Literature review for proposed research question

150 views 8:50 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

Literature review
Due date: Thursday, 20 April 11.59pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
Marks out of: 50
Weighting: 20%
Purpose: This assessment will assess course objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5
1.0 – Literature review for proposed research question
Literature reviews can be very large bodies of work, reviewing hundreds of documents and
summarising and critically reviewing the research to present an overall conclusion about a
topic or research question. This assessment will not be quite so large, but effort and care
must be taken to produce a literature review regardless of its size.
Using the
research question you developed in Assessment 1 Part A, and the research
articles you catalogued and referenced in Assessment 1 part C
, you will provide a short
literature review of approximately 1000 – 1500 words. The main task of this “literature review”
is to justify why you selected your research question. This will include presenting the
research that is already present surrounding your research question, and providing a critical
explanation as to the important nature of the research question. This may also include
highlighting any unknown information.
The following key aspects will be expected in the literature review:
Describing the overall topic surrounding the research question
Summarising what literature is available on the research question
Justify why this research question is relevant and important (using the literature to
support the argument)
Definitions of key terms specific to that topic
Explanation of the rationale of the research question (justification)
Citations embedded within the document
Reference list
References are expected to be included using EndNote. It will be assumed all
students will use Endnote for this Assessment’s purposes
. Note: Students who are
proficient in LaTeX and associated referencing software such as BibTeX, or other
referencing software should contact the course examiner if they wish to use different
referencing software. Proficiency will need to be demonstrated for the course
examiner to approve an alternative.
The majority of references used in Assessment 1 are expected to be included in this
assessment. Additional references are also expected to be included as you find more
information between the time of completing Assessment 1 and Assessment 2.
When referenced correctly, many journal articles will be referenced as a print copy.
This assessment will also require you to provide a second reference list that provides
direct URL or online resource for each reference that you have used (with
embedded hyperlink). If you used a hard copy item that does not have a digital
copy online, you will need to indicate where and how the item was obtained (library,
privately owned), and ideally a link to publication description of the book online. This
will be important for the second part of this assessment.
Formatting of the Literature Review Document
The literature review should use the following document formatting to provide ease of
Text or word processing document only (not .pdf) that demonstrates coding of
reference management software. LaTeX users must request approval for use.
1.5 line spacing
Size 11 font
Use a commonly used font type such as Times New Roman, Verdana or Calibri.
Insert line numbers (if you are uncertain how to include line numbers, type “insert line
numbers in XX document” – replacing XX with the type of word processing software
you are using) into a browser search bar.
Page numbers
Endnote will format your references for Harvard AGPS. If you are not using EndNote
correctly, this will be obvious to the marker. Please check your usage.
Include a title for the Reference list
Title page containing:
o Title of literature review (research question)
o Name
o Student Number
o Course number and name
Include a title for the Reference list
Note: An Abstract is NOT required for this assessment
Generating a Turnitin Report
In order for a peer to assess work, you will need to the use the Turnitin self-checking course
to produce a turnitin report on the literature review, which must be submitted with your
literature review and active links document.
1.1 – Required Submission Documents:
Supply each of the following as a separate document
1. Literature review:
o This must include your original reference list
o Name your document Surname_Student ID_Review
2. Active links Reference list
o As stipulated in the assessment instructions, this list should have active links
where your peer can locate the documents you used to create your peer
o Name your document Surname_Student ID_Links
3. Turnitin Report
o Use the Turnitin – self checking course enrolment and use for instruction to
create your Turnitin report.
o Alternatively, it is possible to use the Turnitin plugin that is part of the
assessment portal, to also download your report. However if you are not
familiar with how to do this, use the previous method.
o Name your document Surname_StudentID_Turnitin
Surname is your last name or ‘family’ name; and
Student ID is your UniSQ student ID number e.g. 0061234567
Important Information about the Submission portal
This is a “workshop” portal rather than an assessment portal. Therefore it will look
different to what you may be used to.
This portal does not have a “submit” button.
You must upload all three documents simultaneously.
Your submission will be registered as submitted when you can see “submitted”
written underneath your name as the assessment status.
You will not receive an email confirming your submission.
Turnitin will also read any text you type into the submission area (i.e., if you write in
what you have submitted as documents). It may cause Turnitin to generate a warning
that looks like this:
You can ignore the warning, since it is only saying you typed in less than 20 words
into the submission area.
The dates demonstrated in the workshop may look a little different to the dates in this
The date in the workshop is the final closing date for the portal, not
the due date for the assessment.
In order to accommodate extensions, this date
will be different to the designated due dates in this document. This does not mean
you are receiving an automatic extension. All extensions must be applied for by you.
The workshop “portal” is unable to include extension due dates, so these will be
applied and given to you elsewhere.

1.2 – Example rubric for the Literature Review – Marker’s use

Criteria Attribute Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Mark
Introduction Are the aims/goals of the
literature review included in
the introduction?
Is the research focus made
0-1 marks
A topic is
presented but no
specific question.
Research focus
not clear.
2 marks
A topic is presented
with some
reference to a
research question.
Research focus not
easy to identify but
has been
3 marks
Research question
is presented.
Research focus is
4 marks
Research question
is presented and
the research focus
is identifiable and
well done.
5 marks
Research question
is well presented
and the research
focus is identifiable
and very well done.
Depth of
Appropriateness of material
Known and unknowns about
research question
Appropriate range of
0-1 marks
The material
reviewed did not
match the
research question
well. Knowns and
unknowns were
not, or only
attempted. Lack
of references.
2 marks
Material reviewed
mostly does not
appear to be
appropriate for the
research question,
or is hard to tell its
purpose. Limited
3 marks
The material
reviewed appears
to be appropriate
for the research
question with some
Knowns and
4 marks
The material
reviewed is nearly
all appropriate for
the research
question. Knowns
and unknowns
5 marks
The material
reviewed is very
appropriate for the
research question.
Knowns and
unknowns provided.
g and
of the
Synthesis of the material
Ability to explain concept
0-2 marks
The material does
not appear to be
explained well. In
parts it is
3-4 marks
Literature review is
not explain well, with
the occasional
improved section.
5-6 marks
Literature reviewed
is explained well
some of the time.
Some confusing
7-8 marks
Literature review is
explained relatively
9-10 marks
Literature reviewed
is explained clearly
and very well.


Critical linking between
Critical approach to literature
0-1 marks
There is no critical
linking. There is
no critical
approach to the
literature cited.
2 marks
Not a lot of critical
linking has been
presented. There is
low evidence that
there was a critical
approach applied to
the literature.
3 marks
There is critical
linking but only in
some sections.
There only appears
to be occasional
critical approach to
the literature.
4 marks
There is critical
linking which is
demonstrated in the
review. There is
evidence of a
critical approach to
the literature most
of the time.
5 marks
There is critical
linking and is
throughout the
review. The
literature has also
been critically
reviewed with
critical approach.


Criteria Attribute Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Mark
Conclusion Succinct summary of
main points
Reinforcement of
justification of research
question being pursued.
0-1 marks
Does not appear
to summarise the
key points of
literature review
and evidence for
need of research
question not
2 marks
Limited attempt to
summarise key
information and
reinforcement of
justification of
question not well
3 marks
Summary of main
points presented
but could use some
further information.
Limited justification
of research
4 marks
Main points
succinctly and the
justification for the
research question
5 marks
Excellent succinct
summary. Research
question justified
very well.
Logical organisation of the
Presented in an
appropriate format (as
provided in guidelines)
0-1 marks
presented in a
disjointed and
manner. Missing
correct format.
2 marks
Content presented in
a mostly disjointed
and haphazard
manner. Partially
3 marks
Content presented
in a reasonable
order most of the
time. Mostly
4 marks
Content presented
in an appropriate
order most of the
time. Formatted
5 marks
Content presented
in the most
appropriate order.
Formatted correctly.
Style of expression
0-1 marks
Poor grammar
and spelling.
conversational or
expression not
2 marks
Mostly poor
grammar and
spelling. Shows
conversational or
colloquial expression
not academic.
3 marks
Good grammar and
spelling but with
multiple mistakes.
Mostly academic
4 marks
Good grammar and
spelling with few
mistakes. Good
5 marks
Excellent grammar
and spelling. No
mistakes. Excellent


Turnitin report shows
originality of content and
Expression with respect to
paraphrasing others work
Use of own words to
summarise information
No Turnitin report will be
awarded zero marks
0-1 marks
Very poor
Not clear if own
words. Issues
with Turnitin
report or similarity
issues detected
by marker.
2 marks
Attempted to use
own words for the
literature review.
Poor paraphrasing
and reasonably low
Turnitin score (& no
similarity issues
detected by
3 marks
Used own words
and mostly
paraphrased. Low
Turnitin score (&
no similarity issues
detected by
4 marks
Good use of own
words and
Low Turnitin
score(& no similarity
issues detected by
5 marks
Excellent use of
own words and
paraphrasing. Low
Turnitin score (& no
similarity issues
detected by marker)
In text citations
Reference list
Figures cited or sourced
Harvard AGPS style
Reference management
system evident (EndNote or
approved system)
If no Active links list submitted
this section receives zero
0-1 marks
Little to no
citations or
s of external
material provided.
2 marks
Some references,
citations or
of external material
3 marks
Reasonable use of
citations and
of externally
sources figures,
diagrams etc.
4 marks
Good references,
citations and
of externally
sources figures,
diagrams etc.
5 marks
references, citations
and appropriate
of externally
sources figures,
diagrams etc.
Comments (out of 50) Total