Literature Review 

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Homework 7ISYE695 Graduate SeminarName: Problem Statement 2. Literature Review ……. …… Table 1 shows a summary of the literature …………….. Table 1. Summary of Past Literature Reviewed Source Proposed yourlastname (2022) 2.1 ………… 2.2 ……………… 2.n ………………… 2.x Project Justification (change x to appropriate subsection number) ……………….. 4. References 4 Assignment Check ListISYE695 Graduate SeminarName: Check your work against each of the items in the checklist below, and place a check mark or NA (Not Applicable) to indicate you have checked the item. Do not place a check mark or NA without checking the item in the document. If any of the items are not clear, ask the instructor. Do not fill this out blindly. Status CONTENT 1. The problem statement is included as one continuous sentence on the top of the assignment and the statement includes the keywords “I am,” “because”, “in order to”, and “so that”. 2. The introductory paragraph(s) include the list of literature review categories. 3. The literature review table (say, Table 1) is mentioned in the paragraph before the literature review table is inserted in the section. 4. The first column of the literature review table lists in APA-style ascending alphabetical order the last names of the in-text citations of at least 10 allowed types of sources reviewed in the section (with your last name and year in the last row of the first column.) 5. The column headings from column 2 have the same title as the literature review categories listed in the introductory paragraph and in the same order with the last as “Proposed.” 6. The titles of subsections discussing literature reviewed for a particular literature review category are consistent with the titles listed in the literature review table and are listed in the same order as subsections. There are at least 2 sources under each literature category. 7. Each literature source check marked in a cell under a particular literature review category is cited and discussed in the subsection for that literature review category. 8. Each literature source discussed in the subsection for a literature review category is checked under the same literature review category in the literature review table. 9. Section 2 ends with a subsection justifying the project or the thesis proposed. 10. Each paragraph begins with an appropriate topic sentence and is supported by relevant meaningful and logically-ordered supporting sentences. 11. The literature review is your own paraphrase of sources reviewed and not just sentences copied from sources reviewed and modified slightly in a few places. FORMAT 12. There is exactly one-inch margin on all four sides of each 8.5” x 11” page consistently on ALL pages of the assignment. 13. Section titles 2 and 4 are in Times New Roman 14-point bold-faced font, numbered as 2 and 4, and there is no blank line or spacing after section titles. 14. Subsection titles are in Times New Roman 12-point bold-faced font, and subsection titles are numbered appropriately as 2.1, 2.2, etc. There is no blank line after subsection titles. 15. Sub-subsection titles, if any, are in Times New Roman 12-point font and underlined, and sub-subsection titles are numbered appropriately as 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc., and there is no blank line after a sub-subsection title. 16. Line spacing for text is set consistently as single-spacing for the entire document. 17. Section text is in Times New Roman 12 point black font in all sections and references. 18. Spacing between paragraphs is exactly one single-spaced blank line, and spacing before and after is set as 0 pt. You can find this setting under Paragraph drop down menu in Word. 19. All pages are numbered consistently at the bottom right corner of each page. 20. Spacing between the end of each section and the beginning of next section is 1 blank line. 21. Each figure (if any) is within page margins, has a sequential figure number as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and a relevant title (same font size and style as section text) and centered at the bottom of the figure. 22. Each table is within page margins, has a sequential table number as Table 1, Table 2, etc., and a relevant title (same font size/style as section text) and centered at the top of the table. 23. Each table or figure appears on a page (or an immediately following page) only after it has been mentioned in the section text. 24. There is NO unnecessary blank space at the bottom of a page just because a figure or a table could not be fit within the available space at the bottom of a page. In such cases, write continuously till the end of the page and insert the figure or table on top of the next page. 25. Figures and tables appear sequentially, and are referred sequentially in the text. For example, Figure 1 should be mentioned in a section before Figure 2 can be mentioned. 26. A figure or table in landscape format has its top on the left side of the portrait page. 27. Each section or subsection is not just a figure, a table, or a list but has some introductory text explaining the figure, table or list and mentions the figure or the table, as appropriate. 28. All bullets or lists begin with a noun or verb phrase consistently (parallelism) in style. 29. The text following a bullet or a numbered list is indented consistently similarly to the bullet or number. For example, see how the text is indented in this numbered checklist. 30. The sections are written in third person (that is, there are no “I”, “My”, “We”, “our”, “us”, “you”, “your”, etc.). 31. There are no confusing pronouns such as this, these, those, etc., without proper context. 32. All the subject-verb agreements ( e.g., “Customers have ..”, “User has …”, etc.) have been checked in the sentences. 33. All the sentences and lists are parallel in construction (e.g. “They designed, developed and implemented …” instead of “They design, developed, implementing …”) with respect to tense, gerunds, and verbs. 34. There are no arbitrary capitalizations in words (e.g. “The model …” instead of “The Model …”) and proper nouns are capitalized appropriately. 35. There are no run-on sentences and there is an “and” before the last item in a series of items. If you are not clear, review the ppt posted under External Links on run-on sentences. 36. There are no comma splices arbitrarily linking separate sentences with commas. If you are not clear, review the ppt posted under External Links on run-on sentences, which includes an explanation of comma splices. 37. There is no space before a punctuation, such as a comma or a period but there is a space after a punctuation, such as a comma or a period, as appropriate. 38. Units of data (if any) such as duration (week, day, etc.), currency (dollar), etc., are indicated appropriately 39. Any data or information, figure or table from an external source mentioned in the document includes proper in-text citation and reference entry in the References section. 40. Any abbreviation mentioned in the text includes the expanded version of it first time. 41. The document is free of gender references (unless a specific person has to be mentioned) 42. Each reference is listed in ascending alphabetical order of last names of authors, follows APA citation style and has corresponding in-text citation(s) in the text. Each reference is indented from the second line and there is a single blank line between references. 43. Each in-text citation follows APA citation style and has a corresponding reference in the section on References. 44. There are no “widows” or “orphans” in the text. See Writing Guidelines for an explanation. 45. There are no contractions of words (for example, spell out “don’t” fully as “do not”). 46. This checklist has been accurately checked and no item on this list has been checked blindly without making sure it has been followed correctly in the document. 47. A legible screen capture of each literature source showing more than the abstract, that is, the source text, is included in the same order as the list of references. 48. The assignment file was submitted well in advance of the assignment deadline to view Safe Assign report of any possible perceptions of plagiarism, and corrected as necessary. Note: Not everything that SafeAssign indicates as a match to other sources is plagiarism. 49. The assignment file and the sources file have been named with unique file names related to your first or last name and assignment number, and submitted. 50. All the mistakes indicated in previous assignments related to this assignment have been corrected in this assignment, and the document has been proof-read and spell-checked. I have checked my assignment document for each item in the checklist. For each item I had put a check mark in the list but had not corrected in the document or if there are 5 or more mistakes in my assignment, I understand I will receive a 0 for this assignment. (Type your name above to indicate you have understood the checklist instructions and followed them) Introduction: 1 Homework 7 ISYE695 Graduate Seminar 40 Points Read the instructions and complete this assignment fully and independently. When submitting your work, make sure to correct all the related mistakes indicated in your previous assignments. Use the information you had prepared for Assignment 5 (outline of the Literature Review) and expand the outline into a section titled, “2. Literature Review” and include additional subsections, such as 2.1, 2.2, etc., as appropriate. Sections 1 will be “Introduction” and you will write that section later on for a future assignment but not as part of this assignment. For this assignment, begin the section by describing the literature categories and then summarize the literature you have collected under each category under its corresponding subsection. For each category, convert the outline you had prepared for Assignment 5 into appropriate paragraphs with relevant topic sentences and supporting sentences. Remember that what researchers did in the past should be written in past tense (for example, as “Adams and Smith (2012) developed …”) but your thoughts about it can be in present tense and what you plan to do can be in future tense. Finally, end the section by justifying why the proposed problem should be explored. When you paraphrase particular sections or ideas from your literature sources, mark or highlight those places on the sources so you can remember where you took the information from. Mention the literature review table number in the text before the table appears. When you summarize the literature, make sure to paraphrase information taken from other sources and include appropriate in-text citations. When using exact key phrases or sentences from other sources, insert them within double quotes and include in-text citations with page numbers. In the “4. References” section (section 3 will be added in a future assignment), list the references in Times New Roman 12-point font for all in-text citations in your document. The references should follow the APA citation style and should be single-spaced and have a blank line between references. After the first line of each reference, indent the remaining lines of that reference. For this assignment, make sure of the following: 1. Read the writing guidelines on the next few pages and follow them fully! These are similar to Graduate School’s Theses and Dissertation Guidelines. 2. Read the sample answer provided for this assignment and use it as a guide but do not copy it. 3. Include the one-sentence problem statement on top of your assignment, as it will help to check if the literature review is related to the chosen problem. 4. A template has been provided to help you edit and complete the assignment easily. In the template file, delete the text included inside <> and replace them with appropriate subsection numbers and titles. Use the checklist included with the template to check your work. 5. As you did for Assignment 4, attach a separate file of screen captures with a readable page (or two) of each literature source