Manage legal and ethical compliance

124 views 9:18 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

Assessment Submission Sheet


CHC52015 –Diploma of Community Services

Unit Code


Unit Name

Manage legal and ethical compliance

Assessor Name

Student Name

Student ID

Date Due

Please read and sign this assessment coversheet and submit it together with your assessment to your Assessor by the due date.

Student Declaration

  • I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.

  • I have read the Plagiarism Policy and Assessment Appeal and Reassessment Policy in the Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking assessments.

  • I understand that by typing my full name in the student field this is equivalent to a hand-written signature.

  • I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes.

Student Signature

Date Submitted

Assessor Use Only

Assessment Items


Task 1

Knowledge Questions



Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback




Assessor’s Comments

Assessment Task 1: Workplace case study

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by researching information related to the legal and ethical compliance obligations of your organisation within the context of your work role, work placement or industry sector. You will also develop compliance related policies and procedures and report on strategies for keeping your compliance-related knowledge up to date. This assessment task assumes that you are placed in a leadership role in a small to medium sized organisation. If you are in a larger organisation, your assessor will work with you to identify a suitable workgroup, team or business unit to focus on.

You will complete and submit:

  • a Research Report which incorporates the results of your research

  • two policies and two procedures

  • a Policies and Procedures Report which summarises the development process of your policies and procedures.

You will need access to:

  • Research resources of legal and ethical issues faced by community services organisations.

  • your learning resources and other information for reference

  • Research Report template.

  • Policies and Procedures Report template.

Ensure that you:

  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

  • adhere with AIC submission guidelines

  • answer all questions completely and correctly

  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work

  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Complete the following activities:

Part A: Research

  1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge by completing a research report. It is important that you provide evidence that you have completed this requirement and we have provided you with a Research Report template to work in.

You will complete this assessment in the classroom but your research and answers should relate to community services workplace. If you are going to research a small to medium sized organisation, you will look at the whole organisation. If you research a larger organisation, you will focus on a workgroup, team or business unit. Speak to your assessor before you get started to help you identify a suitable group to research.

Tips for completing your research report

  • Read through this assessment and your templates before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or workplace supervisor.

  • Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate.

Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

  1. Complete your research.

    Research the following topics within the context of your workplace and fill in your Research Report Template.

    • Human rights and the impact of human rights on your practice

    • Legal and ethical frameworks

    • Your workplace’s legal compliance requirements

    • The legal compliance requirements for your own role

    • Sources of information related to legal compliance in your area of work

    • Risks, penalties and consequences of non-compliance with legal requirements

    • Ethical responsibilities

    • Your specific workplace requirements in relation to:

      • key practices prohibited by law

      • key licences

      • mandatory training and certification requirements

      • statutory reporting requirements

      • business insurances

      • accreditation requirements.

  2. Seek supervisor endorsement.

    Once you have completed your research report, your assessor will comment and endorse each section. Ask them to complete the report only after you have completed all sections.

  3. Submit your completed report.

Once you have completed your research, developed your research report you are ready to submit it to your assessor. Ensure that all sections are completed neatly and clearly and that all of your sources are quoted.

Please submit your responses here

Part B – Develop and communicate policy and procedure.

  1. Develop policies and procedures

    Use the research that you conducted in activity 2 to create privacy and confidentiality policy to ensure legal and ethical compliance within your organisation or work unit.

  2. Submit your completed policy and procedure and report.

Please submit your responses here

Part C – Staying up to date

  1. Maintain your knowledge.

Using the legal and ethical compliance, develop an email for your colleagues which provides two sources of information for keeping up to date about current and emerging issues in compliance.

The information sources must be current, reliable and relevant to community services workplace.

Draft the email for your colleague (for the purpose of this assessment, your assessor will play the role of your colleague).

Please submit your responses here

Assessment Task 2: Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by:

  • monitoring compliance

  • referring issues or breaches of ethical or legal practice to relevant people

  • developing a strategic response to three different situations where legal or ethical requirements have been breached.

You will complete and submit a Portfolio which incorporates templates, a reflective journal and, in some cases, third-party supervisor reports.

Your assessor will assess you and provide feedback.

You will need access to:

  • Community Services Workplace Scenarios.

  • Your learning / research resources and other information for reference

  • Portfolio template.

Ensure that you:

  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

  • adhere with AIC submission guidelines

  • answer all questions completely and correctly

  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

  • submit a completed cover sheet with your work

  • avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Community Services Workplace Scenarios.

Assume that you are working in a role with managerial responsibility for legal and ethical compliance in a community services organisation. You observed that there were an increasing number of complaints about the staff relating to privacy and confidentiality issues. In addition, the workers are not knowledgeable enough about the risk management strategies relevant to a community service setting. You are asked to research information about compliance and ethical practice responsibilities.

One day, you observed that an elderly Aboriginal man James who is well-respected amongst the Aboriginal community reached your community care setting for first aid after falling down on the street and hurting his ankle. He takes a seat, and the man reports to the receptionist, who says she will look after it. James waits for more than 3 hours – many other non-Indigenous clients were being treated before him. Finally, the receptionist calls him over and tells him a community nurse will see him now, and he is lucky as they don’t usually bother with drunk Aborigines when they fall over.

Last week a community care worker in your team was caught during an attempted theft of a client’s personal belongings, including money, while at work. On the same day, a newly appointed staff member in your community care setting left the computer open with a client’s case notes displayed on the screen and left the room. You walk in and observe this.

Another day Katrina, a casual nurse, comes to work with symptoms of covid-19. She knows that she should have stayed home, but she knew the service was going to be short-staffed. After carrying out her duties for three hours, Katrina talks to you in the tea room. She explains her symptoms and that she is feeling weak and unsteady. That evening six other residents developed covid-19 symptoms.

Complete the following activities:

  1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this assessment task requires you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by monitoring legal and ethical compliance. You must:

  • monitor compliance

  • refer issues or breaches of ethical or legal practice to relevant people

  • develop a strategic response to three different situations where legal or ethical requirements have been breached.

It is important that you provide evidence that you have completed this requirement and we have provided you with a Portfolio Template to work into.

Your assessor may arrange verbal assessment session to confirm certain aspects of this assessment and will also provide feedback.

For the purposes of this assessment task, you will require access to all the necessary facilities, equipment and resources to complete this task. You will also require access to workplace’s policies and procedures.

Tips for completing your portfolio

  • Read through this assessment, provided scenarios and your Portfolio Template before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or have a group discussion with your classmates.

  • Stay up to date! Complete your portfolio entries by providing organised, complete responses of your assessment.

  • Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate.

Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

  1. Complete your portfolio.

    Use the Portfolio Template to collect evidence for this assessment during your work placement period.

    There are six sections of your portfolio that need to be completed:

    • Section 1 – Summary

    In Section 1 you will summarise the legal and ethical compliance issues that you monitored.

    • Section 2 – Monitoring compliance

    In Section 2, you will describe the strategies which you will use and the activities which you will undertake to monitor and evaluate legal and ethical compliance in the workplace. You should describe each activity and detail what you do and the strategies that you would use.

    • Section 3 – Responding to compliance breaches

    In Section 3 of your Portfolio, you will describe the activities which you can undertake to respond to compliance breaches. You will report on three different situations where a legal or ethical requirement has been breached.

    For each breach, describe the breach and consider the following questions:

      • Was the breach legal or ethical?

      • How was the breach identified?

      • Who did you report the breach to and why?

      • What modifications did you or others make in response to the breach?

    You are required to fill in answers to all of the questions in Section 3.

    Section 4 – Other compliance activities

    In this section you will report on some of the general compliance activities that you undertook.

    You are required to fill in answers to all of the questions in Section 4.

    • Section – Personal reflection

    In Section 5, you will reflect on your work placement. You are required to fill in answers for all questions in Section 6.

  2. Submit your completed portfolio

Once you have monitored and managed legal and ethical compliance, completed all parts of your portfolio, you are ready to submit it to your assessor. Ensure that all sections are completed neatly and clearly.

Please submit your response here