Media Watch Task overview

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HEA8001: Assessment Item 2: Essay: Media Watch
Task overview

Course HEA8001 Contexts of Practice
Assessment name Essay: Media Watch
Brief task
Choose one news report that has been in the media (online or newspaper), that has
occurred in the six (6) weeks prior to the due date of Assessment Item 2: Essay
submission, which relates to
cultural safety in health.
Please read the section and questions on
cultural safety in Topic/Module two (2) in
the Study Book: Module 2 Context of Practice considerations on the HEA8001
StudyDesk as preparation for this assessment.
Rationale for
assessment task
This assessment item will assist you to further develop your digital literacy and
communication skills within the context of identifying and critiquing contemporary
media articles relative to contexts of professional practice and application cultural
safety knowledge.
Due Date This assessment is to be submitted electronically by 2355 AEST 03 May 2023 on the
Submission Portal Assessment 2: Essay link on the HEA8001 StudyDesk site.
Length 1200 words (+/- 10 %). This includes in text references.
200 words – Activity one
1000 words – activity two
Marks out of:
Marked out of 100.
35% weighting
To satisfactorily complete the assessment a student must achieve at least 50% of
the marks available for this item.


Course learning
CLO 2; CLO 3; CLO 6; CLO 7; CLO 8. Please see HEA8001 Course Specification for
Course learning outcomes.
Course learning outcomes
Graduate Attributes
Well-informed individuals with discipline-specific expertise and industry
knowledge relevant to their profession or area of study;
Critical, creative, thinkers who can integrate and apply knowledge and
relevant skills, including research and digital literacy skills, to analyse and
evaluate ideas, concepts, theories and problems, and offer insights,
innovative approaches and solutions;
Effective communicators and collaborators who actively and respectfully
lead, listen, reflect, discuss and negotiate in order to work productively
with a range of individuals and groups, including professional teams;
Ethical, engaged professionals and citizens who engage in, non
discriminatory, safe practices and consider the local, global, social,
economic, legal and environmental influences on, and impact of, their
attitudes and actions;
Employable, enterprising professionals who are confident, self-directed,
know how they learn, and are resourceful, resilient, and adaptable to
Culturally capable individuals who are self-aware and sensitive to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and perspectives,
equitable and respectful of diversity and multiculturalism, and can apply
these capabilities in their professional practice.

Task information

Task detail Assessment description:
Two activities are included in this assessment piece.
Activity 1 (Word Limit 200 words, +/- 10 %, including in-text references)
Find a news story from a reliable source that has occurred within the past six (6) weeks
which relates to
cultural safety in health for a disadvantaged population. They may also be
experiencing human rights violations, social, or climate injustice.
Provide (no word limit):
The news story title;
a screen shot of the news story (not the whole story if a large news story);
the publication source name;
date of publication (not the date you viewed it);
URL (to enable your marker to go straight to the story).
Explain which portion of the population the article is referring to, and why this is a current
topic of interest in society. (Word Limit 200 words, +/- 10 %, for this section of Activity 1,
including in-text references).
Suggested sources
Activity 2 (Word limit 1000 words, +/- 10 %, including in-text references)
Discuss and define cultural safety, elaborating on the three steps to being a culturally safe
practitioner. Outline how cultural safety aligns to the standards of practice and/or code of
conduct in your profession. (This part of Activity two (2) is not part of the critique of the
media article). Allow 200 words for this part of Activity two (2).
Critique the media article you identified in Activity one (1). Explain why culturally unsafe
care directly impacts the health outcomes of the people/person the article is referring to.
Are there any stereotypes or prejudices observed in the news story? How could health
practitioners practice in a more culturally safe manner? How could organisational policy
support better practice?
This section of the assessment, activity two (2), needs to be written in essay format as per
APA style and needs to include a brief introduction and conclusion – approximately
100 words each. The assessment needs to be written in the
third person.
What to submit:
In a Word document include your name and student number in the footer. (Can
use provided example template).
In this same Word document, add your responses to the two (2) activities above.
Submit your Assignment 2 via the online submission link on the HEA8001 Study
Desk, located under the Assessment tab – Assessment Item 2: Essay.


In-text referencing and a reference list is required for this assessment and needs to be in
th edition format.
INSTRUCTIONS for submission of assessment two:
• Submit your assessment in a
Word document. See template on StudyDesk under the
assessment two tab for an example.
• Provide a clear easily readable screen shot/snip of the story that you chose into the
activity one (1) section of the assessment.
• This must then be submitted to the
Submission Portal Assessment 2: Essay on study
desk as a single word document (ONE file).
• Make sure you have checked your work, and the Turnitin similarity percentage. It is a
good idea to submit in draft mode first to check the upload status of the file and then fully
submit the assessment.


Writing Style
1. Correct Academic Writing as per UniSQ guidelines
2. Reference using APA 7th Edition Referencing Style for ALL IDEAS AND CONCEPTS
you have used from the sources provided. Refer to current (no later than 7 years;)
academic peer-reviewed journal articles. Seminal articles acceptable. See:
3. A full reference list is required at the end of the assignment. For further
information on APA 7
th edition referencing at:
Assignments should be presented using:
1. Double Line Spacing – including reference list
2. Times New Roman, 12-point font
3. Use APA formatting style. The first line of each paragraph is indented. The
reference list starts on a new page with the heading References. References are
listed alphabetically and have the second and subsequent lines indented – a
hanging indent.
4. Adherence to the stated word limit is required (+/-10%).
5. All parts of the assessment should be attempted.
6. Margins: 2cm on 4 sides; line spacing: double line spacing; Font size: 12 Times New
7. A full reference list is required at the end of the assignment – start at the top of a
new page.
available to
Read the section and questions on cultural safety in Topic/Module two (2) on the
HEA8001 StudyDesk as preparation for this assessment.
Additionally, the HEA8001 StudyDesk Assessment Tab contains the following
Assessment task sheet – this document
Marking Rubric/ criteria – at the end of this document
3. Video recording of what is required
4. Assignment template
You can also access the
UniSQ Library for additional resources for this assessment.
Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor
and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site:
Teaching support teams or Study Support for Health & Community

Submission information

What you need
to submit
Submit one Microsoft Word document with all responses on it. Do not include the
marking criteria sheet.


Turnitin –
Please note, when submitting your assignment as a Word document, it will be
automatically checked via Turnitin.
Submitting through Turnitin is required before final submission.
The Turnitin process may take up to 24 hours to produce a report. Therefore, allow
adequate time to do this and address any issues of plagiarism detected by Turnitin
before final submission.
*Any percentage that relates to
content plagiarism detected by Turnitin is a concern
and requires you to address this. This means, ignore any percentage that highlights
the Assessment instructions and marking rubric.
The following link provides information on Turnitin (sourced from UniSQ Teach Me
I.T.). Scroll to the bottom of the page.
Teach Me I.T. – Turnitin
This assessment, in Word format, is to be submitted electronically on by 2355 AEST 3
May 2023.
Submit your Assignment 2 via the online submission link on the HEA8001
Study desk, located under the Assessment tab –
Submission Portal Assessment 2:
File Name
Save your document with the following naming conventions:
surname_initial_ A2_coursecode.doc/docx (A2 stands for Assignment 2)
E.g: Jones_J_A2_HEA8001.docx
Marking and
This task will be marked against a marking criteria available at the end of this
All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements
before marks or grades are finalised. A rigorous moderation process is undertaken for
this course, hence no remarking of assessment pieces will be considered. Final release
of grades will normally be within three weeks of submission. This same timeframe
applies for any approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of
Students should be familiar with UniSQ’s Academic Integrity Policy:


Extensions and
Students are encouraged to access the UniSQ assessment policy:
Applications for an extension of time will only be considered if received in
accordance with the UniSQ Assessment procedure and the Assessment of
Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure:
Note that UniSQ’s procedures requires applications are made for assignment
PRIOR to the due date of the assessment.

HEA8001 Contexts of Practice Assessment 2 Marking Criteria Semester 1, 2023

Essay – Media watch
Criteria 20 – 17 16.5 – 15 14.5 – 13 12.5 – 10 9 – 0
Activity 1: Identification
of news story/report:
Included the news item
title, publication source,
date of publication, URL,
and snip/image of the
news report.
Explanation of which
portion of the population
the article is referring to,
and why this is a current
topic of interest in
Excellent identification
of a news item, and
clearly includes all of the
required details – news
item title, publication
source, date of
publication, URL, and
snip/image of the news
Excellent identification
of population and why
the topic is of interest in
society – 200 words.
Good identification of
news item and includes
all of the required
details – news item title,
publication source, date
of publication, URL, and
snip/image of the news
Good identification of
population and why the
topic is of interest in
society – 200 words.
Sound identification of
news item and includes
all of the required
details – news item title,
publication source, date
of publication, URL, and
snip/image of the news
Sound identification of
population and why the
topic is of interest in
society – 200 words.
Some evidence of
identification of a news
item and includes most
of the required details –
news item title,
publication source, date
of publication, URL, and
snip/image of the news
Some identification of
population and why the
topic is of interest in
society – 200 words.
identification of news
item – news item title,
publication source, date
of publication, URL, and
snip/image of the news
identification of
population and why the
topic is of interest in
society – word limit not
60-51 50-45 44-39 38-30 29 – 0


Activity 2:
Discuss and define
cultural safety,
elaborating on the three
steps to being a
culturally safe
practitioner. Outline how
cultural safety aligns to
the standards of practice
and/or code of conduct
in your profession.
Critique the media article
identified in Activity one.
Explain why culturally
unsafe care directly
impacts the health
outcomes of the
people/person the
article is referring to. Are
there any stereotypes or
prejudices observed in
the news story? How
could health
practitioners practice in
a more culturally safe
manner? How could
organisational policy
support better practice?
Excellent discussion on
cultural safety,
elaborating on the three
steps to being a
culturally safe
practitioner, and how
cultural safety aligns to
the standards of practice
and/or code of conduct
in your profession.
Excellent critique of the
media article, and
explanation of why
culturally unsafe care
directly impacts the
health outcomes of the
people/person the
article is referring to.
Excellent identification
of any stereotypes or
prejudices observed in
the news story, and how
health practitioners
could practice in a more
culturally safe manner?
Inclusion of how
organisational policy
could support better
Good discussion on
cultural safety,
elaborating on the three
steps to being a
culturally safe
practitioner, and how
cultural safety aligns to
the standards of practice
and/or code of conduct
in your profession.
Good critique of the
media article, and
explanation of why
culturally unsafe care
directly impacts the
health outcomes of the
people/person the
article is referring to.
Good identification of
any stereotypes or
prejudices observed in
the news story, and how
health practitioners
could practice in a more
culturally safe manner?
Inclusion of how
organisational policy
could support better
Sound discussion on
cultural safety,
elaborating on the three
steps to being a
culturally safe
practitioner, and how
cultural safety aligns to
the standards of practice
and/or code of conduct
in your profession.
Sound critique of the
media article, and
explanation of why
culturally unsafe care
directly impacts the
health outcomes of the
people/person the
article is referring to.
Sound identification of
any stereotypes or
prejudices observed in
the news story, and how
health practitioners
could practice in a more
culturally safe manner?
Inclusion of how
organisational policy
could support better
Some evidence of a
discussion on cultural
safety, and the three
steps to being a
culturally safe
practitioner, and how
cultural safety aligns to
the standards of practice
and/or code of conduct
in your profession.
Some critique of the
media article, and
explanation of why
culturally unsafe care
directly impacts the
health outcomes of the
people/person the
article is referring to.
Some identification of
any stereotypes or
prejudices observed in
the news story, and how
health practitioners
could practice in a more
culturally safe manner?
Some inclusion of how
organisational policy
could support better
Minimal/no discussion
on cultural safety, and
the three steps to being
a culturally safe
practitioner, and how
cultural safety aligns to
the standards of practice
and/or code of conduct
in your profession.
Minimal/no critique of
the media article, and
explanation of why
culturally unsafe care
directly impacts the
health outcomes of the
people/person the
article is referring to.
identification of any
stereotypes or
prejudices observed in
the news story, and how
health practitioners
could practice in a more
culturally safe manner?
Minimal/no inclusion of
how organisational
policy could support
better practice.


10 – 8.5 8.4 – 7.5 7.4 – 6.5 6.4 – 5 4.5 – 0


Formatting / academic
Use of APA writing style.
Spelling and grammar.
Word limit adhered to.
Excellent standard of
academic presentation.
No spelling or
grammatical errors.
Word limit: Adhered to
word limit +/- 10%
Good academic
structure and
Very few spelling or
grammatical errors (1-3
Sound academic
structure and
Some spelling and
grammatical errors (4-5
errors) but overall clarity
of expression
Poor academic structure
and presentation.
Multiple errors in
spelling and grammar
that affect clarity of
expression in some
Numerous spelling and
grammatical errors
sufficient to detract
from overall
clarity of expression.
Word limit: Not adhered
to (over/under)
Evidence of research, use
of suitable references
and APA 7 Style
Referencing used –
Reference list on
separate page, title
centred, hanging indent,
alphabetical order etc.
10 – 8.5 8.4 – 7.5 7.4 – 6.5 6.4 – 5 4.5 – 0
Overall discussion is
logical and clear and
well supported with
highly relevant
APA 7 conventions
followed with no errors.
Overall discussion is
clear and logical and
references to literature
are good.
APA 7 conventions
followed with 1-3 errors.
Overall discussion is
clear and logical and
references to literature
are satisfactory.
APA 7 conventions
followed with 4-5 errors.
Overall discussion is
mostly logical and
reference to literature is
present but not strong.
APA 7 conventions
followed with over 5
Overall discussion is not
logical and reference to
literature, if any, is not
appropriate, or
APA 7 conventions not


MARKS LOST FOR LATE PENALTY (IF RELEVANT -5% of the total marks available for the assessment item per calendar day deducted
from total mark gained)