Manage Operational Plan

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HMOP: Manage Operational Plan
Student Guide

BSBMGT515A: Manage Operational Plan
Elements of competence
Develop operational plan
Plan and manage resource acquisition
Monitor and review operational performance

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In this module, skills and knowledge as well as the performance outcomes required
to develop and monitor implementation of the operational plan to provide efficient and
effective workplace practices within an organisation‟s productivity and profitability
plans are covered. Management at a strategic level requires systems and procedures
to be developed and implemented to facilitate the organisation‟s operational plan.
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have an understanding of
how to develop and implement an operational plan to ensure that the objectives and
strategies outlined in the strategic and/or business plan may be developed by a
strategic planning unit
The program is of forty (40) hours duration, comprising eight (8) hours per week for one
teaching block of five (5) weeks.
The program will consist of six hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials per week
To be assessed as competent for this unit of competency you must be able to do the
(1) Demonstrate understanding of all learning outcomes
(2) Successfully complete and submit all tasks as requested
Assessment methods and tasks

Methods of assessment Through consultation with industry, the following assessment
methods have been deemed appropriate for this unit.
Project work Learners are required to review an organisation’s business plan to
complete an operational plan.
Learners are required to develop a recruitment strategy to meet the
human resource requirements of the operational plan they have
developed for Assessment 1.
This assessment requires learners to identify areas of non
performance of an operational plan and make recommendations to
improve performance.
This assessment requires learners to identify a coaching need,
develop a plan and implement that coaching plan.

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Written report This assessment requires learners to develop a strategy to monitor
and review and report on the performance of an operational plan
within an organisation.
Learners are required to complete an analysis of physical resources
and their acquisition methods and make recommendations for
changes to acquisition methods where a more beneficial option is


Assessment Due
Assessment Task 1
Develop an Operational
Week 1
Assessment Task 2
Develop a Recruitment
Week 3
Assessment Task 3
Acquire Physical
Week 3
Assessment Task 4
Monitor and Review
Operational Performance
Week 4
Assessment Task 5
Make Recommendations
Week 5
Assessment Task 6
Coaching Plans
Week 5

Assessment Task 1
Develop an operational plan
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site
Assessment Date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
To develop an operational plan to deliver organisation business goals and objectives.
Assessment description
Learners are required to review an organisation‟s business plan to complete an
operational plan.
1. Identify an organisation and choose one of the following.
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a. Make arrangements to complete this project within your own
organisation with appropriate personnel.
b. Contact an organisation and obtain permission from the appropriate
personnel to complete this project.
c. If you are not currently employed and can not identify another
organisation to complete this assessment you may use the simulated
organisation information provided in Appendix 1.
2. Obtain a copy of the organisation‟s business plan or use the simulated
business plan provided and review the information contained in the plan.
3. Consult with appropriate personnel within the organisation as required in
order to obtain all of the information you require to complete the plan.
If you are using the simulated organisation information provided to complete
this assessment you need to complete a consultation strategy that details
who you would consult with, why you would consult with them and the method
of consultation.
4. Complete an operational plan using the organisations template/format or your
own template/format.
5. Refer to your Student Workbook for information regarding the format of your
6. Obtain sign off from key stakeholders by obtaining their signature on the
completed operational plan.
If you are using the simulated organisation information to complete this
activity you are not required to complete this step.
Group-based learners
Deliverable Specifications:
Learners are required to submit a completed operational plan using the
organisation‟s template/format or another template/format.
Completed plan must include signatures and comments of key stakeholders from
the organisation.
Note: Learners who use the simulated organisation information to complete this
assessment are not required to complete this component.
Quality Specifications
What the assessor is looking for;
evidence of use of the organisation‟s business plan to determine an operational
planning need
evidence of consultation with key stakeholders:
o Include names and positions of all people consulted and briefly
describe the nature and method of the consultation.
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o For learners completing this assessment using the simulated
organisation information you must submit a copy of a consultation
strategy that details all of the people you would consult with, why you
would consult with them and the proposed method of the consultation.
The operational plan must include the following information:
o Business goal: demonstrating an understanding of the organisations
business goals and objectives.
o Objectives: understanding of what will be achieved through the
implementation of the operational plan.
o Strategy: clear vision of the overall strategy for achieving the
o Key actions: understanding of the key tasks required for implementing
the plan including:
person responsible
resource requirements.
o Key performance indicators: demonstrated use of SMARTT KPIs.
o Contingency plans: demonstrated understanding of risks and
identification of appropriate mitigants.
o Outcome: clear vision of the expected outcome that demonstrates
achievement of the strategy.
o Approvals: demonstrated understanding of the organisations
operational plan approval process.
Appendix 1
Assessment simulated organisation information.
The Office Assistant
„The Office Assistant‟ is a retail store that sells office products and services. The
company has 25 stores around Australia.
Key products include:
office supplies
ink and toner needs
electrical equipment
office furniture.
Key services include:
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equipment hire
packaging and posting services.
Business plan
The organisation has a strategic objective to grow the services component of
their business in the next twelve months. Their objective is to increase
services sales by 10% by 30 June 201X.
The senior management team has advised all store managers that they are
responsible for developing and implementing an operational plan that will
deliver this increase in sales for their store.
The business has advised the store managers that they must complete an
operational plan to achieve sales growth of 10% and submit this plan for
approval before implementing.
Additional information
Your operational plan should include;
The expansion of services to include graphic design services.
Acquisition of additional printer, photocopier and delivery van to provide
for the increase in sales.
Reorganisation of fixtures and fitting within the store to make space for the
new equipment.
Multi-skilling of current retail product staff to include service knowledge.
Increase in human resource requirements as follows:

Number of additional resources
Ten full time equivalent employees.
Full time or part time hours. Full time and part time hours.
Permanent or casual employment. Permanent and casual.
Required start date. 1 February 201X.
Expect length of employment. On-going.
Skills required to perform in the role. customer service
knowledge of office products and
graphic design (for 4 FTE only).
Training you are able to provide. Product and service knowledge.

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Qualifications required. Formal graphic design qualifications for
4 FTE.
Pay levels. Retail assistant – $14 – $20 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual
Graphic designer – $22 – 25 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual

Note: as this is a simulated activity you are permitted to make up additional
information to complete your operational plan.

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Assessment Task 2
Develop a recruitment strategy
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
To develop a recruitment strategy to meet the human resource requirements of an
organisational operational plan.
Assessment description
Learners are required to develop a recruitment strategy to acquire the human
resources identified in their operational plan completed in Assessment 1.
1. Review the operational plan completed for Assessment 1 to determine the
human resource requirements.
2. Review the organisation‟s recruitment and selection policies and procedures.
Note: learners who used the simulated organisation information, provided in
Assessment 1, please see the information provided in Appendix 1 regarding
the simulated organisations resource requirements and recruitment and
selection policies and procedures.
3. Develop a recruitment strategy that adheres to the organisation‟s recruitment
and selection policies and procedures, to acquire the required human
4. Document sign off from key stakeholders by obtaining their signature on the
completed operational plan.
Note: learners who used the simulated organisation information, provided in
Assessment 1, to complete this assessment are not required to complete this
component however your assessor will be assessing whether your strategies
comply with „The Office Assistant‟ recruitment policies and procedures as
Group-based learners
Deliverable Specifications
Learners are required to submit a completed recruitment strategy using
Microsoft Word.
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The completed strategy must include signatures and comments of key
stakeholders from the organisation confirming the strategy complies with
organisational recruitment and selection policies and procedures.
Note: learners who used the simulated organisation information, provided in
Assessment 1, to complete this assessment are not required to complete this
component however you must ensure that your strategy complies with the
recruitment and selection policies and procedures for „The Office Assistant‟ as
Recommended submission date – upon completion of Assessment 1.
Quality Speifications
What the assessor is looking for:
Identification of human resource requirements including:
o number of resources required
o full time or part time hours
o permanent or casual employment
o required start date
o expected length of employment
o skills required to perform in the role
o training you are able to provide
o qualifications required
o pay levels.
A documented strategy for each of the following:
o sourcing candidates
o assessing candidates
o inducting and training candidates.
Appendix 1
Assessment simulated organisation information.
The Office Assistant
Resource requirements:

Number of additional resources
Ten full time equivalent employees.
Full time or part time hours. Full time and part time hours.
Permanent of casual employment. Permanent and casual.
Required start date. 1 February 201X.
Expect length of employment. On-going.

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Skills required to perform in the role. customer service
knowledge of office products and
graphic design (for 4 FTE only).
Training you are able to provide. Product and service knowledge.
Qualifications required. Formal graphic design qualifications for
4 FTE.
Pay levels. Retail assistant – $14 – $20 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual
Graphic designer – $22 – 25 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual

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Recruitment and selection policies and procedures
This policy covers the way in which recruitment and selection is to be conducted at
The Office Assistant. It provides information about how we recruit, including our
employment value proposition and legal requirements.
Who does this policy apply to?
This policy applies to all employees in both the support office and stores across
When recruiting new hires you must ensure that you treat all candidates fairly
throughout each step of the process.
There are also specific legal requirements you must comply with, including equal
employment opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation.
Permanent recruitment
All permanent employees are to be recruited as per the following process:

Develop a job
All vacancies must have a documented job description
prior to advertisement.
Advertise the vacancy All vacancies are to be advertised internally.
External advertisements can occur at the same time as
internal advertisements.
Approved company branding must be used on all
external advertisements.
Short list applicants An applicant short list must be completed within one
week of application closing date.
All unsuccessful external applicants must be advised of
the outcome of their application via email or letter with
two weeks of the application closing date.
All unsuccessful internal candidates must be provided
with feedback as to why their application did not
progress to the interview stage within two weeks of the
application closing date.
Conduct interviews All interviews must be conducted at support office or in
the store.
All interviews must be completed using a behavioural
interview guide.
All unsuccessful candidates, internal and external, must
be advised verbally regarding the outcome of their
Unsuccessful internal candidates must be given
feedback as to why their application has been

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Testing All retail service assistants and support office
administration applicants are to complete the company
aptitude test and must score 80% or more to be
All support office management and store management
staff must complete the company psychometric test and
must score 90% or more to be employed.
Reference checks All applicants must have two reference checks, from
employment in the last three years, prior to hire.

You must keep all information about candidates confidential and store the information
in a secure place. Also, you must only use the information you collect from a
candidate to help you make a decision about whether or not to recruit a candidate.
Recruiting people with a disability
For some people with a disability, we may need to make changes to our workplace
so that they can perform their job to their full potential. We may need to adjust the
workplace or provide a special tool or technology.
You should contact human resources should you have a requirement to make
modifications to the workplace or equipment.
Information for employees applying for roles
All opportunities are advertised on the company intranet home page and are updated
weekly. You are encouraged to be responsible for your own career development and
apply for roles you are interested in.
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Assessment Task 3
Acquire physical resources
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
To complete an analysis of an organisation‟s physical resources and acquisition
Assessment description
Learners are required to complete an analysis of physical resources and their
acquisition methods and to make recommendations for changes to acquisition
methods where a more beneficial option is identified.
1. Identify ten physical resources within your organisation or another
Note: if you are not currently employed please use the resources for „The
Office Assistant‟ as detailed in Appendix 2 and complete Appendix 2 to
complete this assessment.
2. Complete the table provided Appendix 1.
3. Make recommendations for changing acquisition methods where you identify
a change could be beneficial to the organisation.
Deliverable specifications

Learners are required to submit a completed table using either Appendix 1 or
2. An electronic copy of the table will be provided by your assessor.

Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for:
Demonstrated understanding of the types of physical resources.
Demonstrated understanding of the different methods of acquiring resources.
Evidence of understanding the different organisational situations that impact
the decision as to which acquisition method should be used.
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Ability to analyse physical resources and how they have been acquired and to
make recommendations that could benefit the organisation.

Evidence of consultation with relevant stakeholders (not required for those
learners who are not currently employed).

Appendix 1
Organisational physical resources analysis

Learner Name Organisation
Resource Current
method of
method of
Comment as to why no change is
recommended or why you recommend a
change in the acquisition method

Appendix 2
Organisational physical resources analysis

Learner Name Organisation The Office Assistant
Resource Current method
of acquisition
method of acquisition
Comment as to
why no change is
recommended or
why you
recommend a
change in the
acquisition method
Office computer Purchase
Office desk and chair Purchase
Office stationery Purchase
Registers Finance lease
Delivery van Finance lease
Store colour
photocopiers x 5
Operating lease
Store colour printers x
Operating lease
Staff room fridge Rent
Staff room table and
ten chairs
Store stock Purchase

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Assessment Task 4
Monitor and review operational performance
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
Monitor and review the performance of operational plans.
Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to develop a strategy to monitor and review and
report on the performance of an operational plan within an organisation.
1. Using the operational plan you completed in Assessment Task 1 develop a
review strategy for monitoring the performance of the plan.
2. Identify the appropriate personnel you would be required to consult to obtain
all of the information you require to complete the review.
3. Develop a template for recording the performance of the plan and describe
how this template will assist you with monitoring the performance of the plan.
Group-based learners
Deliverable specifications
Learners are required to submit a documented review strategy that details:
o what will be reviewed
o when it will be reviewed
o how it will be reviewed.
Learners must submit a consultation strategy that details:
o who they will consult with
o why they will consult with them
o how they will consult with them.

Develop and document a reporting template that could be used to report on
the performance of their operational plan.

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Submit a written report that details how this template will assist with
monitoring the performance of an operational plan.


Recommended submission date – upon completion of Session 3.

Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for;
A brief description of the operational plan that you are reviewing including:
o an overview of the plan
o a description of the type of plan and the objective
o KPIs used to measure the performance of the plan.
A consultation strategy that demonstrates an understanding of others that
need to be consulted with to obtain the information required to complete a
comprehensive review.

A report template that demonstrates a review of the performance of the
operational plan with regards to the following questions:

o Is the plan on track to achieve milestones on time?
o Is the plan spending to date within budget?
o Are the milestone activities being completed as per the plan detail?
o Are the KPIs on track to being achieved?
o Are resources being utilised effectively, economically and safely?
A report template that clearly identifies areas of non-performance.
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Assessment Task 5
Make recommendations
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone
Assessor‟s Name Phone
Assessment Site

This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
Make recommendations to improve the performance of an operational plan.
Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to identify areas of non-performance of an
operational plan and make recommendations to improve performance.
1. Using the simulated organisation information provided in Appendix 1 identify
three areas of non-performance.
2. Develop recommendations to address these areas of non-performance.
3. Prepare a report to be submitted to have your recommendations approved.
Group-based learners
Deliverable specifications
Learners are required to submit a completed report that details the three
areas of non-performance and the recommendations that would address
these areas of non-performance.
Recommended submission date – upon completion of Session 5.
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Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for;
Identification of areas of non-performance.
Recommendations are appropriate for the area of non-performance.
Recommendations clearly state:
o what the issue is
o how you identified the issue
o what course of action you are recommending
o how your recommendations specifically addresses the issue.

A report that clearly presents the areas of non-performance and

Appendix 1
Assessment simulated organisation information.
The Office Assistant
„The Office Assistant‟ is a retail store that sells office products and services. The
company has 25 stores around Australia.
Key products include:

office supplies
ink and toner
electrical equipment
office furniture.

Key services include:

equipment hire
package and posting services.

Business plan

The organisation has a strategic objective to grow the services component of
their business in the next twelve months. Their objective is to increase

services sales by 10% by 30 June 201X.
The senior management team has advised all store managers that they are
responsible for developing and implementing an operational plan that will
deliver this increase in sales for their store.
The business has advised the store managers that must complete an
operational plan to achieve sales growth of 10% and submit this plan for
approval before implementing.
The Hillsdale store
Karen is the store manager of the Hillsdale store. When completing her operational
plan for her store to achieve 10% sales growth she identified the following KPIs to
measure the performance of her plan.
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1. Services sales increase by at least 10% by 30 June 201X.
2. All staff to be trained in selling services program by 31 March 201X.
3. All new employees to have completed the store two day induction program
within one month of commencement of employment.
4. Customer feedback forms, for customers who utilise store services, to be
developed and implemented by 31 January 201X.
5. Services sales review and reporting tool to be developed and implemented by
31 January 201X.
After completing her monthly monitoring activities for the month of January 201X
Karen has recorded the following achievement against the KPIs:
Sales to date have increased by 5%.
Ten out 45 staff have completed selling services program. Upon investigation
Karen finds that the program is only run Monday to Friday between 9am and
5pm. Most of Karen‟s staff are part time and casual and work the afternoon,
evening and weekend shift and therefore they are not able to attend the
All new employees have completed the store induction however it has
resulted in Karen‟s wages budget being consistently overspent to cover the
wages of staff when attending the induction.
Customer feedback forms have not been developed and implemented.
Service sales review and reporting tool has been developed and implemented
and is provided very useful information regarding services sales. For example
most sales occur outside of business hours and with the average sales value
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Assessment Task 6
Coaching plans
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
Develop and implement a coaching plan to develop the skills of an individual.
Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to identify a coaching need, develop a plan and
implement that coaching plan.
1. Identify a coaching need either inside or outside of the workplace.
2. Develop a coaching plan to address that need.
3. Coach an individual using that plan.
4. Have the individual complete the evaluation form provided.
Group-based learners
Deliverable specifications

Learners are required to submit a completed coaching plan and learner
evaluation form.

Recommended submission date – upon completion of Session 5.
Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for:
Completion of coaching plan.
Feedback from learner regarding whether or not the session was:
o well planned and structured
o easy to follow
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o adequate time to practise was allowed
o and that feedback provided by facilitator was useful and assisted in
the learning process.
Learner Evaluation Form
To be completed by the individual that the coaching session is completed for.

Learner name:
Coach name:
Coaching skills Y/N Comments
Introduced self and qualifications.
Introduced the purpose of the coaching
session (clear objective determined).
Explained the learning process.
Presented in a logical order.
Delivery method appropriate to the subject.
Content relevant to the achievement of the
Content matched to learner‟s level of skill
and experience.
Learner‟s interest levels maintained.
Learner given appropriate time to practice.
Provided tips throughout the practice
Relevant and meaningful feedback
Encouragement provided.
Session delivered in required time frame.

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Coaching skills Y/N Comments
Tone varied and interesting to listen to.
Pace – too fast/too slow?
Used appropriate language/grammar.
Body language
Maintained eye contact.
Used gestures to emphasise key points.
Avoided distracting mannerisms.
Looked comfortable and in control.
Used resources effectively to assist with the
learning and understanding.
Used notes appropriately.
General comments

Sampson, D. & Daft, R. (2009) “Fundamentals of Management”. 3rd edition. Cengage
Bartol, K. Tien, M. Matthews, G & Sharma, B (2008) “Management, A Pacific Rim
Focus” 5th edition. McGraw Hill
Students should also use resources such as “The Age” newspaper, Financial Review
as well as magazine publications such as “BRW”.
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1 Course introduction, assessments, etc.
Research, analyse and document resource
Assessment Task 1 – Develop an Operational Plan
2 KPI‟s (Key Performance Indicators)
Contingency plans
Obtaining approval for plan from relevant parties
3 Develop and implement strategies for recruitment and
Develop and implement strategies for acquiring physical
resources and services
Assessment Task 2 – Develop a Recruitment
Assessment Task 3 – Acquire Physical Resources
4 Develop, monitor and review performance systems and
Analysing budget and actual financial information
Identify area for improvement and determining solutions
Systems for mentoring and coaching
Assessment Task 4 – Monitor and review
operational performance
5 Developing and implementing systems for managing
procedures and records
Assessment Task 5 – Make recommendations
Assessment Task 6 – Coaching Plans

Student Guide

BSBMGT515A: Manage Operational Plan
Elements of competence
Develop operational plan
Plan and manage resource acquisition
Monitor and review operational performance

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In this module, skills and knowledge as well as the performance outcomes required
to develop and monitor implementation of the operational plan to provide efficient and
effective workplace practices within an organisation‟s productivity and profitability
plans are covered. Management at a strategic level requires systems and procedures
to be developed and implemented to facilitate the organisation‟s operational plan.
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have an understanding of
how to develop and implement an operational plan to ensure that the objectives and
strategies outlined in the strategic and/or business plan may be developed by a
strategic planning unit
The program is of forty (40) hours duration, comprising eight (8) hours per week for one
teaching block of five (5) weeks.
The program will consist of six hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials per week
To be assessed as competent for this unit of competency you must be able to do the
(1) Demonstrate understanding of all learning outcomes
(2) Successfully complete and submit all tasks as requested
Assessment methods and tasks

Methods of assessment Through consultation with industry, the following assessment
methods have been deemed appropriate for this unit.
Project work Learners are required to review an organisation’s business plan to
complete an operational plan.
Learners are required to develop a recruitment strategy to meet the
human resource requirements of the operational plan they have
developed for Assessment 1.
This assessment requires learners to identify areas of non
performance of an operational plan and make recommendations to
improve performance.
This assessment requires learners to identify a coaching need,
develop a plan and implement that coaching plan.

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Written report This assessment requires learners to develop a strategy to monitor
and review and report on the performance of an operational plan
within an organisation.
Learners are required to complete an analysis of physical resources
and their acquisition methods and make recommendations for
changes to acquisition methods where a more beneficial option is


Assessment Due
Assessment Task 1
Develop an Operational
Week 1
Assessment Task 2
Develop a Recruitment
Week 3
Assessment Task 3
Acquire Physical
Week 3
Assessment Task 4
Monitor and Review
Operational Performance
Week 4
Assessment Task 5
Make Recommendations
Week 5
Assessment Task 6
Coaching Plans
Week 5

Assessment Task 1
Develop an operational plan
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site
Assessment Date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
To develop an operational plan to deliver organisation business goals and objectives.
Assessment description
Learners are required to review an organisation‟s business plan to complete an
operational plan.
1. Identify an organisation and choose one of the following.
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a. Make arrangements to complete this project within your own
organisation with appropriate personnel.
b. Contact an organisation and obtain permission from the appropriate
personnel to complete this project.
c. If you are not currently employed and can not identify another
organisation to complete this assessment you may use the simulated
organisation information provided in Appendix 1.
2. Obtain a copy of the organisation‟s business plan or use the simulated
business plan provided and review the information contained in the plan.
3. Consult with appropriate personnel within the organisation as required in
order to obtain all of the information you require to complete the plan.
If you are using the simulated organisation information provided to complete
this assessment you need to complete a consultation strategy that details
who you would consult with, why you would consult with them and the method
of consultation.
4. Complete an operational plan using the organisations template/format or your
own template/format.
5. Refer to your Student Workbook for information regarding the format of your
6. Obtain sign off from key stakeholders by obtaining their signature on the
completed operational plan.
If you are using the simulated organisation information to complete this
activity you are not required to complete this step.
Group-based learners
Deliverable Specifications:
Learners are required to submit a completed operational plan using the
organisation‟s template/format or another template/format.
Completed plan must include signatures and comments of key stakeholders from
the organisation.
Note: Learners who use the simulated organisation information to complete this
assessment are not required to complete this component.
Quality Specifications
What the assessor is looking for;
evidence of use of the organisation‟s business plan to determine an operational
planning need
evidence of consultation with key stakeholders:
o Include names and positions of all people consulted and briefly
describe the nature and method of the consultation.

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o For learners completing this assessment using the simulated
organisation information you must submit a copy of a consultation
strategy that details all of the people you would consult with, why you
would consult with them and the proposed method of the consultation.
The operational plan must include the following information:
o Business goal: demonstrating an understanding of the organisations
business goals and objectives.
o Objectives: understanding of what will be achieved through the
implementation of the operational plan.
o Strategy: clear vision of the overall strategy for achieving the
o Key actions: understanding of the key tasks required for implementing
the plan including:
person responsible
resource requirements.
o Key performance indicators: demonstrated use of SMARTT KPIs.
o Contingency plans: demonstrated understanding of risks and
identification of appropriate mitigants.
o Outcome: clear vision of the expected outcome that demonstrates
achievement of the strategy.
o Approvals: demonstrated understanding of the organisations
operational plan approval process.
Appendix 1
Assessment simulated organisation information.
The Office Assistant
„The Office Assistant‟ is a retail store that sells office products and services. The
company has 25 stores around Australia.
Key products include:
office supplies
ink and toner needs
electrical equipment
office furniture.
Key services include:

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HMOP Manage Operational Plan Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 6
equipment hire
packaging and posting services.
Business plan
The organisation has a strategic objective to grow the services component of
their business in the next twelve months. Their objective is to increase
services sales by 10% by 30 June 201X.
The senior management team has advised all store managers that they are
responsible for developing and implementing an operational plan that will
deliver this increase in sales for their store.
The business has advised the store managers that they must complete an
operational plan to achieve sales growth of 10% and submit this plan for
approval before implementing.
Additional information
Your operational plan should include;
The expansion of services to include graphic design services.
Acquisition of additional printer, photocopier and delivery van to provide
for the increase in sales.
Reorganisation of fixtures and fitting within the store to make space for the
new equipment.
Multi-skilling of current retail product staff to include service knowledge.
Increase in human resource requirements as follows:

Number of additional resources
Ten full time equivalent employees.
Full time or part time hours. Full time and part time hours.
Permanent or casual employment. Permanent and casual.
Required start date. 1 February 201X.
Expect length of employment. On-going.
Skills required to perform in the role. customer service
knowledge of office products and
graphic design (for 4 FTE only).
Training you are able to provide. Product and service knowledge.

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Qualifications required. Formal graphic design qualifications for
4 FTE.
Pay levels. Retail assistant – $14 – $20 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual
Graphic designer – $22 – 25 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual

Note: as this is a simulated activity you are permitted to make up additional
information to complete your operational plan.

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HMOP Manage Operational Plan Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 8
Assessment Task 2
Develop a recruitment strategy
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
To develop a recruitment strategy to meet the human resource requirements of an
organisational operational plan.
Assessment description
Learners are required to develop a recruitment strategy to acquire the human
resources identified in their operational plan completed in Assessment 1.
1. Review the operational plan completed for Assessment 1 to determine the
human resource requirements.
2. Review the organisation‟s recruitment and selection policies and procedures.
Note: learners who used the simulated organisation information, provided in
Assessment 1, please see the information provided in Appendix 1 regarding
the simulated organisations resource requirements and recruitment and
selection policies and procedures.
3. Develop a recruitment strategy that adheres to the organisation‟s recruitment
and selection policies and procedures, to acquire the required human
4. Document sign off from key stakeholders by obtaining their signature on the
completed operational plan.
Note: learners who used the simulated organisation information, provided in
Assessment 1, to complete this assessment are not required to complete this
component however your assessor will be assessing whether your strategies
comply with „The Office Assistant‟ recruitment policies and procedures as
Group-based learners
Deliverable Specifications
Learners are required to submit a completed recruitment strategy using
Microsoft Word.

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HMOP Manage Operational Plan Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 9
The completed strategy must include signatures and comments of key
stakeholders from the organisation confirming the strategy complies with
organisational recruitment and selection policies and procedures.
Note: learners who used the simulated organisation information, provided in
Assessment 1, to complete this assessment are not required to complete this
component however you must ensure that your strategy complies with the
recruitment and selection policies and procedures for „The Office Assistant‟ as
Recommended submission date – upon completion of Assessment 1.
Quality Speifications
What the assessor is looking for:
Identification of human resource requirements including:
o number of resources required
o full time or part time hours
o permanent or casual employment
o required start date
o expected length of employment
o skills required to perform in the role
o training you are able to provide
o qualifications required
o pay levels.
A documented strategy for each of the following:
o sourcing candidates
o assessing candidates
o inducting and training candidates.
Appendix 1
Assessment simulated organisation information.
The Office Assistant
Resource requirements:

Number of additional resources
Ten full time equivalent employees.
Full time or part time hours. Full time and part time hours.
Permanent of casual employment. Permanent and casual.
Required start date. 1 February 201X.
Expect length of employment. On-going.

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Skills required to perform in the role. customer service
knowledge of office products and
graphic design (for 4 FTE only).
Training you are able to provide. Product and service knowledge.
Qualifications required. Formal graphic design qualifications for
4 FTE.
Pay levels. Retail assistant – $14 – $20 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual
Graphic designer – $22 – 25 per hour
(plus 25% loading for casual

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Recruitment and selection policies and procedures
This policy covers the way in which recruitment and selection is to be conducted at
The Office Assistant. It provides information about how we recruit, including our
employment value proposition and legal requirements.
Who does this policy apply to?
This policy applies to all employees in both the support office and stores across
When recruiting new hires you must ensure that you treat all candidates fairly
throughout each step of the process.
There are also specific legal requirements you must comply with, including equal
employment opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation.
Permanent recruitment
All permanent employees are to be recruited as per the following process:

Develop a job
All vacancies must have a documented job description
prior to advertisement.
Advertise the vacancy All vacancies are to be advertised internally.
External advertisements can occur at the same time as
internal advertisements.
Approved company branding must be used on all
external advertisements.
Short list applicants An applicant short list must be completed within one
week of application closing date.
All unsuccessful external applicants must be advised of
the outcome of their application via email or letter with
two weeks of the application closing date.
All unsuccessful internal candidates must be provided
with feedback as to why their application did not
progress to the interview stage within two weeks of the
application closing date.
Conduct interviews All interviews must be conducted at support office or in
the store.
All interviews must be completed using a behavioural
interview guide.
All unsuccessful candidates, internal and external, must
be advised verbally regarding the outcome of their
Unsuccessful internal candidates must be given
feedback as to why their application has been

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Testing All retail service assistants and support office
administration applicants are to complete the company
aptitude test and must score 80% or more to be
All support office management and store management
staff must complete the company psychometric test and
must score 90% or more to be employed.
Reference checks All applicants must have two reference checks, from
employment in the last three years, prior to hire.

You must keep all information about candidates confidential and store the information
in a secure place. Also, you must only use the information you collect from a
candidate to help you make a decision about whether or not to recruit a candidate.
Recruiting people with a disability
For some people with a disability, we may need to make changes to our workplace
so that they can perform their job to their full potential. We may need to adjust the
workplace or provide a special tool or technology.
You should contact human resources should you have a requirement to make
modifications to the workplace or equipment.
Information for employees applying for roles
All opportunities are advertised on the company intranet home page and are updated
weekly. You are encouraged to be responsible for your own career development and
apply for roles you are interested in.

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HMOP Manage Operational Plan Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 13
Assessment Task 3
Acquire physical resources
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
To complete an analysis of an organisation‟s physical resources and acquisition
Assessment description
Learners are required to complete an analysis of physical resources and their
acquisition methods and to make recommendations for changes to acquisition
methods where a more beneficial option is identified.
1. Identify ten physical resources within your organisation or another
Note: if you are not currently employed please use the resources for „The
Office Assistant‟ as detailed in Appendix 2 and complete Appendix 2 to
complete this assessment.
2. Complete the table provided Appendix 1.
3. Make recommendations for changing acquisition methods where you identify
a change could be beneficial to the organisation.
Deliverable specifications

Learners are required to submit a completed table using either Appendix 1 or
2. An electronic copy of the table will be provided by your assessor.

Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for:
Demonstrated understanding of the types of physical resources.
Demonstrated understanding of the different methods of acquiring resources.
Evidence of understanding the different organisational situations that impact
the decision as to which acquisition method should be used.

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Ability to analyse physical resources and how they have been acquired and to
make recommendations that could benefit the organisation.

Evidence of consultation with relevant stakeholders (not required for those
learners who are not currently employed).

Appendix 1
Organisational physical resources analysis

Learner Name Organisation
Resource Current
method of
method of
Comment as to why no change is
recommended or why you recommend a
change in the acquisition method

Appendix 2
Organisational physical resources analysis

Learner Name Organisation The Office Assistant
Resource Current method
of acquisition
method of acquisition
Comment as to
why no change is
recommended or
why you
recommend a
change in the
acquisition method
Office computer Purchase
Office desk and chair Purchase
Office stationery Purchase
Registers Finance lease
Delivery van Finance lease
Store colour
photocopiers x 5
Operating lease
Store colour printers x
Operating lease
Staff room fridge Rent
Staff room table and
ten chairs
Store stock Purchase

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HMOP Manage Operational Plan Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 15
Assessment Task 4
Monitor and review operational performance
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
Monitor and review the performance of operational plans.
Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to develop a strategy to monitor and review and
report on the performance of an operational plan within an organisation.
1. Using the operational plan you completed in Assessment Task 1 develop a
review strategy for monitoring the performance of the plan.
2. Identify the appropriate personnel you would be required to consult to obtain
all of the information you require to complete the review.
3. Develop a template for recording the performance of the plan and describe
how this template will assist you with monitoring the performance of the plan.
Group-based learners
Deliverable specifications
Learners are required to submit a documented review strategy that details:
o what will be reviewed
o when it will be reviewed
o how it will be reviewed.
Learners must submit a consultation strategy that details:
o who they will consult with
o why they will consult with them
o how they will consult with them.

Develop and document a reporting template that could be used to report on
the performance of their operational plan.

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Submit a written report that details how this template will assist with
monitoring the performance of an operational plan.


Recommended submission date – upon completion of Session 3.

Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for;
A brief description of the operational plan that you are reviewing including:
o an overview of the plan
o a description of the type of plan and the objective
o KPIs used to measure the performance of the plan.
A consultation strategy that demonstrates an understanding of others that
need to be consulted with to obtain the information required to complete a
comprehensive review.

A report template that demonstrates a review of the performance of the
operational plan with regards to the following questions:

o Is the plan on track to achieve milestones on time?
o Is the plan spending to date within budget?
o Are the milestone activities being completed as per the plan detail?
o Are the KPIs on track to being achieved?
o Are resources being utilised effectively, economically and safely?
A report template that clearly identifies areas of non-performance.
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Assessment Task 5
Make recommendations
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone
Assessor‟s Name Phone
Assessment Site

This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
Make recommendations to improve the performance of an operational plan.
Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to identify areas of non-performance of an
operational plan and make recommendations to improve performance.
1. Using the simulated organisation information provided in Appendix 1 identify
three areas of non-performance.
2. Develop recommendations to address these areas of non-performance.
3. Prepare a report to be submitted to have your recommendations approved.
Group-based learners
Deliverable specifications
Learners are required to submit a completed report that details the three
areas of non-performance and the recommendations that would address
these areas of non-performance.
Recommended submission date – upon completion of Session 5.
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Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for;
Identification of areas of non-performance.
Recommendations are appropriate for the area of non-performance.
Recommendations clearly state:
o what the issue is
o how you identified the issue
o what course of action you are recommending
o how your recommendations specifically addresses the issue.

A report that clearly presents the areas of non-performance and

Appendix 1
Assessment simulated organisation information.
The Office Assistant
„The Office Assistant‟ is a retail store that sells office products and services. The
company has 25 stores around Australia.
Key products include:

office supplies
ink and toner
electrical equipment
office furniture.

Key services include:

equipment hire
package and posting services.

Business plan

The organisation has a strategic objective to grow the services component of
their business in the next twelve months. Their objective is to increase

services sales by 10% by 30 June 201X.
The senior management team has advised all store managers that they are
responsible for developing and implementing an operational plan that will
deliver this increase in sales for their store.
The business has advised the store managers that must complete an
operational plan to achieve sales growth of 10% and submit this plan for
approval before implementing.
The Hillsdale store
Karen is the store manager of the Hillsdale store. When completing her operational
plan for her store to achieve 10% sales growth she identified the following KPIs to
measure the performance of her plan.

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1. Services sales increase by at least 10% by 30 June 201X.
2. All staff to be trained in selling services program by 31 March 201X.
3. All new employees to have completed the store two day induction program
within one month of commencement of employment.
4. Customer feedback forms, for customers who utilise store services, to be
developed and implemented by 31 January 201X.
5. Services sales review and reporting tool to be developed and implemented by
31 January 201X.
After completing her monthly monitoring activities for the month of January 201X
Karen has recorded the following achievement against the KPIs:
Sales to date have increased by 5%.
Ten out 45 staff have completed selling services program. Upon investigation
Karen finds that the program is only run Monday to Friday between 9am and
5pm. Most of Karen‟s staff are part time and casual and work the afternoon,
evening and weekend shift and therefore they are not able to attend the
All new employees have completed the store induction however it has
resulted in Karen‟s wages budget being consistently overspent to cover the
wages of staff when attending the induction.
Customer feedback forms have not been developed and implemented.
Service sales review and reporting tool has been developed and implemented
and is provided very useful information regarding services sales. For example
most sales occur outside of business hours and with the average sales value

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Assessment Task 6
Coaching plans
Submission details

Candidate‟s Name Phone No.
Assessor‟s Name Phone No.
Assessment Site

This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations
to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
Performance objective
Develop and implement a coaching plan to develop the skills of an individual.
Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to identify a coaching need, develop a plan and
implement that coaching plan.
1. Identify a coaching need either inside or outside of the workplace.
2. Develop a coaching plan to address that need.
3. Coach an individual using that plan.
4. Have the individual complete the evaluation form provided.
Group-based learners
Deliverable specifications

Learners are required to submit a completed coaching plan and learner
evaluation form.

Recommended submission date – upon completion of Session 5.
Quality specifications
What the assessor is looking for:
Completion of coaching plan.
Feedback from learner regarding whether or not the session was:
o well planned and structured
o easy to follow
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o adequate time to practise was allowed
o and that feedback provided by facilitator was useful and assisted in
the learning process.
Learner Evaluation Form
To be completed by the individual that the coaching session is completed for.

Learner name:
Coach name:
Coaching skills Y/N Comments
Introduced self and qualifications.
Introduced the purpose of the coaching
session (clear objective determined).
Explained the learning process.
Presented in a logical order.
Delivery method appropriate to the subject.
Content relevant to the achievement of the
Content matched to learner‟s level of skill
and experience.
Learner‟s interest levels maintained.
Learner given appropriate time to practice.
Provided tips throughout the practice
Relevant and meaningful feedback
Encouragement provided.
Session delivered in required time frame.

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Coaching skills Y/N Comments
Tone varied and interesting to listen to.
Pace – too fast/too slow?
Used appropriate language/grammar.
Body language
Maintained eye contact.
Used gestures to emphasise key points.
Avoided distracting mannerisms.
Looked comfortable and in control.
Used resources effectively to assist with the
learning and understanding.
Used notes appropriately.
General comments

Sampson, D. & Daft, R. (2009) “Fundamentals of Management”. 3rd edition. Cengage
Bartol, K. Tien, M. Matthews, G & Sharma, B (2008) “Management, A Pacific Rim
Focus” 5
th edition. McGraw Hill
Students should also use resources such as “The Age” newspaper, Financial Review
as well as magazine publications such as “BRW”.

BSB51107 Diploma of Management
HMOP Manage Operational Plan Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 23

1 Course introduction, assessments, etc.
Research, analyse and document resource
Assessment Task 1 – Develop an Operational Plan
2 KPI‟s (Key Performance Indicators)
Contingency plans
Obtaining approval for plan from relevant parties
3 Develop and implement strategies for recruitment and
Develop and implement strategies for acquiring physical
resources and services
Assessment Task 2 – Develop a Recruitment
Assessment Task 3 – Acquire Physical Resources
4 Develop, monitor and review performance systems and
Analysing budget and actual financial information
Identify area for improvement and determining solutions
Systems for mentoring and coaching
Assessment Task 4 – Monitor and review
operational performance
5 Developing and implementing systems for managing
procedures and records
Assessment Task 5 – Make recommendations
Assessment Task 6 – Coaching Plans


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