Marketing, Sales, and Negotiation skills

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Marketing, Sales, and Negotiation skills


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Table of ContentsMicroeconomics Assignment


The marketing role includes promoting of organizational growth with the success that one cannot be overlooked. The marketing facet includes the reliability on brand for the handling of information of product. It is about the marketing standards which has set under the achievement of Holiday Inn goals. The company is involved in operational and strategic objectives which is centralized at a revenue maximisation, or the enhanced competitive advantage. The greater experience of customer and engagement includes involvement in Holiday Inn brand awareness or engagement. It includes prospective of sales with boosting revenue. The marketing department includes management of hotel with the consumer changed needs with preferences that is set over the prompting on the creation of understanding changing needs of consumer. The creation is for attractive and relevant products or the service packages where the marketing ams on the enhanced brand reputation with Holiday Inn with contributing towards increased market advantage.

Business Environment Analysis for Holiday Inn Hotel

The business works on operating in a dynamic environment with the major influence on the achievement of marketing and other operational objectives. The environment of business includes promoting or deterring the viability of organization marketing strategies. The understanding includes the environment of business which is critical to create strategies of marketing with elevating the positioning of brand on a business within a market. The corresponding process includes the business keeping up to handle the imminent marketing standards to maximise the competitive standards (Teresi et al., 2019).

SWOT analysis

The SWOT analysis includes the understanding with the creating of effectual and relevant marketing strategies which tend to align on the resource and capabilities. The SWOT analysis include the highlight of company strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. It is about focusing on enhanced competitiveness and the marketing tactics (Su et al., 2019).


Holiday Inn stronger brand visibility or accessibility comes with 1100 hotels worldwide. The company works on the proficient levels of customer satisfaction.

The high diversification of product includes offering range over consumers to choose from.


The approach is on identifying the presence which is limited on developing countries or poor product promotional strategies. It includes the major factors to deter on the Holiday Inn from the maximising of full potential too.


The expansion is for the operations that include the adoption over the competitive standards over positioning of brand and then handling the strategies too.


The high competition is through determining industry of hospital from certain or the local hotels which is renowned (Wessel et al., 2021).

PESTLE Analysis

The affirming on the different analysis technique involves the tools with outlining the external factors. It is about Holiday Inn marketing strategies with enhanced competitive advantage with the industry or the operational environment. PESTLE includes the advertise impact with minimizing the external factors and the marketing strategies too.




Financial support includes the government revamping on industry after the time of pandemic.

Major effect of Brexit.

Financial support is from the UK government with the remaining of instrumental assisting of Holiday Inn with the recovery from the major adverse impacts. The Brexit is for UK from EU deterring the company from expanding operations in UK with American origin.


The economic instability includes the increase rate of unemployability

UK economy has been set under the recovery of pandemic. The instability includes greater effect on operations of Holiday Inn (Isensee et al., 2020). The high unemployment includes the instigation of pandemic contributing to the low disposable level of income with consumers generally refraining from premium services of hotel.


The changed consumer preferences are led over the preferences for services of Airbnb that is opposed to hotel.

The approach is for negative perceptions with society involved in employment opportunities under the sector of hospitality.

The rise in Airbnb includes the adverse impact on business of Holiday Inn and the industry works on contributing to reduced market share. The profitability is for handling business.

The careers include hospital industry which is associated to high number of working hours or low wage. The opportunities include industry with increased shortage with skilled labour in industry under Holiday Inn.


Increased use of information technologies under social media marketing.

Working on increased use of IT includes enhanced Holiday Inn customer experience. The adoption includes social media marketing with expansion on reaching customer. The company can interact with the consumers working on enticing them for buying products.


The increased pressure is for hospitality business with the initiating on the corporate social responsibilities. It includes initiatives under operations.

The adoption includes CSR activities with development of programs of environmental standards or programs under charity with elevating on brand position of Holiday Inn in the industry of hospitality.


The different regulatory requirements include the need to comply with (Li et al., 2020).

Holiday Inn includes business under the hospitality sector with the complied laws that comes over the hygiene, food safety or the operational capacity. The failures tend to comply on the laws which lead to legal pursuits with closure on entity. The example is for the handling of faced hygiene defamation charges which has led to closure of temporary forms.

Analysis of Marketing Mix

The approach is on the strategic and the functional marketing which is for handling the standards with the enhanced competitive advantage of business. The attraction is for target audience, where the marketing mix includes the brand creating on the products which is right over resonating over the target market needs. The preferences are for the marketing mix which is useful on the assisting on organization for the development of products. The keep up includes the emerging trends with the hospitality industry and then fulfilment on needs of customer. The strategies tend to make sure on the fulfilment of business engagement and then handling right marketing promotional strategies that tend to augment over the positioning of brand in industry (Mohammed, 2021). The main elements include Holiday Inn marketing mix that rental on the product, price, place, or the promotion, process, people, or the environment of physical forms.

The focus is on the product element with products or services under Holiday Inn develops on the satisfying over the needs for consumers. The importance is for business with innovation of products that leads to completing on trends which is emerging. It tends to uphold on the greater quality with attracting the consumers with perspectives too. The approach includes the factors with the strategies to make sure on the business engagement with the right marketing on the strategies of promotional standards. The augment is about the handling the perspectives consumers. The pricing element includes the greater determining of profit margin which is gained on sales of Holiday Inn of products and services. The development of prices include reflection on consumer with perceiving value and then enhance over the competitive advantage. The place includes the factors accessibility with products of organization or services by the market of target standards. The organizational need to work on the creation with the strategic or formalizable distribution channels for maximising on consumer access.

The business needs include the engagement of right promotional mix of strategies with products or services to gain on attention of customer. The approach is for maximising on the consumer experience. The ensuring of right professionals is for developing, market or delivery of products. The processes and procedures include vital role with the development of delivery of products. It is including the aspects which is associated to product or services which is set on influencing over the perceptions of consumer. The business tends to integrate over the arguments for brand values along with identity (Kohtamaki et al., 2019). The evaluation includes the marketing mix with:

Marketing Tools

Current strategy

Evaluation of effectiveness


The diversification of product includes the Holiday Inn that offers over the range of varied services and products. The organization tends to offer the hotel or services which is accompanied by amenities too. The segments include services which are for different hotel packages that are staged on complementing pricing.

The strategy is about the effectiveness where organization can address different neds of segment of market.


Competitor pricing strategy

Competitor based pricing is critical over the ensuring of products or services which tend to be competitive in industry of hospitality.


The digital and the social media marketing includes channels of email marketing

Increased access or use of digital and social media services for increased Holiday Inn reach of customers. It is for attracting the consumers too.


Presence on the different locations

Working over the increased access for consumers with products or services


Using the skilled labour as well.

Deployment of the skilled labour with the instrumental ensuring of proficient delivery of consumer services.


Working on process orientation and the specific systems that integrate the department.

The efficient process or procedures are for promoting the better delivery of services too.

Physical Evidence

The hotel architecture includes design over Holiday Inn with the properties or the environment (Singh et al., 2021).

The sole sources of competitive advantage. The consumers are attracted over the greater physical locations and then match to the better quality or pricing.

Sales and Negotiation Skills

The effectiveness of the sales and negotiation tends to include the growth or success. The high consumer centric approach is for promoting the adoption of proper negotiations. It is for enhancing the critical good business relationship with supplier or business. The sales and negotiation sessions, where I was able to learn on the effective negotiations with possession on communication skills. The clear communication skills include negotiation needs with concise approach (Singh et al., 2021). The ensuring of parties engages on the negotiation sessions with the emergency of handling the unneeded conflicts. The proper active listening includes the practices with the focus on observation with the needs which is comprising. The emotional intelligence includes the approach with the attesting on Holiday Inn with proper skills of communication. It comes through handling the management which is quick to work on the solutions and actively listen to the consumers as well (hysall et al., 2019). The persuasive approach is informative with capitalizing the audience and then targeting them too.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Holiday Inn marketing facet includes the enhanced knowledge of consumer for product and services. The experiences include consumption with anticipation from brand and contribute to the customer experiences too. The report includes evaluation with the effectiveness on marketing mix. The report includes the enhanced marketing mix with the activities that is set under the American multinational chain of hotels in Denham. The brand has been involved with 1100 active hotels with the 214000 rentable rooms.

Some of the recommendations include:


Isensee, C., Teuteberg, F., Griese, K.M. and Topi, C., 2020. The relationship between organizational culture, sustainability, and digitalization in SMEs: A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production275, p.122944.

Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Oghazi, P., Gebauer, H. and Baines, T., 2019. Digital servitization business models in ecosystems: A theory of the firm. Journal of Business Research104, pp.380-392.

Li, Z., Liao, G. and Albitar, K., 2020. Does corporate environmental responsibility engagement affect firm value? The mediating role of corporate innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment29(3), pp.1045-1055.

Mohammed, I.A., 2021. The interaction between artificial intelligence and identity and access management: an empirical study. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN2320(2882), pp.668-671.

Singh, K. and Misra, M., 2021. Linking corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational performance: The moderating effect of corporate reputation. European Research on Management and Business Economics27(1), p.100139.

Su, L. and Swanson, S.R., 2019. Perceived corporate social responsibility’s impact on the well-being and supportive green behaviors of hotel employees: The mediating role of the employee-corporate relationship. Tourism management72, pp.437-450.

Teresi, M., Pietroni, D.D., Barattucci, M., Giannella, V.A. and Pagliaro, S., 2019. Ethical climate (s), organizational identification, and employees’ behavior. Frontiers in Psychology10, p.1356.

Wessel, L., Baiyere, A., Ologeanu-Taddei, R., Cha, J. and Blegind-Jensen, T., 2021. Unpacking the difference between digital transformation and IT-enabled organizational transformation. Journal of the Association for Information Systems22(1), pp.102-129.

Whysall, Z., Owtram, M. and Brittain, S., 2019. The new talent management challenges of Industry 4.0. Journal of management development.

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