Learning Outcomes

136 views 8:54 am 0 Comments May 26, 2023

Learner Name: Anne Marie Keane

Learner Registration ID:


Unit Title: 7.10 Strategic Planning

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Learning Outcomes

LO Achieved

(If not all AC’s have been achieved a decision is made as to whether the overall LO has been)

Assessment Criteria





Evidence to show achievement of the learning outcomes

General Comments

This document has not been reviewed. There are a series of syntax, punctuation and grammatical errors.

You need to consider the scenario. “You are a business development consultant……………” You need to critically consider if and/or what this report communicates to the directors/stakeholders of a company?

You need to consider your objective for the report and for each section of the report. What, specifically are you hoping to accomplish and /or how does each section contribute to the whole (given the scenario).

The report reads like a series of extracts from other sources and consequently one section seems disconnected from other sections.

A word on Formatting & Structure

Good introduction.

However, from nowhere, without warning you state that “it would need to subdivide….”?

There is a lack of continuity. It reads like 6 separate reports with each subsection (AC) detached from the others. It is supposed to be one report where each section informs and is informed by another to build a clear and concise “picture”. The reports needs more continuity.

Given the above and the comments that follow the learner does not demonstrate/the report does not communicate an adequate understanding and application of the concepts.


Understand the external environment affecting an organisation

1.1 Explain the importance of external factors affecting an organisation


This answer is very vague and general. It does not demonstrate that you understand and/or can apply the models. You need to be more precise/explicit in your answer. You need to identify relevant factors and explain their potential impact (arrive at conclusions) on Coca Colas strategy (i.e why they are important). You need to be explicit in your answer.

This feedback was communicated to you previously.

1.2 Analyse the needs and expectations of stakeholders of an organisation


You identify a process for mapping stakeholders but you do not apply it.

You identify 3 categories of stakeholders but it is not entirely clear what their needs and expectations are.

You identify Mendelows Matrix which is then immediately followed by a duplication of existing text. You have not applied Mendelows matrix to Coca Cola and therefore you have not demonstrated an understanding of the tool.

The structure/flow (sequencing) of this section made it a difficult read.

You have explained stakeholder salience but you have not applied it to Coca Cola.

You need to rework this section. Specifically, you need to restructure the sequence/flow. You need to test your understanding of the tools (i.e what, precisely, they do and why they are important in strategy formulation. Then you need to apply them to coca cola. These tools are there to help strategists to approach complex problems in a structured and systematic fashion so that they can identify and draw conclusions (solutions) on real issues and challenges. In other words how will stakeholders impact on strategy?

1.3 Analyse the major changes taking place in the external environment that will affect strategy


You have identified the correct tools. However application of the tools is insufficient. Specifically:

Political factors. This is a very limited analysis and it does not communicate how, explicitly, they will impact on Coca Cola.

Economic factors: Inflation has been low for many years and is likely to remain low over the next 2/3 years. This analysis does not demonstrate research and is insufficient at this level.

Social factors. Again very limited but demonstrates and understanding.

Technological factors: This is a vague generalisations and provides no insights.

Legal factors: This is a vague generalisation and provides no insights.

Environmental factors: Vague generalisations providing no insights.

Task environment: This is not an analysis.

Porters Five Forces: You have not demonstrated an adequate understanding of what the 5 forces are and you have not applied the model to demonstrate a sufficient understanding.

You have not identified any Opportunities or Threats. You have not arrived at any conclusions.

Please refer to feedback already communicated.


Be able to review existing business plans and strategies of an organisation

2.1 Use appropriate tools to analyse the effects of current business plans


Benchmarking Analysis: This is not an adequate analysis at this level. You’re your paper simply lists and explains 3 types of benchmarking and compares four financials. There is not explicit analysis or conclusions. You need to demonstrate that you understand the benchmarking/gap analysis and that you can apply it.

Knowledge Analysis: Your paper explains what a knowledge analysis is but does not provide an analysis or any conclusions.

Value Chain Analysis: There are small elements that demonstrate an understanding. Overall however there is very little substance to this analysis and therefore I cannot determine if you fully understand and/or can apply.

Culture: You have explained what culture is but you have not demonstrated sufficient understanding and application. What is Coca Colas culture?

You have identified relevant tools. However you need to review week 4 resources and you need to demonstrate that you 1. Understand the tools and 2. Can apply the tools and 3. Arrive at relevant and meaningful conclusions (gain new insights) that will inform future strategy.

See also feedback previously communicated.

2.2 Review the position of an organisation in its current market


This is not an adequate review of an organisations position in the market place.

You need to identify and use the tools provided. Specifically, you need to do a market share analysis, lifecycle analysis and Ansoff. You need to identify the key players and their market position. Then you need to communicate your understanding of their customers (market segmentation). You have simply listed categories of customers.

See also feedback previously communicated to you.

2.3 Evaluate the competitive strengths and weaknesses of an organisation’s current business strategies


This is a good SWOT and you have referenced it. However taking the SWOT matrix away, you have only described what a SWOT is, which is also referenced as another’s work. Your conclusions about lifecycle and health are good. However your conclusions about opportunities are only a vague generalisation. Given the foregoing I cannot establish if you as the author of the report 1. understand the importance of a SWOT or if you can apply it adequately at Level7/8.

You need to review week 4 materials and clearly demonstrate in your work that you know what the tools are, why they are important (what they do/how they add value) and apply them to Coca Cola so that you can gain new insights (arrive at conclusions)

See also feedback previously provided.


Be able to develop options for strategic planning for an organisation

3.1 Use modelling tools to develop strategic options for an organisation


I don’t understand how the opening paragraph adds value.

Please review feedback already provided to answer this question.

3.2 Develop a comparative understanding of activity from organisations in the market


The question asks you to use the tools provided to develop “an understanding of developments taking place within similar organisations in the market..” You have identified the correct tools but you have not used (applied) them correctly because you have not applied them to the market or to “similar organisations in the market”.

You need to review your notes and rewrite this entire section.

3.3 Create options to form the basis of future organisational strategy


The question asks you to “Create options to form the basis of future organisational strategy”. You have not answered the question asked. Please refer to feedback previously communicated to you.


Be able to construct a strategy plan for an organisation

4.1 Propose a suitable structure for a strategy plan that ensures appropriate participation from all stakeholders of an organisation


I doubt that you have captured their vision or values accurately.

You have provided a structure that is adequate. However some of the content inaccurate. For example I do not understand “Competitive strategic” and Strategy is not correct.

Finally the purpose of this AC was to “….ensures appropriate participation from all stakeholders of an organisation” I am not sure you have accomplished that sufficiently.

You have made reference to the Strategy Diamond but your paper does not demonstrate that you understand and/or can apply.

You need to refer to week 7 resources and previous feedback.

Your conclusion is not a fully developed conclusion. You need to rework the conclusion so that it captures and communicates new insights based on your analysis.

4.2 Develop criteria for reviewing potential options for a strategy plan


I don’t agree with your opening paragraph.

You have identified the correct measurement tools. However your paper only describes in general terms what these measurements do. You have not applied developed specific measurement that can be applied to coca cola. You need to align this with the strategic objectives (which I am still unclear of) that resulted from your PEST/SWOT etc etc.

4.3 Construct an agreed strategy plan that includes resource implications


You have not answered the question asked.

You need to review week 8 resources.


Be able to examine factors affecting an organisational strategy plan

5.1 Compare core organisational values (ethical, cultural, environmental, social and business) with the current business objectives of an organisation


This section begins with a number of syntax errors making it difficult to read

You have not answered the question asked

You need to “Compare core organisational values (ethical, cultural, environmental, social and business) with the current business objectives of an organisation

See also previous feedback.

5.2 Develop appropriate vision and mission statements for an organisation


The answer begins in a confusing way. Relatively speaking a lot of material was provided because of the significance of the M&V in strategy formulation. Your answer does not demonstrate sufficient understanding and application. This might be because there is an absence of continuity in the report. The mission/vision informs all other parts of a strategy. However this does not come across in your report.

The assessment asks you to “develop……”

See also previous feedback.

5.3 Produce agreed future management objectives for an organisation


These may be a selection of some of coca colas goals. But they are not there only goals. Moreover, they do not align with the mission/vision you have articulated. Goals/Objectives/Mission/Vision must all align (as you state, but do not demonstrate) to ensure successful strategy formulation and achievement. This is perhaps the most explicit example of the absence of continuity in your report. You have also included a series of visuals and bullets but I do not see how they add value and/or demonstrate that you can apply the course concepts.

You need to rework this topic so that it is linked to the relevant other sections. See also previous feedback.

5.4 Develop measures for evaluating a strategy plan


I had to use the “Find” function to locate this. I cant see how this relates to coca cola. It might do but you have not articulated/linked it to mission/vision etc etc. Also you have not identified or drawn from the course concepts. You will need to review course notes and rework this section.

See also previous feedback.


Be able to plan for the implementation of a strategy plan

6.1 Develop a schedule for implementing a strategy plan in an organisation


A strategy is concerned with the long term (3+ years). A suggestion of 90 days implies that you do not understand the very core of strategic planning. Moreover, the schedule does not capture any connection with the rest of your report.

As previously stated the aim of an assessment is to clearly and concisely demonstrate that you can identify the correct concepts/tools etc. Demonstrate that you understand them and then demonstrate that you can apply them. This answer does not meet this criteria. You need to review course notes and rework this section.

See also previous feedback

6.2 Create appropriate dissemination processes to gain commitment from stakeholders in an organisation


You have identified stakeholder categories. You have identified Mendelows matrix but you have not applied it (ie you have not identified which stakeholders have power/influence.

You have identified the need for a plan and possible methods/channels but you have not made it relevant to coca cola or the strategy.

See also previous feedback.

6.3 Design monitoring and evaluation systems for the implementation of a strategy plan in an organisation


You have communicated a whole range of concepts with regard to monitoring, evaluation and control. However you have not answered the question asked. You need to apply the concepts. In other words you need to “Design……..”

See also previous feedback.

Plagscan report