Matrix Problem

156 views 7:02 am 0 Comments August 2, 2023

Problem 1: File Name: Class Name: Matrix Problem Description: Write a program to perform the following operations on the two-dimension array: 1. Capture input for Matrix 1 and Matrix 2 from user 2. Print Matrix 1 and Matrix 2 3. Add Matrix 1 and Matrix 2 and store the result in Matrix 3 4. Find the largest number from the Matrix 3 5. Exit Guidelines: 1. Use switch case and while loop. 2. Variables to declare in the main method- matrix1, matrix2, matrix3 3. Use methods to write each operation listed in problem description and pass two- dimension array i.e. matrix as an argument to methods. Steps to follow: 1. Capture the dimension if N * N matrix from user 2. Declare and Initialize both matrix1 and matrix2 using the dimension. 3. Display array operations 4. Input user choice 5. Use the switch case to call the appropriate method 4. Implement the methods in your program for all operations listed in the problem description 6. Loop again to display array operations. Provide and exit the loop (hint: use return statement)

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