Mental Health

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HCCSSD103_Assessment_2_Brief_Bibliography_Module 8 Page 1 of 6

Subject Code and Title HCCSSD103 Mental Health
Assessment Annotated bibliography
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
a) Demonstrate an understanding of key manifestations of
mental ill-health and the different risk factors and causes
from biomedical, psychodynamic and biopsychosocial
b) Explain the importance of assessing mental ill-health and of
promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 8.
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks

Assessment Task
Construct an annotated bibliography of national and state policies pertaining to the mental health
service provision by evaluating the current policies of your state to explain how they impact the
work of counselling and community service professionals.
You will need to summarise and interpret each policy as per the task instructions. Due to the word
limit, you will need to be concise and focus on the most important aspects of each piece of policy.
Please refer to the
Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
This annotated bibliography asks you to review relevant policies so that you are aware of the legal
requirements and responsibilities for your work as a counsellor or community service professional.
These legal parameters will form the basis of your daily professional decisions, so it is important you
know how to apply these policies to examples in practice.
This assessment also allows you to exercise your research skills and build your bank of policy
resources, so you can draw on both these elements in your work and stay up-to-date as policies

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This annotated bibliography will contain a brief overview of your relevant national and state policies
pertaining to mental health service provision. Provide an interpretation of how these policies will
guide your practice when supporting individuals experiencing mental health issues. To complete this
assessment, you will research current relevant policies for your home state and select a total of
three to four across both national and state policies to focus on.
Construct your annotated bibliography using the following structure:

1. Policy that you have chosen should be written in the same format as in the reference list (APA
2. Description/summary of policy (such as who it applies to, who it protects, what guidelines it
3. Interpretation (give two to three examples of how this policy might apply to your day-to-day
practice and decisions made as a counsellor and community service professional as well as any
other important considerations for your work).

Please note the following for your annotated bibliography:
● It must include the policies listed in alphabetical order.
● It must not include direct quotes; instead paraphrase to demonstrate your understanding.
● It does not require an introduction or conclusion.
● It does not require you to submit a reference list.
You may also wish to refer to this page for more information –
Please refer to the Assessment Rubric for the assessment criteria.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing in the
Academic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in HCCSSD103: Mental
. Your Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the
Academic Writing Guide. Students also need
to have read and be aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and
Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are
viewable online.
HCCSSD103_Assessment_2_Brief_Bibliography_Module 8 Page 3 of 6
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or
extenuating circumstances, please consult the
Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework
and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment
Special Consideration Form
to your Learning Facilitator.
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Assessment Rubric

(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction
Key policy research and
Total Percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 20%
Includes an
incorrect number of
Policy choice does
not include both
state and national
Some of the chosen
policies are dated
(not current) and
irrelevant to mental
health service
Includes the correct
number of policies but
policy choice does not
encompass both state
and national level.
Some of the chosen
policies are dated (not
current) or have low
relevance to mental
health service delivery.
Includes the correct
number of policies
that encompass both
state and national
The chosen policies
are current and
mostly relevant to
mental health service
Includes the correct
number of policies
that encompass both
state and national
The chosen policies
are current,
demonstrate a
breadth of research
and are relevant to
mental health service
Includes the correct
number of policies that
encompass both state and
national level.
The chosen policies are
current and demonstrate
extensive research.
The choice of policies
reflects a complex
understanding of the legal
landscape in which mental
health service delivery
takes place.
Description of policy
Total Percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 30%
Identifies mostly
unimportant elements of
the chosen policies that
relate to working in
mental health service
Identifies some important
elements of the chosen
policies that relate to working
in mental health service
Identifies several important
elements of the chosen
policies that relate to
working in mental health
service delivery.
Identifies the majority of
the important elements of
the chosen policies that
relate to working in mental
health service delivery.
Identifies all the
critical elements of
the chosen policies
that relate to working
in mental health
service delivery.
Interpretation of the
Proposes one or no
examples (per
policy) of applying
policy to practice.
Proposes less than two
examples (per policy) of
applying policy to
Demonstrates a
sound understanding
of the chosen policies.
Proposes two to three
Demonstrates a
understanding of the
chosen policies and
how to apply them in
Demonstrates a
understanding of all
the chosen policies
and how to apply

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Total Percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 30%
Examples reflect a
poor understanding
of the chosen
Example(s) reflect a
partial understanding of
the policies.
(per policy) somewhat
relevant examples of
applying the policies
to working with
experiencing mental
health issues.
Proposes two to three
(per policy) relevant
and accurate
examples that reflect
a strong
understanding of how
to apply policies to
working with
individuals with
mental health issues.
them in practice.
Proposes two to
three (per policy)
highly relevant and
accurate examples
that reflect a
comprehensive and
understanding of how
to apply the policies
to working with
individuals with
mental health issues.
Communication skills
Total Percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 10%
Communication of ideas is
unclear and does not
adhere to the given
Meaning is difficult to
Content lacks structure
and logical sequencing.
Frequent errors in
spelling, grammar and/or
Communicates ideas in a
readable manner that largely
adheres to the given format.
Meaning is sometimes
difficult to follow.
Content is structured and
sequenced in a way that is
not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in
spelling, grammar and/or
Communicates ideas in a
coherent and
understandable manner
that adheres to the given
Structures content in
paragraphs that follow a
reasonably logical
Occasional minor errors in
spelling, grammar and/or
Communicates ideas
coherently and concisely.
Follows the given format
and structures content in
logically sequenced
Spelling, grammar and
punctuation are free from
Communicates ideas
eloquently. Expresses
meaning and complex
information coherently and
Follows the given format
and structures content in
paragraphs that are logical
and easy to read.
Spelling, grammar and
punctuation are free from

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Correct citation and
referencing or
Total Percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 10%
APA citation and
referencing are omitted or
APA citations and referencing
are basic, with frequent or
repeated errors.
APA citation and
referencing are adequate
with some errors.
Applies APA citation and
referencing techniques with
very occasional errors.
Applies APA citation and
referencing techniques
with no errors.


The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Demonstrate an understanding of key manifestations of mental ill-health and the different risk factors and causes from biomedical,
psychodynamic and biopsychosocial perspectives.
SLO b) Explain the importance of assessing mental ill-health and of promoting and supporting mental health and well-being.