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Individual Assessment due in week 4

Due Feb 24 by 23:59


Points 15


Submitting a file upload


Attempts 0


Allowed Attempts 2


Available Jan 30 at 15:30 – Feb 24 at 23:59

This assignment was locked Feb 24 at 23:59.

Individual Essay (Theory Application)

Assessment type: Individual Essay (Theory Application) – week 4 – worth 15% of final grade

Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the given case study  by exploring several different channels and aspects of business communication theories and application from a range of sources. This contributes to the learning outcomes, a, b c, and d.


In September 2022, the XYZ Company Pty Ltd, USA, announced a major “Global digital business transformation programme 2023”. The mission of the programme was to take global turnover from $ 50 billion to $ 70 billion by 2024. The primary objective is to drive and operate digitally to provide value to the customers and raise profitability by changing the work culture at XYZ. The change drives identified were the attributes of evolutionary technology innovation (such as cloud computing, IoT, AI, ML and Deep Learning etc.,). The digital infrastructural changes to be initiated included using anyone of the above mentioned technology innovations based on product lines, eight market development organization based on regions, and one global business service centre. 20 member cross-functional USA-based  team was set up to oversee the management of change.

The achievements of the “Global digital business transformation programme 2023” programme were to be seen in terms of:

Changing XYZ from being a misaligned organization to one digitally capable and aligned on common goals, with trust as the foundation.

Evolve from an intense technology-led organization where everything is kept under control to one that is a team-collaborating unit.

Shift from a risk-avoiding culture to a stretch taking one.

Move from running down on complexities to taking of people, process and technology challenges.

Heave from a slow-moving organization to one which hurtles through goals.

As the news of “Global digital business transformation programme 2023”programme reached the XYZ  hygiene and health care headquarters in Australia, there was a lot of apprehension about the Australian employees. Uncertainty and suspicion to the continued existence of the business division they worked in, it took about a year for the apprehensions to fade away and be replaced by clarity and confidence.

XYZ adopted motto digital transformation of its parent. A cultural team was set up to communicate the goals of digital transformation internally to the employees and to seek their involvement in creating a new digitally capable XYZ within Australia. The Australian team sets out to identify projects to help achieve the goals of digitally capable XYZ and to get employee feedback periodically. Outdoor meetings of XYZ employees were conducted to drive home the digitally capable XYZ message. Weekly Indoor meeting were held both department wise and across hierarchies and categories. Australian team members were made responsible for communicating formal and informal feedback to their department. Monthly updates and communication through newsletters were extensively used within Australian team.

Question and answer session were held to clarify doubts of employees. Reassurance of employees thus became an ongoing continual process.

Says a XYZ employee: “Initially, when the global digital transformation changes were announced, we were a little sceptical as to what will be its impact on the digitally capable Australian operation. Now, after so much communication and interaction at all levels, we are confident and look forward to this change within Australian team.”


your views on at least three relevant communication theories in given case within Australian context? (6 Marks)

2.Comment on whether the cultural changes at XYZ are supportive of the digital transformation strategy being implemented within Australian context? (3 Marks)

3.What, in your opinion, are the chances of the cultural change being successful for digitally capable XYZ within Australian context? (3 Marks)

4.What needs to be done additionally to ensure success of the digitally capable XYZ within Australian context? (3 Marks)

Due date: Friday Week 4 11:59 pm

Weighting: 15%

Submission: This assessment MUST be lodged through Turnitin on Canvas.

Content: Topics included for this assessment are weeks 1 to 4 inclusive.                  

Task details    Students will submit online in Canvas a 1500-word essay related to applying the business communication theories discussed in the subject.

There is a rubric for students to know the scope required for the individual essay. For higher marks, your answer should demonstrate deeper analysis of the topic, critical thinking, and evidence supported by the academic literature. It must be aligned with the weekly lecture tutorial material covered in this unit of study. Review the weekly readings, videos, workshop discussions, external academic research theories and your own experiences/observations.

APA is the referencing style used at ASA and is expected to be applied in all academic assessment tasks where applicable.  In this first-year task marks will be deducted for errors in its application.


Individual Essay

Individual Essay
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding and application of course theories/ concepts
5 pts


Excellent knowledge of the theories/ concepts shown in relation to the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment

4 pts


Very good knowledge of the theories/ concepts shown in relation to the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment

3 pts


Adequate knowledge of the theories/ concepts demonstrated in relation to the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment

2.5 pts


Adequate Knowledge demonstrated, but errors or omissions in knowledge of theories/concepts in relation to the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment

1 pts


Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the theories/concepts that are relevant to the case in relation to the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment


5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
3 pts


Insightful throughout. Completely developed all relevant information with consistent analysis of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment

2.5 pts


Specific, solid analysis. Less carefully developed. Some very insightful analysis of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment.

2 pts


Appropriate. Analysis of important issues but lacks depth or should be more specific of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment. Identified only the main issues.

1.5 pts


Adequate analysis conducted but, vague, obvious, underdeveloped, or too broad. One or more main issues not identified. Basic evidence of critical thinking of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment.

0.5 pts


Theory concepts not identified. Oversimplified, vague, unclear, or cannot be understood. Little or no evidence of critical thinking of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment.


3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication in a business application
3 pts


Thorough understanding of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment and judgment to the case context.

2.5 pts


Good business judgment, logical reasoning, and some understanding of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment and judgment to the case context.

2 pts


Some sound business Judgement and reasoning applied to the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment and judgment to the case context..

1.5 pts


Adequate, but limited application of business understanding and reasoning. A few minor errors of fact and sufficient but minimal consideration of application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment and judgment to the case context..

0.5 pts


Inappropriate, and/ or off-topic generalisations, faulty assumptions, or major errors of fact. Insufficient judgment shown as part of the application of communication theory to real life situations beneficial to one’s career in a business environment and judgment to the case context..


3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of appropriate citation and referencing style
2 pts


Evidence of overall understanding, However, a few errors but less than 1.

1.5 pts


Evidence of overall understanding, However, a few errors but less than 2.

1.3 pts


Evidence of overall understanding, However, a few errors but less than 3.

1 pts


Evidence of overall understanding, However, a few errors but less than 5.

0.5 pts


Little evidence of a consistent approach to the citation and referencing style.


2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganisation, Style & Language
2 pts


Organisational strategy creates a persuasive logical flow with smooth transitions. Essentially error free. Carefully edited

1.5 pts


Organisational strategy contributes to understanding. Most transitions are smooth. Very few errors. Carefully edited

1.3 pts


Appropriate but unevenly developed. Should do more to support the logical flow of the paper. Errors do not interfere with readability. Shows evidence of some editing

1 pts


Adequate, but inconsistent organisation. Hard to follow the logical flow. Errors interfere with readability. Not always consistent with standard written English

0.5 pts


No organisational strategy is evident. Rambles. Connections between paragraphs are confusing and disjointed. Numerous errors interfere with reader comprehension.


2 pts
Total Points: 15