Master of Social Work

157 views 10:16 am 0 Comments June 3, 2023

Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) (MSW)

HLTH510 Involuntary mental health treatment

Total length: 2000 words*

Total weight: 30%

Essay topic

The prescriptive nature of Community Treatment Orders (CTO’s) has led to debate about the coercive nature of this legislative development. This debate helps to show the interface between ethics and the law in mental health practice: on what basis is it just to lawfully deprive a person of freedom(s)? Discuss.Classification And Types Of Burns

Starting references to assist you:

Light, E.M., Kerridge, I.H., Ryan, C.J., & Robertson, M.D. (2012). Community treatment orders in Australia: Rates and patterns of use. Australasian Psychiatry, 20, 478-482.

Light, E.M., Kerridge, I.H., Ryan, C.J., & Robertson, M.D. (2012). Out of sight, out of mind: Making involuntary community treatment visible in the mental health system. Medical Journal of Australia, 196, 591-593.

Please note: you can follow the links provided or access the readings using the UNE library.


For this assignment you are required to write an essay that contains a valid argument based on the literature:

Provide an introduction that explains the purpose of the essay and how the argument(s) will be organized.

A common mistake is to provide a review of the literature and not include an argument.

End the essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes the arguments presented in the body of the essay. Make sure you take a stand and not just sit on the fence by saying more research is needed before a conclusion can be reached.

It is important to remember that the purpose of an introduction is to broadly introduce the area of interest and then provide a road map for the reader. In contrast, the purpose of the conclusion is to summarize the main points and provide direction for how to proceed in the future.

You should write in complete sentences (i.e. do not use dot points). However, if you think a summary will enhance the contents of your essay you can insert the information usually included in dot point form in a Table.

If you choose to insert a Table or Figure into your essay you will need to make sure the Table or Figure adheres to APA style.

The writing style in an essay is more formal than verbal speech. Make sure you do not write as you would speak.

The essay must be written in the third person. Please note: the word “I” is not used when writing in the third person.

Paraphrase information. For this essay quotes should only be used if the information cannot be written any other way.

Write your essay from the position of an expert. This means not starting a sentence with a reference and instead places the reference at the end of the sentence in brackets. A reference supports what you are saying, it should not be the main feature of a sentence. For example: “Higgs (2012) states that communication is very important to client safety” can be written as: “Communication is very important to client safety (Higgs, 2012).”

Make sure you reference your work. Every statement of fact needs an in-text reference and as a general rule every paragraph in an essay should have at least one in-text reference.

Pay attention to how you structure your sentences and paragraphs. A sentence contains one piece of information. Alternatively, a paragraph contains more than one sentence but deals with only one topic. Do not try to put too little or too much information into a paragraph because doing this is confusing for the reader.

Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Make sure you run the spell checker over you essay and then give it a last proof read before formally submitting for assessment.


You must use the APA referencing system. Follow the link at the top right of the page for information and examples of APA referencing.

How many references do I need to include?

There is not set number of references needed to write a good essay. After all for some topics there are not many references available so saying an essay must contain a certain number of references is not really appropriate. Fortunately for this topic there are lots of references available so finding sources should not be that difficult.

You are expected to research widely by using the UNE library online catalogue and journal databases to identify relevant books and peer reviewed journal articles. Please note: Personal experience, newspaper articles, Moodle notes and information obtained from websites, especially those that start with the prefix “wiki”, are not a valid source of information for this assignment.

As a rough guide HLTH510 should find 15+ peer reviewed sources (i.e. journal articles, books) in addition to the prescribed textbook(s), to support the statements in their essay.

In-text referencing

Every statement of fact in an essay must be supported by an in-text reference. Omitting in-text references is a form of “intellectual theft” and will not be tolerated. As a general rule in an empirical essay every paragraph should have at least one in-text reference.

For this unit page numbers are not required for in-text references unless providing a direct quote. For example: Communication is important to client safety (Higgs, 2012). “Communication is important to client safety” (Higgs, 2012, p.28).

What do I need to upload into Moodle?

Your submission should contain the following elements:

A title page containing: your student number, name, unit code, name of assignment and due date for assignment.

Completed essay with pages numbered.

Full reference list on a separate page.

The marking criteria for the assessment.