Marketing issues

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Assessment Rubric Assignment 2: Individual Report

Introduction: Marketing issues identified in assignment 1

Description: Based on the current situation of the company that you analysed in Assignment 1, select and prioritise the issues that the company should address in its new 12-month term marketing plan.

Weighting: 5%

Marketing Objectives

Description: Based on the selected issues regarding the current situation of the company you have analysed in Assignment 1, clearly state up to three objectives for the forthcoming 12 months using S.M.A.R.T goal setting criteria. Explain how these goals link to the identified issues.

Weighting: 20%

Segmentation, Target Market(s) and Positioning

Description: State and justify which segment(s) you intend to target and how will you position the product/service for the target market(s)?

Weighting: 20%

Appropriate Marketing Mix

Description: On the basis of your knowledge to this point of the marketing mix elements, reflect on the overall approach to the marketing mix. Outline the elements and tools that would be best used and the links and/or independence between the marketing mix elements in your plan.

Weighting: 40%

Conclusion – Role of the Marketing Plan

Description: Clear discussion of how you see your marketing plan will assist the company. How should it be used both tactically and strategically by the company?

Weighting: 10%

Report Format

Description: Suitable structure and headings

Format (12pt font, 1.5 spacing, and 2.5cm margin)

In text citations and reference list (APA Style)

Writing – clear, easy to read

Language – spelling, grammar, punctuation

Required length – 2,500 words

Weighting: 5%

Section of report






High Distinction

Introduction: Issues resulting from the Situation Analysis


Poor or no attempt to describe the main marketing issues that were identified in Assignment 1. Poor or no attempt to justify the relevance of these issues for both the company and the current report.

Some attempt at introduction or rather incomplete. The report advances some marketing issues and describes them, but their justification is weak or ungrounded.

Clear description of the main marketing issues of the company. Clear and well-grounded justification of the marketing issues for both the company and the current report.

Very good and neat description of the company’s marketing issues. It advances a convincing rationale to justify the need for the company to prioritise these marketing issues.

Excellent outline and description of the main marketing issues of the company. It elaborates a strongly convincing argument for the urgent need for the company to prioritise the selected issues in their new marketing plan.

Marketing Objectives


Poor or no attempt to address the current marketing issues by advancing new marketing objectives. Poor or no justification of the selected marketing objectives. The proposed marketing objectives do not meet the S.M.A.R.T criteria.

Some attempt to advance marketing objectives, but there is poor consistency between the marketing issues and the justification of the marketing objectives. Weak or incomplete usage of theory to justify objectives. Some objectives are poorly worded or do not meet some of the S.M.A.R.T criteria.

Draws appropriate link between the market situation, marketing issues and devising of marketing objectives but more marketing theory required to fully explain your argument. Most of the objectives satisfy the S.M.A.R.T criteria.

Draws concise link between the market situation and devising of marketing objectives. Good amount of marketing theory applied to justify the selected objectives. They also meet the S.M.A.R.T criteria.

The selected marketing objectives clearly address the main issues that were discussed in the previous section. Excellent use of marketing theory to justify the selected objectives. The objectives are clearly worded and meet all the standards of the S.M.A.R.T setting criteria.

Segmentation, Target Market(s) and Positioning


Poor or no attempt to identify appropriate target market and inappropriate or no positioning strategy has been applied.

Some attempt to identify target markets, but lacks integration between marketing objective and target market. Positioning attempted but does not logically reflect the issue at hand.

It describes the target market(s) using varied segmentation bases. Some attempt to elaborate on the link between marketing objectives and the selected target market(s). Positioning strategy is well justified and representative of the desired outcome.

Concisely identifies and justifies the target market(s). Clearly describes the selected target market(s) using varied segmentation bases. It draws a link between marketing objective and target market(s) to justify why these market segments should be targeted. Clearly and accurately describes the bases of segmentation. The positioning of the product is clear and appropriate.

Successfully and with good insight states which segments are recommended as target market(s) using relevant demographic, psychographic and behavioural segmentation bases. It elaborates a persuasive argument to link the proposed marketing objectives to the selected target market(s) and to justify why these market segments should be targeted. Positioning strategy is consistent with the marketing objectives and the selected target markets. Positioning strategy is accurate and follows a logical rationale.

Appropriate marketing mix Strategy


Poor or no attempt to advance marketing mix strategies. Little or no theoretical bases to support the proposed strategies, or they are rather inconsistent.

Some attempt of reflection on the marketing mix strategy. Discussion shows theoretical components but not entirely appropriate or logical. Some of the proposed strategies are inconsistent with the marketing objectives, with the positioning strategy or other strategies in the marketing mix.

It advances varied marketing mix strategies to achieve the desired outcomes. Uses theory to justify the relevance of the proposed marketing mix approach. Overall, the proposed marketing plan is consistent and it advances viable solutions, but some of the marketing issues or objectives have not been appropriately addressed or not addressed at all. Potential minor inconsistencies between the marketing mix approach and the desired outcomes.

It advances a coherent and consistent marketing plan including specific and well described strategies. It uses theory to convincingly justify the relevance of the proposed marketing strategies, which are also consistent with all the marketing issues and marketing objectives.

Excellent reflection of the overall approach to the marketing mix. It advances insightful and novel solutions to address the marketing issues and marketing objectives. It draws on marketing theory to convincingly justify the relevance of the proposed strategies. The marketing strategies are clearly described and are consistent with the rest of the elements of the marketing plan and there are no evident flaws in the marketing plan.

Conclusion: Role of the new Marketing Plan


Either draws no conclusion or draws an inappropriate conclusion. Poor or no attempt to discuss the contribution of the new marketing plan to the company’s overall performance.

Attempt made but does not apply sufficient theoretical basis to support the relevance of the marketing strategies. Conclusion is primarily descriptive.

The conclusion brings unity to the report and gives a clear understanding of the importance of the marketing plan to the company’s overall performance.

Appropriately discusses the elements of the marketing plan to demonstrate that they are consistent with the company’s objectives. It stresses marketing plan and how it should be used both tactically and strategically. Drawing on marketing theory, it justifies the relevance of the new marketing plan and its contribution to the company’s overall performance.

The conclusion brings unity to the report and advances a convincing argument to justify the relevance of the new marketing strategies and their consistency with the marketing objectives. Excellent use of theory and logic thinking to justify why the proposed strategies will solve the marketing issues and will improve the company’s overall performance. Deep and creative analysis provided in all instances. The conclusion draws the report into a fully constructive analysis.

Report Format


The report is inconsistent in structure which impedes the interpretation and unity of the report for the reader. The analysis does not follow a logical or organised structure.

The report reflects minimal structure flaws. Information has been organised to convey meaning to the reader. Titles/subtitles are included.

The report reflects consistent structure. Information is organised and sequenced to convey the intended meaning to the reader. Titles/subtitles are organised and included to assist reading. Formatting elements do not always support main points.

The report is well structured. Information is logically organised and sequenced to convey the intended meaning to the reader allowing ease of reading. Titles/subtitles chosen influence the report’s consistency. Possible minor grammatical, punctuation and/or spelling errors evident Formatting elements are organised.

The report is very well structured. Information is very well organised and sequenced to convey the intended meaning to the reader allowing ease of reading. Titles/subtitles chosen enhance the report’s consistency and accuracy.