marking criteria

120 views 10:12 am 0 Comments March 20, 2023

HOTL6013 Assessment 1 (worth 25 marks) marking criteria/rubric


High Distinction





Project criteria

The project MUST be hospitality-related: if not, this task will not be assessed. Refer to Module 1 – ‘Unit requirements’ section.

Problem details

(5 marks)

Perfectly explained and supported by evidence; focus and scope is sufficiently narrow Well explained and supported by evidence; focus and scope is narrow Satisfactorily/Can be better explained and supported by evidence; focus and scope is not satisfactorily or adequately narrowed Can be better explained and supported by evidence; focus and scope is not satisfactorily narrowed Not clear and/or supported by evidence; focus and scope is too broad
Significance of the study

(5 marks)

The importance of the problem is expertly articulated; the need for investigation is well established The importance of the problem is adequately articulated; the need for investigation is established The importance of the problem can be better articulated; the need for investigation is somewhat convincing The importance of the problem can be better or is not clearly articulated; the need for investigation is somewhat/not convincing The importance of the problem is not articulated; the need for investigation is not clear

Project beneficiary

(2 marks)

Project beneficiary is clearly identified; research problem is specifically linked to this project beneficiary Project beneficiary is identified; research problem is linked to this project beneficiary Project beneficiary is somewhat identified; research problem is somewhat linked to this project beneficiary Project beneficiary is not clearly identified; research problem is vaguely linked to this project beneficiary Project beneficiary is not identified; research problem is not linked to this project beneficiary

Research aim

(4 marks)

Perfectly framed; succinct; linked to the research problem identified earlier; includes the name of the project beneficiary Correctly framed; somewhat succinct; linked to the research problem identified earlier; includes the name of the project beneficiary Satisfactorily framed; needs to be more succinct; linked to the research problem identified earlier; does not include the name of the project beneficiary Satisfactorily framed; needs to be more succinct; vaguely linked to the research problem identified earlier; does not include the name of the project beneficiary Needs to be rephrased; not succinct; not linked to the research problem identified earlier; does not include the name of the project beneficiary

Research question(s)

(4 marks)

Correct number of questions; expertly framed to achieve the research aim; refers to the same research problem identified earlier; includes the name of the project beneficiary Correct number of questions; satisfactorily framed to achieve the research aim; refers to the same research problem identified earlier; includes the name of the project beneficiary Correct number of questions; needs some revision to achieve the research aim; refers to the same research problem identified earlier; does not include the name of the project beneficiary Too many questions; needs some revision to achieve the research aim; does not refer to the same research problem identified earlier; does not include the name of the project beneficiary Too many questions; will not help achieve the research aim; does not refer to the same research problem identified earlier; does not include the name of the project beneficiary

Data source(s)

(5 marks)

Mentions the sources (e.g., Tripadvisor) of secondary data; attached screenshots and/or provided weblinks of secondary data; clearly explained how the secondary data relates to the research problem Mentions the sources (e.g., Tripadvisor) of secondary data; attached screenshots and/or provided weblinks of secondary data; needs a better explanation of how the secondary data relates to the research problem Mentions the sources (e.g., Tripadvisor) of secondary data; attached screenshots and/or provided weblinks of secondary data; no explanation of how the secondary data relates to the research problem Mentions the sources (e.g., Tripadvisor) of secondary data; did not attach screenshots and/or weblinks of secondary data; no explanation of how the secondary data relates to the research problem No details of secondary data provided


Unit requirement: Project-related all resources and assessments (including those in-progress) MUST be saved in OneDrive folder, and this folder should be shared with your local lecturer. Until this is done, assessment tasks will not be marked.