Lean Management

125 views 6:52 am 0 Comments April 5, 2023

Lean Six Sigma is referred to as the team-focused managerial technique that emphasizes improving performance by eliminating any type of project defects and resource waste. As mentioned by Singh and Rathi (2019), in this competitive business environment, the demands and expectations of the customers have been changing rapidly creating the need for businesses to minimize their product testing life cycle to meet potential customer needs in a more efficient manner.

The given case study reveals that due to the growing demand from the customers, there is a need to speed up the turnaround time without creating any compromise with the traceability and accuracy of the respective testing process. In this regard, the application of the Lean Six Sigma methodology can serve as beneficial to minimize the turnaround time by removing any type of waste from the testing process. This will maximize the chance of offering accurate product results and meeting the demands of the target customers efficiently.