Legal Statutory Responsibilities in Construction

172 views 7:46 am 0 Comments March 14, 2023

Higher Nationals in

Construction and the Built Environment
UNIT 5: Legal Statutory Responsibilities in Construction
For use with the Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma in Construction (Building Services Engineering)
Assignment Brief Number: 1  
First teaching from January 2022
Issue 1






Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

Student Name/ID Number  
Unit Number and Title U5: Legal Statutory Responsibilities in Construction
Academic Year 2022-23
Unit Tutor Joanna Malinska
Assignment Title 1.       Planning and Building Control Legislation
Issue Date 30 January 2023
Submission Date  13 March 2023 Formative
IV Name & Date  
Submission Format
Submission Format: Written formal report collated in a folder with:

  1. Assignment Front Page/Title page
  2. Contents page
  3. Introduction and Methods
  4. Feasibility Report 4000-4500 words (+/-10%)

5.       Findings (Results/Answers with reference to each task attempted)

6.       Conclusion/ /References (Harvard style)


Notes: The Technical Director expects a professional submission for all trainee’s work with:

  • Word count is a recommendation & does not include cover page, contents page, quotations, references, appendices & reference list.
  • Suitable explanatory images  & diagrams
  • Reference list to the Harvard Reference system is to be provided in your written submissions.
  • Page ‘footer’ with your name and page no
  • Text options Arial, Arial Narrow 11pt or 12pt.

All reference sources must be acknowledged correctly, with quotation and pages numbers for quotes. Full reference details should be given in the reference list.

Student Declaration

I declare that I have read the guidelines on plagiarism and that all work being presented for assessment is my own. I have checked the content of my assignment using ‘Turnitin’ prior to submission. I understand that plagiarism may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.





Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback
Action Plan
Summative feedback




Assessor signature




Student signature




Task/Criteria Summary of evidence required by student Criteria Achieved


Task 1 – P1 Explain the key legislation and agencies in the planning process.  
Task 2 – P2 Explain how planning decisions are made and processes available to appeal and monitor them.  
Task 3 – P3 Explain the key legislation and agencies in the building control process.  
Task 4 – P4 Discuss how building decisions are determined and the processes available to appeal and monitor them.  
Task 5 – M1 Analyse the role of planning systems and agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.  
Task 6 – M2 Analyse the application of building regulations in low and medium rise residential and commercial buildings.  
Task 7 – D1 Evaluate the impact of planning systems and building regulations agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.  
Sources of information:


CARD, R., MURDOCH, J. and MURDOCH, S. (2011) Real Estate Management Law. 7th ed. Oxford

CLOUGH, R.H., SEARS, G.A., SEARS, K.S., SEGNER, R.O. and ROUNDS, J.L. (2015)

Construction Contracting: A Practical Guide to Company Management. 8th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

MASON, J. (2016) Construction Law: From Beginner to Practitioner. London: Routledge.

UFF, J. (2013) Construction Law. London: Sweet & Maxwell.


Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Examine the process used to obtain planning permission for the construction and alteration of buildings.

LO2 Discuss the processes and regulations used to control design and to ensure safe buildings.

Assignment Brief and Guidance


You are working for a civil engineering contracting company. Your employer has asked you to produce a report evaluating the Impact of Planning and Building Control legislation on the development of land and buildings for submission to the project team. The report is in two principal sections; these are:


First part of the report requires you to examine the processes required to gain all relevant planning consents for the development. To do this, you must explain the key legislation and the agents with the delegated responsibility for overseeing the planning process, and the procedures from application to consent granted including the appeals procedures. Your response should also analyse the planning system and the relevant agencies and how they manage development of land and buildings.


The second part of the report requires you to discuss the building control processes and regulations in place to ensure the design of buildings that are constructed appropriately and safe. Explain the key primary and secondary legislation and the role of the different controlling bodies discussing how they determine and control design and subsequent building work. Analyse how the building regulations will be applied for the different types of building on the project.

In conclusion the report should evaluate the impact of both planning and building control legislation in managing the development.


*Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Global. Link to

Recommended Resources

CARD, R., MURDOCH, J. and MURDOCH, S. (2011) Real Estate Management Law. 7th ed. Oxford

CLOUGH, R.H., SEARS, G.A., SEARS, K.S., SEGNER, R.O. and ROUNDS, J.L. (2015)

Construction Contracting: A Practical Guide to Company Management. 8th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

MASON, J. (2016) Construction Law: From Beginner to Practitioner. London: Routledge.

UFF, J. (2013) Construction Law. London: Sweet & Maxwell.




Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Examine the process used to obtain planning permission for the construction and      alteration of buildings D1 Evaluate the impact of planning systems and building regulations agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.
P1 Explain the key legislation and agencies in the planning process. M1 Analyse the role of planning systems and agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.
P2 Explain how planning decisions are made and processes available to appeal and monitor them.
LO2 Discuss the processes and regulations used to control design and to ensure safe buildings
P3 Explain the key legislation and agencies in the building control process. M2 Analyse the application of building regulations in low and medium rise residential and commercial buildings.
P4 Discuss how building decisions are determined and the processes available to appeal and monitor them.