Marking Guidance

177 views 10:36 am 0 Comments June 12, 2023

Marking Guidance AS2
Task Marking Guidance (Breakdown) a)nroducin (approx 200 words) (5%) • The inroduton highlighs key aspelvs nto be cover .n n the sgnment including the relevant theories frameworks appli. to support analysis and evaluation in the tasks. • The Introduction also provides an overview of the case scotYp.aTnig rag= eeZrk ee ;In= Cr the b) Using appropriate fra,snsno%sdssthdn, Identify and evaluate the key drivers of innovation contributtng to the success of Amazon. (approx. 700 words) (20%) Key drivers of innovadon contributing to the success of the case ste, have been dear, ;dent,. and the answer provides evidence of detailed critical evaluation (1096) • Appropriate innovation and entrepreneurship frameworks/models have been applied to support the evaluation 0096) c) Using appropriate strategy frame orks, critically enetYse the differ., aPProaches undertaken by Amazon to help shape . entrepreneurial vision and business modeL Your analysis . this task may include, but is not iunife. . examPles drawn fwm Arnawn’ competitive strategies at both the business unit level and corporate level W . (approx. O words) (30%) Appropriate competitive strategy frameworks at both business unit level and coporate level have been carefully selected a. applied in the a„aiysis at the nese study, e„,,reneuna, approaches and success: . porters vtieric st, riernewent end. Bowmen clock strategies model well applied to support analysis or business ievei competitive strategies ci 59,4 • Appropriate model such as Ansoff matrix .1 applied to support analysts of corporate level strategies (15%) d) CriUcally evaluate the following statement: Amazon, success can be attributed to the successful application of the “Blue Ocean Strategy”. f’s ini7;r=rilcsse.. irpPp7orairri=1 sr ‘ea n i ° ° is (30%) • The concept of Blue Ocean strategy clearly explained. , . Answer. provides „ince, evaivation. using specific :as% a m rst de s ‘y Ts baa mac k uurt ot hf 71:1 Iwo :al Zc::::t it et appi.Uon of Blue Ocean strategy (1596). • Appropriate Blue Ocean tools and frameworks have been carefully selected and applied to support the analysis (10%) e) Conclusion (approx. 300 words) MO • ‘rt-lha=rcret dalnxt=sulTnIrthigh”g”t “he Appropriate rc;tnn.:ture and use of Harvard 00%) • sTizczpeog9i4 well written following an appropriate • Harvard format has been correctly and consistently us. in both citations a. the reference list. This a. includes corr.t use of citations where illustrations of relevant frameworks are presented in the report. (5 V