titled and axes are to be labelled (with correct units). Equations and sections are to be numbered. References to be given in an appropriate standard.

Simulations: MATLAB/Octave is to be used for simulations. MATLAB OnRamp is the best method to start learning if you are unfamiliar with MATLAB environment. Also, we have provided a good deal of supportive material in GCULearn to help you improve your understanding. You are expected to perform your simulations using command line tools instead of SIMULINK or any other toolbox. Nevertheless, although it is not ideal, some of you may choose to use MPC toolbox under SIMULINK rather than developing their own scripts. Writing your own script will enable you to learn the topic better and provide you better flexibility on your code which is required for advanced topics and your research. To help you, MATLAB functions which generate prediction matrices and others which are widely used in the class are provided in the module webpage. Therefore, you don’t need to spend time on that. Of course, these are only needed if you develop your own code. There is no need for these matrices if you use MPC toolbox.