McGill University ACCT361362385401

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<plrfqhsyn”>1.ACCT 361 Management Accounting (3 credits) 

Accounting: The role of management accounting information in supporting internal management decision-making and providing performance incentives.

2. ACCT 362 Cost Accounting (3 credits)

Accounting: examines some recurring issues in the field of decision-making and control, including cost allocation, alternative costing systems, and innovations in costing and performance measurement.

3. ACCT 385 Principles of Taxation (3 credits)

Introduces the basic concepts of the Canadian tax system and how they apply to the taxation of individuals and businesses.

4. ACCT 401 Sustainability and Environmental Accounting (3 credits)

Develop measures of corporate environmental performance, assess their reliability and report to external stakeholders. Use sustainability metrics in strategic and operational business decisions. Implement and utilize environmental management systems and standards. Manage corporate environmental risks and account for environmental costs. Environmental audits.
