HOSP501 Managing Hospitality in the
International Context
© Le Cordon Bleu Australia Page 1 of 2
1.2 SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION 5% 200 WORDS (+/- 10%) WEEK 4 |
This assessment is designed to help you achieve the following Unit Learning Outcomes:
• ULO1: Describe the nature and structure of the hospitality industry in the context of international
markets and operations.
• ULO2: Critically assess the forces of globalisation that impact on the hospitality industry.
• ULO3: Evaluate and critique key factors and trends that influence hotel and hospitality managers’
decision-making and methods.
• ULO4: Critically assess the diversity of roles of a managers and leaders in the international hospitality
• ULO5: Effectively communicate and collaborate with others in an interdisciplinary setting while
demonstrating cultural sensitivity and adaptability to change.
The marking rubric is accessible through the relevant assessment on Engage.
You are required to answer the following question:
• What types of challenges might an expatriate face working in a host country?
• Your assessment must be written as an academic paper, in the third person and contain an
Introduction, a Body, a Conclusion, and a Reference list.
• You must use a variation of the Harvard referencing style, e.g., as per LCBA’s Harvard Referencing
Guide or the Harvard Anglia 2008 MS Word’s built-in Citation & Bibliography tool. All references
must be formatted consistently in accordance with the chosen style.
• You must adhere to the following formatting conventions (as applicable):
o Document structure: Each of the following (if applicable) should start on a separate page:
▪ cover page (automatically generated within Turnitin)
▪ main text
▪ references
▪ appendices, labelled (A, B, C, … or 1, 2, 3, …) – excluded from word count limit.
o Document layout
▪ A4 paper size
▪ normal margins
▪ page numbers in bottom-left of each page, except for the title page
▪ page numbering of the form: Page X of X
o Headings
▪ Calibri font
HOSP501 Managing Hospitality in the
International Context
© Le Cordon Bleu Australia Page 2 of 2
▪ 14-point font size
▪ either minimal or maximal capitalisation
o Body:
▪ Left alignment
▪ Calibri font
▪ 12-point font size
▪ 1.5 line spacing
▪ in-text quotes less than 40 words in inverted commas followed by reference
▪ quotes of more than 40 words as indented quotes, without inverted commas, in
11-point font size, followed by reference
▪ double spaces between paragraphs
• You must submit your assignment to Turnitin, via LCBA Engage