Masters Management Investigation

69 views 8:47 am 0 Comments April 28, 2023

A successful management investigation report for the Masters’s degree will present a thorough and critical review of relevant literature and of current subject knowledge. It will demonstrate high levels of analytical and critical awareness, the ability to synthesize theories, and the ability to relate theory to practice. The theoretical base will be tested against practical illustration.

  1. Demonstrate skills of analysis and synthesis in the selection and application of appropriate research methodology and method(s) to their chosen research topic;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of innovative and contemporary research on the business and management community;
  3. Critically reflect on the processes involved in the research, including reflection upon their own ethical values and the contribution of the research to the topic area;
  4. Acquire, interpret, and apply specialist functional knowledge in relation to their program of study.
  5. Plan and complete a major research project on a contemporary business, financial, management, or leadership topic and organize the findings into a comprehensive and explicit structure that is critically assessed and linked to the conclusions drawn.