Marking criteria

129 views 9:02 am 0 Comments May 31, 2023

Note: This is an illustration of the marking criteria that will be used in Turnitin Feedback Studio. To see your marks on the criteria, open your assignment through Feedback Studio and click on the marking criteria
button. You can access this by clicking on the small blue pencil icon next to your assignment submission, and then clicking on the small rubric icon in the Feedback Studio window.
There is no “safe” percentage of similarity when receiving a Turnitin similarity score. It is possible a higher score is the result of a very long reference list, and similarly, it is possible that even a low score still
indicates plagiarism. The main thing to look out for is WHERE the similarity is being shown. If there is a high level of similarity found in the body of the assignment, you will probably lose marks for not
presenting your own ideas. A high level of similarity in the body of your assignment may significantly affect your marks for each of the criteria, as marks are given based on original text and appropriately
referenced text only. It is suggested that you reduce the use of direct quotes from other sources wherever possible. Markers will analyse the similarity score reported by Turnitin on a case-by-case basis.

Criteria 0 (Not Shown) 1 (Poor) 2 (Unsatisfactory) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Above Average) 5 (Good) 6 (Excellent)
1. Knowledge
Demonstrates awareness and
understanding of concepts and
theories relevant to the unit
throughout the report
Does not demonstrate
awareness and
understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
Demonstrates an
inadequate level of
awareness and
understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
Demonstrates an
emerging awareness and
understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
Demonstrates a
reasonable level of
awareness and
understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
Demonstrates above
average awareness and
understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
Demonstrates very
good awareness and
understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
exceptional awareness
and understanding of
concepts and theories
relevant to the unit
throughout the report
2. Analysis
Demonstrates the capacity to
critically analyse, synthesise, and
apply concepts and theories
throughout the report
Does not demonstrate
the capacity to
critically analyse,
synthesise, and apply
concepts and theories
throughout the report
Limited ability to
critically analyse,
synthesise, and apply
concepts and theories
throughout the report
Emerging ability to
critically analyse,
synthesise, and apply
concepts and theories
throughout the report
demonstrates the
capacity to critically
analyse, synthesise, and
apply concepts and
theories throughout the
Demonstrates an above
average ability to
critically analyse,
synthesise, and apply
concepts and theories
throughout the report
Demonstrates an
excellent ability to
critically analyse,
synthesise, and apply
concepts and theories
throughout the report
Demonstrates an
exceptional ability to
critically analyse,
synthesise, and apply
concepts and theories
throughout the report
3. Research
Demonstrates the ability to
thoroughly investigate an
organisation and the IHRM
activities it is undertaking.
Does not demonstrate
the ability to
thoroughly investigate
an organisation and
the IHRM activities it
is undertaking.
inadequate ability to
thoroughly investigate
an organisation and
the IHRM activities it
is undertaking.
Demonstrates emerging
ability to thoroughly
investigate an
organisation and the
IHRM activities it is
Demonstrates sound
ability to thoroughly
investigate an
organisation and the
IHRM activities it is
Demonstrates above
average ability to
thoroughly investigate
an organisation and the
IHRM activities it is
Demonstrates well
developed ability to
thoroughly investigate
an organisation and
the IHRM activities it
is undertaking.
Demonstrates superior
ability to thoroughly
investigate an
organisation and the
IHRM activities it is
4. Recommendations
Provides effective strategies and
demonstrates justification for the
recommended strategies
Does not provide
strategies or does not
justify the
Provides ineffective
strategies, or
justification for the
Provides some
strategies, and
demonstrates emerging
ability to justify the
recommended strategies
Provides some effective
strategies, and
demonstrates reasonable
justification for the
recommended strategies
Provides effective
strategies, and
demonstrates above
average justification for
the recommended
Provides effective
strategies, and
demonstrates well
developed justification
for the recommended
Provides effective
strategies, and
demonstrates superior
justification for the
5. Referencing
Demonstrates knowledge and
application of correct APA style
referencing, both in-text and in
the reference list
Does not demonstrate
knowledge and
application of correct
APA style referencing,
both in-text and in the
reference list
ineffective knowledge
and application of
correct APA style
referencing, both in
text and in the
reference list
Demonstrates emerging
knowledge and
application of correct
APA style referencing,
both in-text and in the
reference list
Demonstrates reasonable
knowledge and
application of correct
APA style referencing,
both in-text and in the
reference list
Demonstrates above
average knowledge and
application of correct
APA style referencing,
both in-text and in the
reference list
Demonstrates well
developed knowledge
and application of
correct APA style
referencing, both in
text and in the
reference list
Demonstrates superior
knowledge and
application of correct
APA style referencing,
both in-text and in the
reference list
6. Presentation
Demonstrates the ability to use
appropriate conventions of
academic writing
Unacceptable ability
to use appropriate
conventions of
academic writing.
Limited ability to use
conventions of
academic writing.
Emerging ability to use
appropriate conventions
of academic writing.
Satisfactory ability to
use appropriate
conventions of academic
Proficient ability to use
appropriate conventions
of academic writing.
Excellent ability to use
conventions of
academic writing.
Exceptional ability to
use appropriate
conventions of
academic writing.