
169 views 10:02 am 0 Comments June 8, 2023

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< Bac! ETEC202LabManual.pdf
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Microcontrollers I
Thc MPLAB project named mplabhiperee evemion.X uses the PIC24 C compiler to compile the C file named uperee_eversion.c. This C file contains a function named …Ocher vpsz_l, that upreres all characters in the null-treninated string pre_l. The main code calls uprese with two dif-ferent strings, sz_l and sz2. Your goals, following the video: • Watch as the szl and sz_2 swings are initialized by copying them from program memory to data memory by the _data_init_xtended subroutine. • Watch as the uprese subroutine changes the cause of szl and sz_2. • Locate the area in program memory which contains the initial values for sz_l and sz_2 (not shown in the video). Include this in your report.
Instructor Signori
Show the instruct. that the final values of the strings in data memory after the main has executed, and also show the iretrector where the constant strings used to initialize and sz_2 reside in pro-gram memory. Assignment 4-2:
Include the two screen.. you took as well as a description of where the constant values used to initialize sz_l and sz2 reside in program memory in relation to main.
Microcontrollers 1 ETEC202
Lab Submission:
Your report should have the reporting requiremmtts needed for Tasks I and 2. The instructor will take off a significant number of points (20 points max) if your assembly language source does not have the required remments. The comments should indicate which assembly language source lines implement which C statements and give a register assignment for each line of C.
Notes: • This lab requires you to capture portions of the screen; you can use the Windows 7 snip-ping .1.
• As always, read through the refire lab and scan. supplied files before starting to work.
• Do not use the variable names a or b they .e reserved nmnes for the 40 bit accumula-tors used by DSP hutment… Using then will give erne. during assmnbly.
• :.:2:::::107th:nitnhscirtu=ef=c1T W0, refer to programming reference