Managing Financial and Human Resources

106 views 8:24 am 0 Comments April 28, 2023

Assessment Brief and Feedback Form
Module title:
Managing Financial and
Human Resources for Sustainable
Business Success
Assessment Point: Assessment point 2
Assessment task: Individual coursework/ Report – Finance
Word count limit: 3,000 words (+/- 10%) / (NOT inclusive of appendices, NOT inclusive of references)
Submission deadline: Please consult VLE.
Submission procedure: Please submit via the submission link on VLE.
Submission Record
Extenuating circumstances
Ensure you are familiar with the process for submitting a claim for extenuating circumstances. If you experience any extenuating circumstances
that may have affected your ability to attempt or submit the present assignment, please follow the relevant instructions on VLE in order to submit
your claim for extenuating circumstance prior to your submission deadline.
Academic misconduct including plagiarism
Ensure that you are familiar with the relevant regulations regarding academic misconduct. By submitting the present assignment you declare that
it is your own work and that the material and sources of information used, including internet sources, have been fully identified and properly
acknowledged. In addition, you confirm that the presented work has not been submitted for any other assessment. You also acknowledge that the
faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct which, if proven and dependent on the
severity level of the offence, will result in a penalty that may affect your progress.
Late submissions
There will be a stipulated deadline date for all assignments. All assignments will need to be submitted by the set time on the stipulated deadline
date. Assignments submitted up to 24 hours late will be accepted, but the assignment mark will be subject to a deduction of 5 marks from the
mark awarded. Work submitted more than 24 hours late after the submission deadline will be recorded as 0%.

By submitting your work you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the above statements.
General Guidance
Your assignment should be word typed processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using Times New Roman size 12 font, double
spaced, with numbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page.
The word limits stated for this assignment excludes the reference list at the end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the
assignment (including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs).
Please be aware that exceeding the word count limit will affect the academic judgement of the piece of work and may result in the award of a
lower mark.
Appendices are not considered a supplement thus will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignment. As such, they will not contribute
to the grade awarded, however it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for any material which is a useful reference for the reader.
Please note that appendices are not included in the word count.
The majority of references should come from secondary sources (e.g., journal articles, conference papers, reports, etc.) although you can also
utilise area specific textbooks. You must ensure that you use the University’s Harvard style of referencing.
Please indicate the word count length at the end of your assignment.
Marking and assessment
This assignment will be marked out of 100%
This assignment contributes 50% of the total module marks.
Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment
1. Critically evaluate the purpose and use of the annual report and financial statements.
2. Appreciate culture on employee attitude and behaviour, in general and in relation to change.

Task: Summative Assessment 2 (3,000-word Report)
You are asked to visit the website of a listed company in The New York Stock Exchange of your choice and download its financial statements.
You are asked to prepare a report to discuss the company and its financial performance using the techniques you have been taught during the
module. It is highly recommended to use the financial ratios analysis approach by discussing each ratio you will calculate, while a complete
report must include the limitations of the ratio analysis.

Section/aspect Content to cover Marks available
Introduction Setting the scene and outline of the approach 10 Marks
(400 words) taken in addressing the task. Background
(relevant to the task) information about
assignment describing scope, objectives, methods of
Problem identification Cleary discuss, financial performance analysis 30 Marks
(1000words) techniques, give background information about
the company you have chosen and what is key
about the company.
Critical Discussion Calculate and discuss the various ratios taught 35 Marks
(1000words) during the module and discuss them by utilizing
related theory.
Conclusion Effective summary of key points. 10 Marks
(600 words)
Layout and Referencing High quality presentation that conforms to 15 Marks
(list of references can take as many pages as principles of academic writing and contains
necessary and not included in the limit/word minimal errors in sentence construction,
count) grammar and punctuation. The assignment
followed appropriate academic conventions
regarding in-text citations and referencing.
Total: 3000 words 100 Marks


Module Title: HR 7003-Managing Financial and Human Resources for Sustainable
Business (HR7003)
Assessment Title: Assessment Point 2
90-100% 80 – 90% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% 50 – 59% 40 – 49% 20 – 39% 0-19%
Highly Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Quality Acceptable Work does Work fails to
Exceptiona Work Work Quality Work Work work with not satisfy meet the
l Work some good assessment assessment
aspects criteria criteria
Exceptional and Excellent Very good Good Adequate Some integration Poor quality of No integration
outstanding integration of integration of integration of integration of of the appropriate integration of the of the
integration of the the appropriate the the appropriate the appropriate data, appropriate data, appropriate
appropriate data, data, appropriate data, data, contextualised contextualised data,
contextualised contextualised data, contextualised contextualised with limited with very limited contextualise
with commercial with good contextualise with good with good evidence to show evidence to show d with very
awareness, evidence to d with evidence to evidence to awareness, awareness, poor evidence
business maturity show evidence to show overall show overall business maturity business maturity to show
and skill. commercial show awareness, awareness, and skill. and skill. awareness,
awareness, commercial business business business
business awareness, maturity and maturity and maturity and
maturity and business skill. skill. skill.
skill. maturity and


HR 7003-Managing Financial and Human Resources for Sustainable Business 12


All relevant All relevant Virtually all Most of the Some of the Omissions and Many deficiencies Major
theories/concept theories/conce relevant relevant relevant inaccuracies in and omissions in deficiencies
ual models ptual models theories/conc theories/conce theories/conce the presented of theories/concept and omissions
accurately and accurately and eptual models ptual models ptual models theories/concept ual models. in
extensively extensively accurately and accurately accurately ual models. Delivery of theories/conc
presented. presented. extensively presented. presented. A Some level of applied theory is eptual
Exceptional Excellent presented. Good level reasonable delivery of inadequate or models.
application of delivery of High level delivery of applied theory. wholly absent. Delivery of
theory and applied theory. delivery of applied theory. applied
delivery of
supporting applied theory is
applied theory.
materials. theory. wholly
Exceptionally Highly Very High standard Good standard Reasonable Low quality of No
innovative. innovative. Very innovative. of innovation. of innovation. standard of innovation. Poor reasonable
Outstanding professional and Strongly Professional Appropriate innovation. and inadequate attempt at
professional and appropriate professional and delivery and Reasonably delivery and innovation.
appropriate delivery and and appropriate language. appropriate language. Poor and
delivery and language. Very appropriate delivery and Many referencing delivery and Referencing inadequate
language. well referenced delivery and language. errors. language. very poor. delivery and
Accurate throughout. language. Referencing Referencing was language.
referencing Well most accurate. inaccurate and/or Referencing
throughout. referenced inconsistent. absent.