Learning Experience

160 views 8:36 am 0 Comments June 2, 2023

Politics Assignment

Learning Experience/Lesson Plan Template

Sections in grey shading may only apply if you prefer

All relevant sections need to be completed for each plan

TC’s Name


Age group

No of Children


Title of lesson

(Broad title indicating the content)


(The why: drawn from your observation analysis, interventionist and intentional teaching, parental feedback or mentor teacher suggestion – you need to include a date of obs /conversation etc.)

Prerequisite knowledge/ concepts/skills are required?

(What prior knowledge or skills are required? How does this lesson link to the previous one?)


(Describe the intended learning for this experience – links to your Observation(s) and assessment. Be specific)

For the children to…

For the children to…

For the children to…

Direct from the EYLF/VEYLDF Learning Outcome/s

3 levels:





(This must link this to your objectives. What are you assessing and why? How will you assess student progress? Identify the assessment tools you will use to collect data and how you will record it. Attach copies of any documentation).

Groupings and Physical Space

(How will you group your students? Whole class, small groups, individual? What spaces will students occupy? How will you arrange and utilise the classroom resources?)

Equipment/Resources required

(Detailed list of all equipment and resources needed throughout entire lesson)


(Indicate here if you have included attachments)

Learning Process


(What will you do to introduce the learning experience/lesson? How will you introduce the main objectives?

Main Component – This section may not apply to learning tables/spaces in Age Three to Five placement.

Describe what you will do as a teacher and what you want students to do.

Provide brief details of the learning experience and think carefully about the purpose when designing these.

Provide examples and questions that you will use.

Indicate how you will monitor each student’s understanding.

Ensure that the content is evident from your description.


This section may not apply to learning tables/spaces during Age Three to Five placement.

(How will you draw together the ideas of the lesson? The process may include whole class sharing, teacher-directed or student-led discussion, reflective drawing/ journal writing /sharing, a summary, a scene setter for the next learning experience/lesson, etc.)

Personal Evaluation

Use this to reflect on your role as the educator.

Evaluate the inter-relationships between the objectives, content, pedagogy and results of your lesson.

What did you change as the experience progressed?

What went well and why?

How could you improve this?

What do you need to remember for next lesson?

Learning experience/lesson plan provided to teacher PRIOR to implementation

Mentor teacher’s Initials

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