Marking Rubric

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MGMT20130 T2 2019: Assessment 2 Marking Rubric

Report marking criteria
0 (Not Shown) 1 (Poor) 2 (Unsatisfactory) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Good) 5 (Very Good) 6 (Excellent)
1. Demonstrated understanding Non-existent or entirely Poor discussion of Unsatisfactory discussion of Satisfactory discussion of Good discussion of Very good discussion of Excellent discussion of
of OM frameworks that are irrelevant or OM frameworks and OM frameworks and OM frameworks and OM frameworks and OM frameworks and OM frameworks and
Related to the question posed incomprehensible. problems. problems. problems. problems. problems Problems.
2. Accurately explain the latest
trends in OM and make the
Non-existent or entirely Poor discussion of Unsatisfactory discussion of Satisfactory discussion of Good discussion of Very good discussion of Excellent discussion of
Linkage between practical irrelevant or the latest trends in OM and the latest trends in OM and the latest trends in OM and the latest trends in OM and the latest trends in OM and the latest trends in OM and
and theoretical aspects (15%) incomprehensible. practical and/or theoretical practical and/or theoretical practical and/or theoretical practical and/or theoretical practical and/or theoretical practical and/or theoretical
aspects aspects. aspects aspects. aspects. aspects.
3. Accurately suggest and
develop the model for detailed
Non-existent or entirely
irrelevant or
Poor suggestion of the
developed model for detailed
Unsatisfactory suggestion of
the developed model for
Satisfactory suggestion of
the developed model for
Good suggestion of the
developed model for
Very good suggestion of the
developed model for
Excellent suggestion of the
developed model for
Analysis in relation to the Case
Incomprehensible. analysis in relation to the case
detailed analysis in relation
to the case application
detailed analysis in relation
to the case application
detailed analysis in relation
to the case application
detailed analysis in relation
to the case application
detailed analysis in relation
to the case application
4. Able to articulate and
evaluation scenario modeling to
provide insights and limitations
based on quantitative outcome
Non-existent or entirely
irrelevant or
Poor level – modelling
scenario evaluation to provide
insights and limitations based
on quantitative outcome
Unsatisfactory level –
modelling scenario
evaluation to provide
insights and limitations
based on quantitative
Satisfactory level –
modelling scenario
evaluation to provide insights
and limitations based on
quantitative outcome
Good level –
modelling scenario
evaluation to provide insights
and limitations based on
quantitative outcome
High level –
modelling scenario
evaluation to provide insights
and limitations based on
quantitative outcome
Excellent level –
modelling scenario evaluation
to provide insights and
limitations based on
quantitative outcome
5. Provide appropriate and Non-existent or entirely Poor level – Unsatisfactory level – Satisfactory level – Good level – High level – Excellent level –
Well-structured, concise and irrelevant or OM arguments in terms of OM arguments in terms of OM arguments in terms of OM arguments in terms of OM arguments in terms of OM arguments in terms of
Clear expression of OM incomprehensible. theoretical and practical theoretical and practical theoretical and practical theoretical and practical theoretical and practical theoretical and practical
arguments in terms of elements elements elements elements elements elements
Theoretical and practical
elements (15%)
6. Provide a clear flow of Non-existent or entirely Poor level – Unsatisfactory level – Satisfactory level – Good level – High level – Excellent level –
thought throughout the irrelevant or provide a clear flow thought provide a clear flow thought provide a clear flow thought provide a clear flow thought provide a clear flow thought provide a clear flow thought
Business report, evidenced by
succinct summary, intro,
conclusion (15%)
incomprehensible. throughout the report throughout the report throughout the report throughout the report throughout the report throughout the report


7. Critical evaluation and
Integration of relevant
academic and literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects. Insights from
a minimum of 15 academic
journal articles must be
incorporated in your critical
Non-existent or entirely
irrelevant or
Poor level –
evaluation and Integration
of relevant academic and
literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects.
Unsatisfactory level –
evaluation and Integration
of relevant academic and
literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects.
Satisfactory level –
evaluation and integration
of relevant academic and
literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects.
Good level –
evaluation and Integration
of relevant academic and
literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects.
High level –
evaluation and integration of
relevant academic and
literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects.
Excellent level –
evaluation and integration of
relevant academic and
literature to
provide theoretical and
practical aspects.
8. Adherence to APA reference
format (5%)
Non-existent or entirely
Limited adherence Adherence (unsatisfactory) Adherence (Satisfactory) Adherence (Good) Adherence (Very Good) Adherence (Excellent)
9. Clarity of written expression,
grammar, spelling (5%)
Non-existent or entirely
Limited clarity of written
expression, grammar, spelling
clarity of written expression,
grammar, spelling
clarity of written expression,
grammar, spelling
clarity of written expression,
grammar, spelling
clarity of written expression,
grammar, spelling
(Very Good)
clarity of written expression,
grammar, spelling