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Semester 1-2023 JNB701 / Maritime Logistics Informatics Page 1 of 2 Page
Postgraduate Studies in Maritime and Logistics Management
SEMESTER 1, 2023
Instructions to candidates
1. This examination commences on Friday, 26 May 2023.
2. The answer script is to be uploaded into the exam Dropbox on the unit
MyLO site by no later than 23:59 hours (Hobart Time) on Tuesday, 13
June 2023.
3. Late examination scripts will not be accepted. Failure to upload your
answer script into the unit Dropbox before the cut-off time will result in
Fail grade.
4. Candidates must attempt ALL PARTS of the question.
5. Marks are as indicated.
6. The examination represents 40 of the 100 marks allocated to this unit.
7. Your answer script should be
2500 words in total, ± 10%. You are
required to include your word count on the title page.
8. Answers must be typed.
9. The examination submission is one document. Question numbers must
be clearly shown beside each answer. References MUST be provided intext and in a reference list per the UTAS Harvard referencing style.
Please also include a Table of Contents. However, there is NO
requirement to include an abstract, introduction or conclusion with your
10. Plagiarism, including copying the work of other students or any form of
collusion, is a punishable offence and may result in failure of the unit
and/or exclusion from the AMC. (Refer to the section on Plagiarism in
Unit Outline booklet).
11. This examination consists of
2 pages.
12. Your answers should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the key
concepts and principles discussed in the unit.
13. If you have any questions regarding this examination, please contact
your Unit Coordinator. They will respond to your query as appropriate.

Semester 1-2023 JNB701 / Maritime Logistics Informatics Page 2 of 2 Page
Attempt ALL PARTS of question 1.
Question 1
Select a specific company operating as a shipping line, a port / terminal
company, or a trucking and warehouse (3PL) provider. You are a business analyst
in one of these companies.
Your company seeks to enhance its operational efficiency and customer satisfaction
by implementing digitalisation technologies. As an internal expert in digitalisation,
you have been asked to conduct a comprehensive analysis and provide
recommendations for your company’s digitalisation roadmap and initiatives.
a) Assess the current state of your company’s digitalisation efforts and its position
on the digitalisation maturity curve. Provide a brief overview of the relevant
technologies used in the company and compare it to the industry best
b) Complete a Lean Business Canvas for your company, identifying key areas of
focus, potential improvements, and opportunities for value creation through a
digitalisation roadmap. Discuss the potential impact of each improvement on
your company’s operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
c) Complete a swimlane process mapping diagram for one of your company’s core
processes, highlighting areas where digitalisation can enhance process
efficiency and effectiveness. Provide recommendations for digital tools or
technologies that can be used to address these improvement areas.
d) Analyse the data types shared between your company and its important
stakeholders, name the stakeholders, and explain the relationship. Discuss
how digitalisation can streamline data sharing, enhance data management,
and strengthen stakeholder collaboration.
e) Identify and elaborate on the technologies that your company should adopt to
improve its operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Additionally,
explain the data management techniques your company should use based on
the new technologies, the type of data analysis techniques that will be used,
and the specific KPIs your company should focus on.
[6+10+10+6+8=40 marks]