Managing the Security Function

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Level 6 Accredited Diploma for Certified Security Management Professionals (CSMP®) Unit 3 – Managing the Security Function

pr 21

For Candidate Use

Candidate Name [please insert] For Assessor Use
Candidate Number [please insert] First Assessor Name                                        CSMP®
Submission Date [please insert] Internal Verifier Name  

Feb 23

Candidate Declaration

In submitting this work for assessment, I hereby declare:


1.       I have read the Unit text in full.

2.       This is my own, individual work.

3.       I have not copied the work of other student(s) or engaged another person to write the answers for me.

4.       I have not sought assistance from any party other than the ISMI® nominated coach for this unit.

5.       Where I have used additional sources (Internet, reference books etc) I have referenced these and not presented them as my original thought.

6.       I have not worked together with other student(s) to produce shared answers in whole or in part.

7.       I have not shared my answers, verbally or otherwise, in whole, part or draft, with any other student.

8.       If I have saved this assignment to a shared drive, I have encrypted the retained copy after sending for assessment.


I have read the Academic Discipline Policy and the Course Terms and Conditions and I understand that the standard penalty for students who violate the rules on academic misconduct is disqualification.


For Official Use

Assessor [Assessor name] CSMP® Dates
Has the candidate met all of the assessment criteria? Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail


1.       Fail grades awarded to incomplete submissions.

2.       Late submissions eligible for met/fail grades only.

Overall assessment comment.  


Assessor Aide Memoire  
3.1a Policy

3.1b Procedures

3.2a Screening

3.2b JD, PS & CSO Guide

3.2c Supervisor Appt

3.3a Training

3.3b Motivation

3.3c Leadership Dev.

List any task numbers that have not met the assessment criteria.    
Summary of required remedial action(s) and resubmission deadline.  


Remedial actions log.    
Final assessment comment (if referral).    
Internal Verifier Andrea Dobson CSMP® F.ISMI®  
Overall assessment comment.    







Unit Outcome 3.1 Understand how to develop security policy, programmes and standards
Assessment Criteria Analyse security policy statements

Produce a policy statement

Develop a strategy for increasing security awareness


For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.1a.

Task 3.1a

In Preparation


Study the section on security policy statements in the Unit Textbook.  Be sure at the same time to understand the difference between the policy statement, a mission statement, baseline standards and SOPs.


Your Task


First, take the example security policy statement (right) and using your knowledge from the Unit Textbook, critique and make recommendations for inclusion/exclusion.


Second, produce a more refined policy statement that takes cognisance of the advice in the Unit Textbook and the Chatroom Meeting Transcript. Ensure that it covers all of the key requirements of a policy statement and that it is a minimum 80 and maximum 100 words.  Be led by the version in the Unit Textbook but don’t copy it word for word.


Third, develop a strategy (between 6-10 elements) for increasing security awareness amongst staff.  You should make extensive use of the Unit Textbook and fold in also ideas and success-proven activities from your own organisation.  You should also explain how you will measure success, with the focus on quantitative assessment (metrics).






Example Security Policy Statement to Critique

The Security Department is committed to protecting our people, assets, brands and reputation by ensuring we have an effective and watertight approach to the management of security risks, and applying sanctions to those who don’t comply.  The Security Department will act to mitigate security risks by establishing and meeting minimum security standards across our business and applying more robust measures where necessary.  These standards will apply to all company entities and company-managed joint ventures and we require our business partners, suppliers and contractors to adopt a similar approach.  You are reminded that security is a collective responsibility. This was succinctly expressed thousands of years ago by ancient Greek philosopher Thucydides who wrote: “The security of the city depends less on the strength of its fortifications than on the state of mind of its inhabitants”.  Under your Terms and Conditions of Employment, you have duty to implement business security and failure to do so will be punished.  The Security Department is not here to pick the ball up when you drop it.


First – Critique of Above Security Policy Statement








Second – Your Composition of a Model Security Policy Statement








Third – Security Awareness Development Strategy

  Element / Activity Page Ref Success Criteria and Evaluation










For Official Use

Task 3.1a Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  





Unit Outcome 3.1 Understand how to develop security policy, programmes and standards
Assessment Criterion  Generate procedures derived from security policy


For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.1b.


Task 3.1b

In Preparation


You will be aware that for security officers there is a strong relationship between Job Descriptions, SOPs (assignment instructions) and Training Requirements. In preparation for this task:


a.       Study the Unit Textbook to ensure you have a good understanding of how to construct SOPs.

b.       Study the Online Library documents “European Manual for Basic Guarding” and the “Ontario Training Curriculum for Security Guards”.


Your Task


First, thinking about the security requirements of a high-tech data storage centre, produce a comprehensive framework of skeleton headings for a set of security officer SOPs to meet the site requirements.   If you can produce this in the hierarchy style of the “logical layout” diagram on Page 19 of the Unit Textbook, all the better.


Note that you are not required to write the SOPs themselves.  The objective is to anticipate and identify the individual subjects that need to be addressed in the SOPs.  The “logical layout” diagram is a starting point, but your framework needs to be considerably more developed and fleshed out than the Unit Textbook model.


If you don’t have the drawing skills to produce a line hierarchy diagram you may use subheadings and numbers or bullets, e.g.


1.        Emergency Instructions

1.1.             Responding to a fire alarm.

2.        etc.


Second, continuing with the theme of the high-tech data centre, produce a notice for display at the site entrance indicating to staff items that you would expect to be prohibited from being taken onto a site such as this.


Third, produce a procedure (set of steps) to instruct officers on what actions to take upon discovery of an employee taking concealed contraband onto the site.




Framework for SOPs for a High-Tech Data Storage Site




Notice to Indicate to Staff Items that are Prohibited from Being Taken onto Site





Detailed Security Officer SOPs to Deal with an Employee Who Is Found to be Entering the Site with Concealed Contraband







Task 3.1b Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  





Unit Outcome 3.2 Understand how to recruit and retain security personnel
Assessment Criterion Critically analyse background screening programmes in accordance with good practice and standards


For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.2a.

Task 3.2a

In Preparation


Read the section in the Unit Textbook relating to preemployment screening.  Then read the CPNI Preemployment Screening Good Practice Guide (available from the Extranet Library).


Your Task


Opposite are seven scenarios.  Your task is to select at least five, and analyse in relation to the Unit Textbook and the CPNI Preemployment Screening Good Practice Guide.


Your analysis should be presented in the boxes provided.  For each case, a minimum of 200 words is expected, correctly referenced.






Scenario 1

There is an operational requirement for Company X to deploy newly-hired security staff to client posts before completion of the company-mandatory background screening.  Analyse with reference to the Unit Textbook and the CPNI Good Practice Guide.


Your Analysis




Scenario 2

There is a prevailing view within Company X’s HR Department that the starting point for the background screening process is the applicant’s résumé/CV.  Analyse and critique this assumption with reference to the Unit Textbook and the CPNI Good Practice Guide.


Your Analysis








Scenario 3

HR, in Organisation XYZ, a sensitive critical national infrastructure site, takes the lead in preemployment screening.  For regular employees, the minimum preemployment screening period is three years, exploring any gaps of non-employment of greater than 90 days.   Analyse in relation specifically to the hiring of security staff with reference to the Unit Textbook and the CPNI Good Practice Guide.


Your Analysis





Scenario 4

In adhering to the “letter and word” of best practices in non-discrimination and fundamental equity in hiring decisions, there is a prevailing view in Organisation XYZ’s HR Department that a candidate’s suitability for a job must always be evaluated against objective criteria only as these can be measured and evaluated, candidate against candidate.  There must be no subjectivity in the process. Analyse in relation to security staff with reference to the Unit Textbook and the CPNI Good Practice Guide.


Your Analysis



Scenario 5

It is Company X policy that those with past criminal convictions should not be discriminated against in the application process.  You have a dilemma.  You have pre-selected an outstanding candidate for a security position of trust, but have discovered through the background screening process that she has concealed a previous criminal conviction (10 years ago) for non-payment of a fine when she was undergoing a period of personal economic hardship.   Analyse in relation to security staff with reference to the Unit Textbook and the CPNI Good Practice Guide.


Your Analysis





Scenario 6

Using the Unit Textbook, and to a lesser extent the CPNI Good Practice Guide, discuss how you would implement consistently reliable assessment of security staff candidates’ honesty, propensity for violence, personal traits, values and attitudes.


Your Analysis




Scenario 7

Discuss (analyse), with use of the Unit Textbook, and in relation to your organisation specifically, the relative merits of job tryout before final hiring decision.


Your Analysis









For Official Use

Task 3.2a Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  


Unit Outcome 3.2 Understand how to recruit and retain security personnel
Assessment Criterion Conduct a comparative analysis on tools for job analysis and personnel specification


For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.2b.

Task 3.2b

In Preparation


Study very closely the Unit Textbook content in relation to the Chief Security Officer (CSO) concept.  Then, study the ASIS CSO Guideline in the Background Documents section of the Extranet Library.  The latter should include a study of Appendix B of the Guideline – Next Generation Security Leadership.


Your Task


First, carry out a detailed and well referenced comparative analysis of both of the above sources, mapping across some of the concepts to your current role.  Then, using the materials, identify additional actions that you could be undertaking in your current role to align more closely and specifically with the strategic focus of the ASIS CSO Guideline.  Be sure to page reference accurately.


Second, using only Appendix B of the CSO Guideline (Next Generation Security Leadership) produce what you consider to be an ideal Job Description for a senior security leadership role in an organisational setting of your choice.


You should not try to fold in all of the points identified in the Appendix B diagram; 10 points will suffice.


Important: Use the Unit Textbook and relevant additional documents in the Online Library to help you understand how to correctly construct and format job descriptions.


Third, support your Job Description with what you believe to be a suitable Person Specification for a senior security leadership (CSO) role.  You should identify essential (must have) and desirable characteristics/qualifications.




1.       Essential characteristics /qualifications should be quantifiable wherever possible, i.e. measurable or confirmable in some way in a recruitment process, appraisal or training needs analysis.


2.       You must be meticulous in your page referencing to respective reference sources(s) in all parts of your  task response.  There is guidance at   Inadequate page referencing in this task is the most common cause of Unit 3 fail grades.


3.       Take care not to misunderstand the second part of this task – you must  use/adapt and page reference content from Appendix B of the ASIS CSO document.






Opening Analysis of the CSO Function



Additional Contributions that You Could Make in Your Current Role to More Closely Align with the CSO Guideline  







CSO Job Description Produced Using Only Material from Appendix B of the CSO Guideline (Next Generation Security Leadership)






CSO Person Specification
Essential Desirable










For Official Use
Task 3.2b Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  




Unit Outcome 3.2 Understand how to recruit and retain security personnel
Assessment Criterion Critically evaluate methods of job suitability testing



The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.2c.

Task 3.2c

In Preparation


Ensure you have read, cover to cover, the Unit Textbook.  Then, read the short case study (right) relating to George Webber.


Your Task


In this task you have the option to analyse from one of two positions.


Position A – If you subscribe to the view that security duties are by nature monotonous, repetitive and boring, and that it requires a particular kind of supervisor to ensure the correct performance of teams in these circumstances, devise a 10-stage process (using the Unit Textbook for at least six points) for the selection, appointment and retention of security supervisors.


Position B – Alternatively, if you subscribe to the view that security duties can go beyond the basic to diversify into other areas and to allow greater use of initiative, devise a 10-stage process (using the Unit Textbook for at least six points) for the selection of supervisors who could successfully manage a team, members of which have delegated authority and initiative.








[Your answer here – be sure to cite the relevant pages of the Unit in your answer]




Case Study

George Weber is the Operations Manager for a successful guarding company.  He is vastly experienced in security, having spent 10 years in the military, followed by 20 years in the police.  He believes that it is 30 years of experience in uniform that has made him the man he is now, and he is not reticent in reminding his team members of this.  He likes to be addressed as “the Guv” by his team members.


His experience gives him a lot of confidence in knowing what is best for his security team members. He holds very strong views, and his team members know better than to get on the wrong side of him, as this could have lasting implications.  He is certainly known to bear grudges.


A frequent complaint made by staff (never in front of George, of course) is that their duties are boring, when compared with their exciting and challenging service backgrounds.  They complain that they are seasoned professionals accustomed to making dynamic decisions in complex circumstances but that George restricts them to the basic role of guarding, and they have very little opportunity to use initiative.









From which standpoint does your analysis proceed?  Position A or B?


Position:  ……………….


Stage Action Reference






For Official Use
Task 3.2c Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  




Unit Outcome 3.3 Understand how to recruit, manage and develop security personnel
Assessment Criterion Develop programmes to enhance the skills and abilities of front-line security operatives


For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.3a.

Task 3.3a

In Preparation


Read the Unit Textbook focussing particularly on areas that discuss security officer training, or which highlight duties for which training would be required.


Then, go to your Online Library account and read again the European Manual for Basic Guarding and the Ontario Training Curriculum for Security Guards.    


Your Task


Using any of the reference documents (or a combination of all of them) and thinking about your site requirements, put together a 10-element induction training plan for new security officers.  Your plan should include subject, subject hours, delivery method and assessment method.







[Your answer here – be sure to cite the relevant pages of the source documents in your answer]  


Training Programme Subject  

Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:



Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:







Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:




  Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:





Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:




Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:


  Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:




Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:




Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:



Subject Hours:


Delivery Method:


Assessment Method:


Source Material Reference:























For Official Use
Task 3.3a Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  





Unit Outcome 3.3 Understand how to recruit, manage and develop security personnel
Assessment Criterion Critically analyse the reasons for the shortcomings in supervisory management


For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.3b.

Task 3.3b

In Preparation


Unit 3 introduces you to the importance of motivation, a subject that will be examined from theoretical perspectives in greater detail in Unit 4.  As a starting point for this task, please read the Unit 3 Textbook, paying particular attention to where motivation is either discussed directly or inferred.


Your Task – Part 1


First, list in the left-hand column the areas of the Unit 3 Textbook where the subject of motivation is mentioned, either directly or by inference.


Second, in the centre column of the corresponding row, analyse the benefits of correct implementation of your selected aspect of motivation.


Third, in the right-hand column of the corresponding row, analyse the potential harm of poor implementation of your selected aspect of motivation.


You should aim for between six and ten row entries.


Your Task – Part 2


Now develop further your understanding of the importance of motivation by reading the publication Motivation within the Security Industry.   This can be downloaded from the Extranet Library and is entitled CPNI Motivation with the Security Industry (Pages 1-20 Extract).


Select what you consider to be the 10 most relevant  points relating to motivation and list them in the left-hand column.  In the right-hand column, analyse them in relation to your organisation, or one with which you are familiar.






Part 1
Mentions of, or Inferences to, Motivation (be sure to page reference) Analysis of the Benefits of Correct Implementation of the Motivation Point Analysis of the Negative Consequences of Poor Implementation of the Motivation Point




Part 2
10 Most Relevant Points Relating to Motivation in Document “Motivation within the Security Industry” (page referencing req.) Analysis of Selected Points in Relation to Your Organisation or One with Which You Are Familiar
For Official Use
Task 3.3b Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions  




Unit Outcome 3.3 Understand how to recruit, manage and develop security personnel
Assessment Criterion Construct processes to develop leadership potential



For Candidate Use

The following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 3.3c.

Task 3.3c

In Preparation


Unit 4 will address in detail the subject of leadership. However, there are several points relating to good practice leadership throughout Unit 3.


Read through the Unit 3 Textbook and locate these points.  These will include direct references to leadership and indirect inferences to how to get the best out of a security team through the correct application of leadership skills.


Your Task


First, list in the left-hand column what you consider to be the 10 most important qualities of a security leader.


Second, in the middle column of the table provided, and using/referencing the Unit Textbook, identify 10 elements of a professional development programme aimed at developing the qualities you have identified in the first part of this task.  Cite also the delivery mode (e.g. lecture, job tryout, coaching, distance learning, classroom, etc.)


Third, in the right-hand column of the table provided, analyse and explain how you would measure success/performance in each of the elements provided. Where possible, use quantitative evaluations.










Leadership Qualities Corresponding Professional Development Programme Element Performance Measurement/Success Criteria

[a strong answer will also include for each element target hours, method of delivery and method of assessment]




For Official Use
Task 3.3c Assessor Comments
Grade Exceeded/Met/Referred/Fail (highlight as appropriate)
Remedial actions by candidate (if required)  
Comments after remedial actions